That stupid Caucasian female was apparently ignorant of the normal behavior of the 3/5 animal known as a negro. The day is fast approaching when you will automatically shoot these savages on sight or risk being victimized by them. Better start now getting comfortable wearing a firearm and a sheath knife.
Teenage Girl In Hospital With Severe Head Injury After Savage Beatdown Outside St. Louis County High School
Debra HeineMarch 11, 2024
A teenage girl in St. Louis County remained in the hospital with critical injuries Monday after being savagely beaten Friday afternoon near an area high school. Her 15-year-old assailant was arrested on Saturday and is being held on assault charges, Fox 2 reported.
Graphic and disturbing video of the beatdown outside Hazelwood East High School appeared on social media over the weekend.
The altercation between two girls—the white victim, and a larger black assailant—took place amid a street brawl involving mostly black students.
A faceoff between the two girls quickly escalated to brutal violence as the larger girl threw the victim to the ground and proceeded to pummel her in the face and head with her fists. After the victim tried to get up, the larger teen pinned her down and repeatedly slammed her head onto the pavement, leaving her unconscious and convulsing.
A neighbor began filming as a mob of teens gathered in the street Friday afternoon, just after the school day ended, according to Fox2Now.
The video does not show anyone attempting to help the girl or stop the fights. Police arrived to find the victim laying in the street and suffering from a severe head injury. She was rushed to the hospital where she is listed in critical condition. Authorities have not released the girl’s age or identity.
The assailant was taken to the St. Louis County Family Court and remained in custody as of Sunday afternoon.
After LibsOfTikTok posted the viral video, people from the community reached out to say such brutal, racially-charged altercations in the Hazelwood School District have been common for years, with one former student saying that he was targeted over 20 years ago because he was white and his assailant hated white people.
The situation became more dangerous for white students in 2021, when three local police departments pulled their resource officers due to the Hazelwood School District’s demand that they receive ten hours of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training. The district reportedly added the training requirement to a long-standing contract, and the police departments objected, saying they “believe our officers receive training that is more than adequate and addresses the critical matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
Since then, officers from the Hazelwood, Florissant and St. Louis County police departments have not returned.
Hazelwood School District parent Lynda Pearson, who had five kids attend schools in the district, says there were fights almost daily at the high school when her daughter, a 2020 grad, went there. She thinks the district “100 percent needs” the resource officers.
The Hazelwood School District has low performance scores, with just 26 percent of students proficient at reading and eleven percent proficient at math.
The school does excel in one area— DEI proficiency, The Post Millennial reported.
The district was awarded the North County Incorporated (NCI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Award in 2022.
In a statement at the time, Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart, Superintendent of HSD said, “The Board has spent many hours working to provide strong governance and support to the district and community in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This award recognizes the Board’s commitment to ensuring that our district respects and appreciates the diversity in our employees and students and provides an inclusive environment.”
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell called the incident “sickening and so difficult to watch.”
“Just heartbreaking,” he wrote on X, but added that the matter is in the hands of the county juvenile courts and does not fall under his office’s jurisdiction unless the 15-year-old is certified as an adult.
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey wrote on X that he believes that is exactly what should happen.
“This evil and complete disregard for human life has no place in Missouri, or anywhere. I am praying for the victim,” Bailey wrote. “The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult. If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide.”
The Hazelwood School District said in a statement:
“It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children. The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need. We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children. Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community.”
Casey KlahnaMarch 11, 2024, 5:39 PM
It’s nice they have great DEI, isn’t it? /sarc.
Let’s see. If I were a parent in this school district or city (near St Louis?), I’d be down at the next few school council meetings, announcing my candidacy for School and for City Council. I’d pick a fight with every sitting member, and I’d have full recoded coverage of everything said ready for Twitter and any local news ballsy enough to carry it.
