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Open thread 3/17/23

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  • John Venlet March 17, 2023, 10:06 AM

    If one is inclined to consume mainstream media sources and consider them factual, they’re in the comforting lies queue. Live not by lies.

  • ghostsniper March 17, 2023, 12:08 PM

    Something jwm wrote in the last post sparked this.

    Imagine what life was like 20+ years ago before the “web” of deceit, otherwise known as the internet.
    How did we survive?
    How did we find out anything and everything about anything and everything in 30 seconds before?
    Oh that’s right, we didn’t.
    We read the paper in the morning to stay informed and watched the news at 6pm on TV for the bigger picture and we’d listen to the radio at lunchtime to get up to the minute briefings on important stuff.

    But now all of those things have turned criminal and communist and in some cases just don’t exist any more.
    Some how most of us managed to get from 8 in the morning til 6 at night without being informed about every little nuance big and small and still have a decent life in spite of it.
    Some of us didn’t do news at all and were blissfully ignorant, and happy.
    Maybe life was even better back then. Ya think?

    Having been “online” in one form or another since about 1988, I believe the best time frame for online participation was from 1998 – 2002.
    Everything was still new, and new things were happening everyday and the online future seemed bright and inviting.
    Truth was the prevailing indicator and lies were seldom and blatant.
    Then little by little things started souring. Slowly.

    “Social Media” became a thing and all the narcissists you could imagine were drawn out of the woodwork.
    Online banking and purchasing moved a lot of commerce from the stores to the websites.
    It became easy buy stuff and show off the new stuff on a variety of social media venues.

    Your normally boring lunch at the local deli became a million viewer free video, complete with sideboard flashing ads, for all the world to see.
    If you painted your hair schoolbus yellow and drew comic book characters all over your face you stood out in the crowd and all your fans wanted to be you.
    The devilishly exciting you that was automatically linked to 12 different platforms. The whole world loves you!

    Then you made a mistake. During your video at the coffee shop one evening you uttered what at the time seemed like a very minor falsehood and instantly 10 million people that liked you trawled around in your baggage and didn’t like what they found out about you so they set out to destroy the very foundation of your entire existence. Your world now became a scary place that did not exist 20 years before. How you wish you could hit “backspace” a few times and start anew with new insight. The internet is forever, good, bad, and ugly.

    At 100 feet away, can you hit a dime with a 12 ga shotgun firing 00 buckshot?
    No. I’d bet not.
    The whole area will be obliterated but most likely that dime will be right where you put it.
    The BB’s in the 00buck go wherever they want and you can’t change that.
    If you want to hit that dime straight on you need a gun that fires a single bullet accurately.

    The other day I wanted a price on brake pads and rotors for my 2001 Blazer 2dr 4×4, so I typed the proper words into google.
    Know what I came up with?
    8million hits and the first 10 had nothing to do with my Blazer.
    I had to go to a known auto parts place and type in the credentials.
    Due to SEO (search engine optimization) and a host of other “tricks” that google allows the entire search function is mostly useless.
    SEO is a trick my son showed me 20+ years ago. It’s where thousands of “transparent” words are embedded into any given website so that said site will show up in google whenever any of those words are used in a search string. Clever, no? No. 2 pages into my brake pad search were Chicago restaurant listings. Why? I don’t know, but it made me go back to old skool methodry. Why? Old skool works, new skool does not. I drove to a NAPA store 20 miles from here and bought the parts to repair my Blazer.

    Long and the short of it is, new tech is becoming obsolete because of poor behavior by the people that run it.
    People like me have a low tolerance for that sort of thing and seek other ways to get stuff done that needs to be done.
    IOW, the whole internet is quickly becoming irrelevant for many things, for many reasons. Mostly lack of accountability.
    Nobody gives a shit about anything.
    Between all the lying by people that know better, and the huge waste of time involved with everything internet, I’ve got better things to do.
    In the final quarter of my life I am making decisions everyday as to whether to allow anyone or anything to rob me of the most valuable thing I possess and that is the very limited time I have left on this planet. I forsee a time in the near future where my lifestyle will be vry similar to what it was before 1988.
    –sans web

  • Anonymous March 17, 2023, 4:04 PM

    Two so-called “good” things have screwed us up … two things “today” can’t live without but we did fine without until the 80s or so (remember the era of yuppies and “mergers & acquisitions”) when those two things overcame their novelty and became mainstream.

    I shouldn’t mention the two things – hell, just writing this is based on one of them.
    Maybe later – I’ll see what others think first.

