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The imploders were “hero’s” and explorers, according to the media.
Sounds like a rock band dudn’t it, OceanGate Rush and the Imploders.
Heavy, man.
And their one hit wonder,”Carbon Fiber Ti Can”
Human beings are born with different capabilities.
If they are free they are not equal.
If they are equal they are not free.
When someone tries to tell you differently, kick em in the nutz and then lunch right down on the base of that skall. Then reward yourself with half a doz adult beverages.
Thanks, Mgt.
Looks like something from Epoch Times Daily Hidden Object game. Sure would not want to be standing under that swarm…….Bought “”The Devil’s in The Cows” by Sippican Cottage. He is a Great writer.
Remember Remus?
With all the recent troubles we’re again being invited to an honest and open conversation about race, or said differently, the browbeatings will be resumed. Try this for honest and open: many of us, probably most of us, are tired of your whining, your so-called grievances, your violence and crime, your insults and threats, your witless blather and pornographic demeanor—all of it. You’re not quite 13% of the population yet everything has to be about you, all day, every day. With you, facts aren’t facts, everything’s a kozmik krisis, and abusive confrontations are your go-to.
Here’s the thing: some of us despise you, although fewer than you believe, but most of us plain don’t care about you or your doings. There was a time when we did care, but you betrayed our good will and played us for fools. We laugh about it now, but we actually believed you wanted equal opportunity and mutual respect and to live in harmony—all that stuff. Ain’t it a hoot? Imagine our embarrassment.
We talk among ourselves just like you do. It’s true, we have “frank and open discussions” when you’re not around. Why? Partly because it’s exhausting to tippy-toe around you. Partly because you think it’s your celestial right to tell us what we can say. And partly because you’re alarmingly aggressive or painfully dim-witted by turns. We never know which “you” will pop out of the box, or when. But mainly because you’ve revealed yourself as grasping opportunists without honor or principle. There’s your deal-breaker. There’s more.
During the recent riots you expected us to believe heisting snack food then torching the place was “standing up for justice”. When we didn’t buy it, you told us the looting and arson wasn’t done by the rioters after all, no, all the bad stuff was done by rioters from out of town. Apparently you think it makes a difference to us. And if we don’t fall for that one, you tell us you’re the real victims, you’re the ones “hit hardest” because the neighborhoods you looted and burned are, um, looted and burned.
We’ve never stood in your way but we don’t really care if you have good neighborhoods or not. The evidence says you don’t care either, unless we build and maintain them for you, what your enablers call “investments in urban communities.” They don’t mention the return on our past “investments”. Our former neighborhoods weren’t improved by your arrival. Your contempt for ordinary civility tells us no level of “investment” would make a difference. Listen up. It’s simple. Just like our neighborhoods are our responsibility, so are your neighborhoods your responsibility, not ours. Your clownish leaders will tell you otherwise but they’ve always been your responsibility and they always will be your responsibility. Accept it or don’t, you’re the ones who live in them. There’s more.
Your air conditioned, smart phone equipped, EBT-financed “poverty” doesn’t wash to begin with, yet you’d have us believe poverty causes crime. There’s no payday for assault and rape and random killing. Police say 20% of your criminal violence is related to dope-dealing, okay, business disputes of a sort, but it says the rest of it is largely pro bono. We also notice you have a working knowledge of jury nullification and take pride in not “snitching”, typical gang behavior.
We say “what you think, you do. What you do, you are.” We know what you think—we hear it every waking minute. We know what you do. How could we not know what you are? Just so it gets said, crime causes poverty. It drives away productive people, their businesses and the opportunities you said you wanted. More bad news: you’re free to accuse them of anything you wish but they’re not coming back.
Schools haven’t been educating our kids for a long time. They’re too busy conjuring up new ways to teach yours, in fact, we’re beginning to think yours are the only ones who matter. There’s always some new scheme claiming dazzling success which, in the end, amounts to handing out the answers with the tests, or taking the annoying hard stuff out of the coursework, or entering unearned grades by hand. Whatever they’re doing they’re doing it wrong. Your kids are telling us, in every way they know how, they have neither the interest nor the inclination for academics. Perhaps we should listen. If what they want is “out” it’s worth considering and probably worth encouraging.
You tell us the schools have “failed to meet their needs.” And what are their needs, pray tell? Higher standards and tougher tests? Stricter rules and a dress code? Or some alternate universe where credit is earned for putting teachers in the ER, or for a string of abortions before the tenth grade? If you’d tell us what their needs are we’d at least know what needs we’re failing to meet. Until then we’ll mark it down for what it is, another lame excuse. They’re supposed to be schools, not day care or orphanages or theme parks.
You pester us with the “civil rights movement” of fifty years ago as though it happened last week, with tedious 1960s footage and cloying voice-overs, in an endless loop, like Groundhog Day, decade after decade. It’s understandable, you haven’t met any real resistance since those days. Breaking news: none of it matters any more, it all devolved into just another swindle, an extortion racket, “pay up or we’ll make a stink—and the bad optics are on you”.