I’d be on the mayor’s ass like a fly on fly paper, beating him rhetorically until he couldn’t stand it any more. I’d be also in the state education offices because it’s a school with more levels of bureaucracy than you can count. Zero tolerance for student fights. I’m all for a good school fight among decent children, but when it’s skull fractures, that is warfare. It’s gang violence without the portfolio, and if I read the story right it has possible racial components.
I’d make it clear that the mayor would be held accountable under the law; fuck political immunity. Excuse me. He needs to be fired/impeached at the very next whiff of school kids violence.
Now it gets interesting. Remember the few times that parents have gone to locked down schools under active shooter events, only to find the cops with their thumbs up their asses outside the buildings? The parents need to organize their own posse to patrol the schools and the streets.
Look I spelled my own name wrong – must’ve been extra mad going into the comment box.
DTMarch 11, 2024, 7:24 PM
Your ass would be in jail so quick …
Best solution is to get out.
Too soon to shoot, too late to fix.
ghostsniperMarch 11, 2024, 7:41 PM
OK Claire lol
ghostsniperMarch 11, 2024, 7:43 PM
This is the natural and expected result when you mix animals with people.
Was this way back when we were in school and it’s still like that.
No progress at all.
Just trillions of wasted stolen dollars and we’re all that much worse off for it.
Typical of what you get when you allow criminal politicians to set policy.
Snakepit KansasMarch 12, 2024, 6:30 AM
Any parent who would leave their kid in a school like this is out of their damned mind. There is no fixing this with a new school board or new Gubmint program. No midnight basketball. This event shows the lack of value of life from some elements. Animals. Sounds like some third world dump and it is. Large Democrat run cities left to their own devices. If I found my family and self in such situation, I would figure out how o leave, and do so very quickly.
ghostsniperMarch 12, 2024, 7:34 AM
The natural solution to piss poor schools is better, easier, and less expensive.
home education
You taught your child how to speak, count, and perhaps read.
You also taught them how to tie their shoes, ride a bike, and behave in public.
If you think about it, you have taught your child a lot of things.
You can teach your child anything if you have a mind to.
The key is teaching your child how to learn on her/his own.
Another important aspect is to make learning enjoyable and not forced.
BE the caring parent, BE the teacher.
Don’t you learn better and faster if the thing you want to learn is enjoyable?
Of course you do.
There are bazillions of “free” resources online on how to make this effort much easier and better.
Let me show you something.
If you sit down with your child and try to teach them to count by rote memory alone both of you will quickly become frustrated.
If you grab a small pad and pencil and go out in the yard (weather permitting) you can choose various things you see (butterfly’s for example) and have the child count each one and write the corresponding number in the pad. Cars passing by out front, airplanes flying overhead, bricks on the front of your house, whatever.
The point is to “think outside the box” to find ways to make the mundane seem fun.
And don’t over extend the effort.
Everybody gets bored when doing something for a long time, so watch for signs of the beginning of boredom (yawning, changing the subject) and then take a break and in a little while do something entirely different. If you like what you are teaching the child will like what they are learning.
This isn’t rocket surgery, but it does require one thing.
The most important thing of all.
You must CARE about your child.
CARE enough to give them the very best that you can.
Most parents say they care, but by sending them to the worse than dismal public schools proves they are not being truthful or are woefully ignorant.
As I said, the solution to the poor performance of the public schools is simple and it must come from individuals making the decision that their children deserve better than that. It’s not about the schools. It’s about your child. Prioritize your thoughts and your goals.
Oh, one last thing.
More than 20 years ago my wife was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal (because of the homeschooling book she wrote) and she proved that it costs MORE for the average woman to have a job and let other people fill in the voids, than to home educate her children.
AnneMarch 12, 2024, 8:32 AM
Thank you Ghost–I will remember this technique for a long time!
I have something else to add to the “how do we homeschool” conversation. Stay fit. If you are too damn fat to move at least half as fast as your kid you have already lost the game!
ghostsniperMarch 12, 2024, 9:15 AM
Anne, here’s a little ghost story for you.