  • Boz March 17, 2023, 4:19 PM


    But… what do you all think the corrypt powers that be will try next? My take?

    Covid used to roll out mRNA shots and a side effect is to ID who won’t play the game. Next they release the next bio agent that really is a killer and a working mRNA to stop it, which gets the rest of us who fought back the first time.
    Where do I place my bet?

    • ghostsniper March 17, 2023, 5:18 PM

      Cute. But I don’t think these criminals have a “plan”.
      I didn’t get covid the 1st time and I won’t get it no matter how many times it happens.
      Further, I am not convinced it was anything other than a normal flu virus and it was how they dealt with it is what caused the supposed deaths from it. And then of course the “cure” that so many bird brains were convinced to take which was the real killer. I’ll continue to be an innocent bystander way off in the distance.

      My bet the next BIG thing will be inching closer to CBDC.
      THAT’s where the real money is and the lynchpin in the collar around the average maroons neck meat.

      • John A. Fleming March 17, 2023, 10:28 PM

        I got the coof back in December. Fever for 3-4 days, not too bad, then I lost my smell and taste for about 6 days. That was novel. Disconcerting actually, since I had read that some unfortunates lose their smell and taste for weeks and months. Food tasted like sawdust, and my tongue felt anesthetized. It took 16 days before the tests turned negative. I was isolated from my family over the whole Christmas break. Didn’t really have a a cough or lung troubles, got lucky there.

        The last time I had the flu, it was much worse, first week was bad, second week was less bad, 3rd week was recovery. With the kung flu I was functional but feeling bad for four days.

        It’s air travel what did it. I had to go on a cross-country business trip. In December. Now I’m clued in. It’s almost impossible to act in such a way that guarantees you won’t get the coof or the flu, there’s just way too many interactions with way too many other people. Ships, safe harbor, etc., when you gotta go, you go and roll the dice. None of the people I worked with reported getting the coof, so I did something right at least and didn’t propagate it to them.

  • Casey Klahn March 17, 2023, 5:49 PM

    Overheard two irishmen at the pub. “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.”

    Damn Irish are wiser than you think. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

  • ghostsniper March 18, 2023, 6:51 AM

    Do you believe this?

    03.18.23 BREAKING NEWS: Former President Donald J. Trump to be Arrested on Tuesday
    BY JOHN GALT ON 18/03/2023


    I don’t automatically believe anything.

    • John Venlet March 18, 2023, 9:09 AM

      If indeed true, Ghostsniper, I look at it as a really big show, as Ed Sullivan used to say.

      • ghostsniper March 18, 2023, 9:45 AM

        Maybe a “surprise” will be waiting for the arrestors.

        If I was a 70 yo billionaire NO ONE would ever arrest me.

        What good is wealth if it can’t secure your freedom?
        Or, to put it another way.
        If caged your money means nothing.

  • Ray Van Dune March 18, 2023, 8:29 AM

    As soon as the Treasury told the DOJ that they couldn’t withhold the Suspicious Activity Reports from the House any longer, the move to arrest Trump was put in motion. The Obama/Soros DOJ had to do something to keep the China-Biden cash flow out of the headlines.

  • Joe Krill March 18, 2023, 9:39 AM

    President Trump. May the Warrior Angels of our Heavenly Father protect him.

  • Casey Klahn March 18, 2023, 11:36 AM

    Although it is ethical double jeopardy, I suppose since the charges were not taken up by the judge last time, then that allows wiggle room for it to be heard. But what do I know? Very little, and less all the time. I can look at Stormy Daniels, then at Melania Trump, and make up my mind if Trump did something. I imagine it to be a hit piece of the highest order, but during his 4 years in office I never once felt a moral threat coming out of the White House.

    I’m reading just now that the Speaker will choke out any and all government money for this hatchet job. My feeling is that the arrest won’t happen, and that the Left is just having a news cycle wet dream.

  • Jpaul March 18, 2023, 12:19 PM

    So if they do arrest him, who or how many Secret Service Agents get to guard him in jail?

  • anon March 18, 2023, 1:41 PM

    Three quotes (3/18/23)

    Enter the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, who suggested Saturday that the motivation could be to make just enough of a martyr out of Trump to ensure he wins the GOP nomination – even against a potential strong challenger like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – but ultimately runs out of steam and loses the general election.
    “They want Trump to be the Republican nominee,” Walsh wrote Saturday morning. “That’s obviously the play here. There is no other conceivable reason to arrest and perp walk him on a bullshit misdemeanor charge. I might be overestimating the tactical intelligence of the idiot power-hungry hacks behind this. But if there is any political strategy then that has to be it.”
    …I’ll leave you with BlazeTV host Steve Deace raising another potential motivation that Trump’s most earnest supporters should certainly watch out for – a replay of January 6th.