Schools now teach something called White Privilege, which claims no overt act is necessary for us to be racist, in fact, absence of such acts is said to be direct evidence. It’s the “original sin” concept in a different wrapper, meaning our putative racism is bone deep and can’t be discharged by good works. Even so, they say we must atone in perpetuity for being white. They suggest we devote our lives in selfless service to you. No. Sorry. Whatever white privilege there may be, it isn’t enough. In fact, being subjected to White Privilege prattle is worth a couple of privileges.
Speaking of privilege, 60% of your college grads—and 20% of all of you—are employed by government. The intent is to create an artificial middle class of course, hence the trivial positions with imaginative titles and weighty salaries. In the lower reaches it’s the quota hires, typically unqualified. It’s a great offer. You pretend you’re doing something useful and we pretend to believe you. The rest of your grads are largely diversity directors, window dressing, teachers of dubious “studies” and improbable “histories”, and similar warehousing schemes for the otherwise unemployable. It’s as good as it’s ever going to get, except for those on the skinny end of the bell curve—for whom we have genuine, i.e., earned respect. You’d be a fool to leave it on the table, for as long as it lasts.
So here’s the deal. If you want to know what we really think of you, the answer is we don’t, unless you’re making yourself unavoidable or we’re cleaning up your latest mess. We can safely rely on you to make astonishingly irresponsible choices and blame us for the consequences. And you’ll demand we make good on them for you. We won’t take a chance on your sincerity ever again. Take it somewhere else, you have no credibility left with us. You’re a net liability, predictable to the point of surety. So we attend to our own lives and our own problems. It’s as it should be. We recommend it. As for you, frankly my dear, we don’t give a damn.
Still want Massa take care of ’em; just don’t want to work for it but want to live in (and run) the Big House.
Is it called “double entender” or sumfink like that?
That last sentence Remus wrote.
Rhett Butler said that to Scarlett O’Hara at the foot of the broad sweeping stairs in that slave filled plantation mansion, while butterfly mcqueen flitted about..
Unless you’re among seriously based people, it’s a social crime to even admit to disliking negroes. Reciting the NAXALT disclaimer has become a social shibboleth as empty as pbuh.
There is no morality on the level of “like” or “dislike.” Morality is all about what you do, not what you feel. The commandment is to love thy neighbor, not like him.
So what is “love thy neighbor?” I cannot have deep feelings of affection toward a stranger, and certainly not toward one who wishes me dead.
I take it to mean keeping the commandments. Even if I find my neighbor repugnant in every way,
I won’t murder him. I won’t steal from him, falsely accuse him, or commit adultery with his spouse. I’d go one extra mile, and say I will not be uncivil toward him unless his behavior demands it.
I do not have to like him. I do not have to live near him. I do not have to tolerate his bad behavior, and I certainly am not obligated to support him. If I want to keep far far away from him and his kind I have committed no sin, and certainly no wrong. Try that line of thinking with a SJW, and listen to xim/xher sputter and choke until he calls you a rayciss.
I’ve made a point to never give an inch to the Wokists. When I say my opinion on something, I don’t excuse it to make Lefty feel less-triggered. I don’t play his game, and I refuse to put my comments in his frame of reference. Which is why I never say: “I like blacks,” or “I have black friends”. I don’t need magic words or a talisman to defend me from nonsense that Lefty insists upon and believes.
I did not like black soldiers in army basic training, but I did like the officers who were black when I took several officer courses. They were 100% black men, but they were more army than they were anything else. Other than great human beings. I took inventory after I left the Infantry Officer’s Advanced Course, and realized without having know it, that every friend I hung with was black. I could think of reasons why but whatever they were, they were unconscious and unplanned. I’d go back to back with a veteran of any color anyway and especially when the chips are down. But, show me a black pro athlete today and I wouldn’t piss on him were he on fire.
If I were to go into church and sit next to a black Christian, I’d be fully at ease and even friendly. It’s the way I am (BION).
What if I were to meet a politician at the store, or an event or at the airport. Doesn’t matter to me what color, party affiliation, or state he’s from, I’d step on the back of his shoes, and let the air out of his tires. same goes for lawyers. Same for doctors. Big corporate businessmen. I was really pleased to here Roseanne Barr on YT say without pausing an instant, that woke corporate execs are fascists. You’re goddamned right.
BTW, the guy that said that line: “never get off the boat,” in Apocalypse Now – he passed away. Shame to see that, and if you are a fan of that movie, do watch the Director’s Cut in its longest from. It’s a whole new movie.
Wagner Group?
The depth of the US mafia is inestimable.
When it blows it will be a Titan.
Better have an escape plan.
Hunkering down in place isn’t a plan, it’s a default choice by the lazy man.
Maybe you can do better’n that, maybe you can’t. shrug
Russia just took a huge hit. If the CIA did do something, it’d be the first time in recent memory they didn’t screw the pooch. They’ve got it so far up America’s ass, I can’t see them doing anything to improve foreign affairs.
Watch the vacuum when Poot-In falls, and Russia splits up. It will be some shit. Russians will be seeking asylum in France, just to find some rat meat to eat.
Watch the Zaphorizia-Melitopol Axis. House of cards will fall in; it’s not politics, it’s science.
I wonder if I can tap into the nuke after market? Anyone wanna go halfsies?
Way to go, ghost!