I was born in Jan 1955 and the way the school counted the year, I was required to start kindergarten in 1959 at age 4. My mother was 17 when she married my dad in 1954 when he was 21 and fresh out of 4 years in the Air Force. 7 months later I was born premature at 4lbs 9oz. My mother used to say I was her Honeymoon baby and for the longest time I didn’t know what that meant. Then over the next 6 years she birthed 4 more kids, 1 per year with a break somewhere in there cause my youngest brother is 6 years younger than me.
Having 5 little kids running around is quite a bit of work for a 1950’s mother, what with everything else she had to do as a trad wife, so each week one of us kids would go to my grandmothers house, my dad’s mother, that was about 2 miles away. Us kids rotated going there and sometimes we didn’t go, and sometimes when we went there one or more of our cousins were there. My dad’s 2 bothers and 1 sister all had lots of kids.
My grandmothers house was where each of her 4 kids were born and raised before, during, and after the depression. She did all of the things that mothers and wives did in that era. On the wall of the dining room was a small chalkboard with an abacus built into it and there were several large glass fronted wooden bookcases filled with hard cover books. On that chalkboard my grandmother taught all of her kids and all of her grandkids how to count to 100, rudimentary arithmetic, the ABC’s and basic spelling and reading. My whole name, including first, middle, and last, and I’m a jr., has 24 letters in it. When I started kindergarten in 1959 at age 4 I could count to 100, spell my entire name, knew the ABC’s could do basic math and read at a 1st grade level.
As a side note, at that age my grandparents were responsible for me and my siblings and cousins to be able to ride a full size horse, gather fruits from the numerous trees, and berries from the bushes, and harvest honey without getting stung from some old rotted car seats along the back fence and gather eggs from the chickens without breaking all of them. My grandparents were very kind but very strict also. “Now ghosty, you daresent touch your Pappy’s smoking pipe!”
The dark wood trim in their Sears craftsman style home with gritty shingle siding, the wringer washing machine in the corner of the eat-in kitchen, the metal kitchen cabinets, the floor standing TV with the round picture tube and a long dangerous looking shiney black ceramic panther sat right on top.
The brand new Pennsylvania Turnpike (thank you Ike!) cut across the southeast corner of their backyard and the road surface was way up above the height of the house. There was a steep climb up to the turnpike in loose rip-rap material and once my dad fell down that steep hill while carrying a Winchester model 12 shotgun that he was using to shoot pheasants for supper. That brand new shotgun was given to my grandfather in 1917 when he turned 16 and then he gave it to my dad when he turned 16 and my dad gave it to me when I turned 16. That shotgun has, for the past 53 years sat in it’s case over there along the wall in my office along with the Winchester model 71 .348 deer rifle my dad used every winter to put food on the table for a few months.
My grandparents and my parents were normal people for the times and back then there were no “trad” people, there were just people. Families were close knit and lived close and they all raised their kids together, from one generation to the next, over and over and over and though none of us ever got rich in dollars we were rich in many other ways. Then by the mid 1960’s the bolts that hold the wheels on the wagon started working their way loose…. you know the rest.
Gramps was a teacher back about 1905 or so and wrote about it – now in a collection of family papers. What we’d call jr high (7/8 grades). Some of his textbooks also made it down through the past 100+ years. The teachers’ unions would have a fit if it was expected that today’s teachers know the types of things an 8th grader was expected to know back when if said 8th grader wanted to go on to high school. (For that matter, they’d get upset if today’s teachers were required to know the things they “teach”)
“reading and writing and ‘rithmetic … taught to the tune of a hickory stick”
ghostsniperMarch 12, 2024, 4:37 PM
the personnel of this country have morphed into marshmallows
ready for the fire
the burn-off will be glorious
these slags drag the rest of us backwards
AnneMarch 12, 2024, 4:48 PM
Ghost–another wonderful story. It clearly describes what our lives were like under “Ike”!