    Just what they want. They are gonna goad us into another January 6 narrative but on a bigger scale. Once we assemble to protest, the feds will already be in place to stoke the flames. Having fun yet? We need to play chess here. Not react to this injustice emotionally.

    Hence the massive display of firepower that is in the offing for the Trump arrest. It’s unlikely that any actual Trump supporters will attempt to perpetrate any violence on the occasion of his arrest, but if any do, no one will be more delighted than those who have engineered Trump’s arrest. Such violence would confirm everything they’ve been saying about Trump and those who have supported him for two years now.

    All this means is that Trump’s arrest will be a piece of political theater for the ages, and that’s altogether fitting, as it will be the culmination of America’s long decline into banana republic status.


    • ghostsniper March 18, 2023, 2:24 PM

      Trump could throw their nasty shit back in their faces.
      Monday at noon walk right in to the FBI headquarters with his phalanx of lawyers and turn himself in.
      The nasty ass gov’t and media criminals would forfeit the so called “perp walk” they lasciviously desire.

  • Anonymous March 18, 2023, 4:13 PM

    What’s this? People believe a non-Democrat might win? Even after two election cycles to fine tune the cheat and find the holes in the process? Think Kari Lake. They don’t even care if it’s obvious.
    Besides, I think DJT would be assassinated if there was the slightest chance of him taking office again. I wouldn’t be surprised if this suspected arrest is simply an attempt to separate him from his protection detail long enough to pull an Epstein on him.
    Weather’s coming on spring; it feels like the ugliness is going to turn up a few notches in real short order.

    • ghostsniper March 18, 2023, 5:30 PM

      Maybe DeSantis can summons the national guard to arrest anyone within 1000′ of the Trump compound. Perp walk the lot of em straight down to gitmo.

      • ThisIsNotNutella March 18, 2023, 6:51 PM

        That’ll happen shortly after he walks on water playing Dixie on a Shofar in the manner of Le Pétomane.

        Don’t hold your breath. Or do if my estimate of likelihood is way off.

        • ghostsniper March 18, 2023, 7:18 PM

          Buttigieg’s great grandfather?

          It was a common misconception that Pujol passed intestinal gas as part of his stage performance. Rather, he was allegedly able to “inhale” or move air into his rectum and then control the release of that air with his anal sphincter muscles. Evidence of his ability to control those muscles was seen in the early accounts of demonstrations of his abilities to fellow soldiers.


          • anonymous March 18, 2023, 9:04 PM

            You certainly are not in the same league as Gerard.

            • ThisIsNotNutella March 19, 2023, 2:27 AM

              Nobody is claiming to be. Now how would you fancy a learned dissertation on Siamese Pingpong Diplomacy?

            • ghostsniper March 19, 2023, 4:55 AM

              Is this the gov’t pedo troll again?

          • ThisIsNotNutella March 19, 2023, 2:26 AM

            Learn something new every day! Filed for future reference.

            I suppose we should credit him with seeking excellence and developing his talent to the max. The easy way out would have been to take up the bagpipes.

  • Casey Klahn March 19, 2023, 7:47 AM

    Looks like the Trump team has a counter witness for the corrupt NYC DA on Monday. However, the more smoke they spew about an arrest, the more I think it’s a ruse. The potential blowback is large. If Trump is indicted and then cleared, his voters will be energized and carry him into office in a landslide so big no amount of cheating can steal it.

    We thought Biden looked weak with his circle jerk and basement campaign last time. Now, even his own meager following and all of middle America knows what a dipshit he is. Even if the dems run another candidate, they are forever tarred with Brandon the Unelectable.

    I wish it weren’t the case, but this election cycle is not a political season – it’s a political war. After this phony indictment, even more crazy spit will be brought to fore prior to the voting.

  • John Venlet March 19, 2023, 8:25 AM

    Anyone know why the website Sondrakistan closed shop? It’s been gone about a month, I think.

    • hooodathunkit March 20, 2023, 9:38 PM

      What do you think ?
      “74-yo retired USAF LtColonel ’69-’92 (Satellite engineering, test, launch, & operations. Strategic planning) BSE (aerospace eng) UMichigan ’69, MS (astro guidance&control) AF Inst Tech ’75
      Living in south-central North Carolina …”

      Have you tried asking them?

      . . . . or just go to https://sondraksgulch.com and ask in a comment.

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