On another subject. I have never known a small caliber wheel gun to carry 8 bullets. Can you explain that to me?
Also: Will someone please tell me if the US Marines are required to stay behind in Haiti now that the diplomatic staff and all others have left the country?
ghostsniperMarch 12, 2024, 5:37 PM
Anne, an 8 shot revolver will most likely be a .22 caliber.
I’m in the market for a “full size” one.
Most of the ones I have looked at have been “small body” and that’s not acceptable.
No human being can require any other human being to do their bidding. PERIOD
Real World Address for Donations, Mash Notes and Hate Mail
Gerard Van der Leun
APT 379
Chico, Ca 95926
Green Pants Interior by Klahn
Who Am I? by Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I reach my hands and play with pebbles of destiny.
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs reading “Keep Off.”
My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive in the universe.
Duty, Beauty, Liberty, Country, Honor, Family, Faith — Plus a few simple easy to follow rules for guys
Men saw the stars at the edge of the sea
They thought great thoughts about liberty
Poets wrote down words that did fit
Writers wrote books
Thinkers thought about it
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Many’s the road I have walked upon
Many’s the hour between dusk and dawn
Many’s the time
Many’s the mile
I see it all now
Through the eyes of a child
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
And close your eyes
Leave it all for a while
Leave the world
And your worries behind
You will build on whatever is real
And wake up each day
To a new waking dream
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Change, change come over
Change come over
Talkin’ about a change
Change, change
Change come over, now
Change, change, change come over
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
Comments on this entry are closed.
Is that the whirling dervish?
Nice, nice, veddy nice.
Oh a sleeping drunkard up in Central Park
Or the lion hunter in the jungle dark
Or the Chinese dentist or the British Queen
They all fit together in the same machine
Nice, nice, very nice
Nice, nice, very nice
So many people in the same device
Oh a whirling dervish and a dancing bear
Or a Ginger Rogers and a Fred Astaire
Or a teenage rocker or the girls in France
Yes, we all are partners in this cosmic dance
Nice, nice, very nice
Nice, nice, very nice
So many people in the same device
I wanted all things to make sense
So we’d be happy instead of tense
Oh a sleeping drunkard up in Central Park
Or the lion hunter in the jungle dark
Or the Chinese dentist or the British Queen
They all fit together in the same machine
Nice, nice, very nice
Nice, nice, very nice
So many people in the same device
So many people in the same device
Not for the squeamish….Have your speakers on while playing the short video…….it is brutal.
That stupid Caucasian female was apparently ignorant of the normal behavior of the 3/5 animal known as a negro. The day is fast approaching when you will automatically shoot these savages on sight or risk being victimized by them. Better start now getting comfortable wearing a firearm and a sheath knife.
From, American Greatness
Teenage Girl In Hospital With Severe Head Injury After Savage Beatdown Outside St. Louis County High School
Debra HeineMarch 11, 2024
A teenage girl in St. Louis County remained in the hospital with critical injuries Monday after being savagely beaten Friday afternoon near an area high school. Her 15-year-old assailant was arrested on Saturday and is being held on assault charges, Fox 2 reported.
Graphic and disturbing video of the beatdown outside Hazelwood East High School appeared on social media over the weekend.
The altercation between two girls—the white victim, and a larger black assailant—took place amid a street brawl involving mostly black students.
A faceoff between the two girls quickly escalated to brutal violence as the larger girl threw the victim to the ground and proceeded to pummel her in the face and head with her fists. After the victim tried to get up, the larger teen pinned her down and repeatedly slammed her head onto the pavement, leaving her unconscious and convulsing.
A neighbor began filming as a mob of teens gathered in the street Friday afternoon, just after the school day ended, according to Fox2Now.
The video does not show anyone attempting to help the girl or stop the fights. Police arrived to find the victim laying in the street and suffering from a severe head injury. She was rushed to the hospital where she is listed in critical condition. Authorities have not released the girl’s age or identity.
The assailant was taken to the St. Louis County Family Court and remained in custody as of Sunday afternoon.
After LibsOfTikTok posted the viral video, people from the community reached out to say such brutal, racially-charged altercations in the Hazelwood School District have been common for years, with one former student saying that he was targeted over 20 years ago because he was white and his assailant hated white people.
The situation became more dangerous for white students in 2021, when three local police departments pulled their resource officers due to the Hazelwood School District’s demand that they receive ten hours of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training. The district reportedly added the training requirement to a long-standing contract, and the police departments objected, saying they “believe our officers receive training that is more than adequate and addresses the critical matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
Since then, officers from the Hazelwood, Florissant and St. Louis County police departments have not returned.
Hazelwood School District parent Lynda Pearson, who had five kids attend schools in the district, says there were fights almost daily at the high school when her daughter, a 2020 grad, went there. She thinks the district “100 percent needs” the resource officers.
The Hazelwood School District has low performance scores, with just 26 percent of students proficient at reading and eleven percent proficient at math.
The school does excel in one area— DEI proficiency, The Post Millennial reported.
The district was awarded the North County Incorporated (NCI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Award in 2022.
In a statement at the time, Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart, Superintendent of HSD said, “The Board has spent many hours working to provide strong governance and support to the district and community in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This award recognizes the Board’s commitment to ensuring that our district respects and appreciates the diversity in our employees and students and provides an inclusive environment.”
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell called the incident “sickening and so difficult to watch.”
“Just heartbreaking,” he wrote on X, but added that the matter is in the hands of the county juvenile courts and does not fall under his office’s jurisdiction unless the 15-year-old is certified as an adult.
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey wrote on X that he believes that is exactly what should happen.
“This evil and complete disregard for human life has no place in Missouri, or anywhere. I am praying for the victim,” Bailey wrote. “The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult. If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide.”
The Hazelwood School District said in a statement:
“It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children. The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need. We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children. Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community.”
It’s nice they have great DEI, isn’t it? /sarc.
Let’s see. If I were a parent in this school district or city (near St Louis?), I’d be down at the next few school council meetings, announcing my candidacy for School and for City Council. I’d pick a fight with every sitting member, and I’d have full recoded coverage of everything said ready for Twitter and any local news ballsy enough to carry it.
I’d be on the mayor’s ass like a fly on fly paper, beating him rhetorically until he couldn’t stand it any more. I’d be also in the state education offices because it’s a school with more levels of bureaucracy than you can count. Zero tolerance for student fights. I’m all for a good school fight among decent children, but when it’s skull fractures, that is warfare. It’s gang violence without the portfolio, and if I read the story right it has possible racial components.
I’d make it clear that the mayor would be held accountable under the law; fuck political immunity. Excuse me. He needs to be fired/impeached at the very next whiff of school kids violence.
Now it gets interesting. Remember the few times that parents have gone to locked down schools under active shooter events, only to find the cops with their thumbs up their asses outside the buildings? The parents need to organize their own posse to patrol the schools and the streets.
Look I spelled my own name wrong – must’ve been extra mad going into the comment box.
Your ass would be in jail so quick …
Best solution is to get out.
Too soon to shoot, too late to fix.
OK Claire lol
This is the natural and expected result when you mix animals with people.
Was this way back when we were in school and it’s still like that.
No progress at all.
Just trillions of wasted stolen dollars and we’re all that much worse off for it.
Typical of what you get when you allow criminal politicians to set policy.
Any parent who would leave their kid in a school like this is out of their damned mind. There is no fixing this with a new school board or new Gubmint program. No midnight basketball. This event shows the lack of value of life from some elements. Animals. Sounds like some third world dump and it is. Large Democrat run cities left to their own devices. If I found my family and self in such situation, I would figure out how o leave, and do so very quickly.
The natural solution to piss poor schools is better, easier, and less expensive.
home education
You taught your child how to speak, count, and perhaps read.
You also taught them how to tie their shoes, ride a bike, and behave in public.
If you think about it, you have taught your child a lot of things.
You can teach your child anything if you have a mind to.
The key is teaching your child how to learn on her/his own.
Another important aspect is to make learning enjoyable and not forced.
BE the caring parent, BE the teacher.
Don’t you learn better and faster if the thing you want to learn is enjoyable?
Of course you do.
There are bazillions of “free” resources online on how to make this effort much easier and better.
Let me show you something.
If you sit down with your child and try to teach them to count by rote memory alone both of you will quickly become frustrated.
If you grab a small pad and pencil and go out in the yard (weather permitting) you can choose various things you see (butterfly’s for example) and have the child count each one and write the corresponding number in the pad. Cars passing by out front, airplanes flying overhead, bricks on the front of your house, whatever.
The point is to “think outside the box” to find ways to make the mundane seem fun.
And don’t over extend the effort.
Everybody gets bored when doing something for a long time, so watch for signs of the beginning of boredom (yawning, changing the subject) and then take a break and in a little while do something entirely different. If you like what you are teaching the child will like what they are learning.
This isn’t rocket surgery, but it does require one thing.
The most important thing of all.
You must CARE about your child.
CARE enough to give them the very best that you can.
Most parents say they care, but by sending them to the worse than dismal public schools proves they are not being truthful or are woefully ignorant.
As I said, the solution to the poor performance of the public schools is simple and it must come from individuals making the decision that their children deserve better than that. It’s not about the schools. It’s about your child. Prioritize your thoughts and your goals.
Oh, one last thing.
More than 20 years ago my wife was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal (because of the homeschooling book she wrote) and she proved that it costs MORE for the average woman to have a job and let other people fill in the voids, than to home educate her children.
Thank you Ghost–I will remember this technique for a long time!
I have something else to add to the “how do we homeschool” conversation. Stay fit. If you are too damn fat to move at least half as fast as your kid you have already lost the game!
Anne, here’s a little ghost story for you.
I was born in Jan 1955 and the way the school counted the year, I was required to start kindergarten in 1959 at age 4. My mother was 17 when she married my dad in 1954 when he was 21 and fresh out of 4 years in the Air Force. 7 months later I was born premature at 4lbs 9oz. My mother used to say I was her Honeymoon baby and for the longest time I didn’t know what that meant. Then over the next 6 years she birthed 4 more kids, 1 per year with a break somewhere in there cause my youngest brother is 6 years younger than me.
Having 5 little kids running around is quite a bit of work for a 1950’s mother, what with everything else she had to do as a trad wife, so each week one of us kids would go to my grandmothers house, my dad’s mother, that was about 2 miles away. Us kids rotated going there and sometimes we didn’t go, and sometimes when we went there one or more of our cousins were there. My dad’s 2 bothers and 1 sister all had lots of kids.
My grandmothers house was where each of her 4 kids were born and raised before, during, and after the depression. She did all of the things that mothers and wives did in that era. On the wall of the dining room was a small chalkboard with an abacus built into it and there were several large glass fronted wooden bookcases filled with hard cover books. On that chalkboard my grandmother taught all of her kids and all of her grandkids how to count to 100, rudimentary arithmetic, the ABC’s and basic spelling and reading. My whole name, including first, middle, and last, and I’m a jr., has 24 letters in it. When I started kindergarten in 1959 at age 4 I could count to 100, spell my entire name, knew the ABC’s could do basic math and read at a 1st grade level.
As a side note, at that age my grandparents were responsible for me and my siblings and cousins to be able to ride a full size horse, gather fruits from the numerous trees, and berries from the bushes, and harvest honey without getting stung from some old rotted car seats along the back fence and gather eggs from the chickens without breaking all of them. My grandparents were very kind but very strict also. “Now ghosty, you daresent touch your Pappy’s smoking pipe!”
The dark wood trim in their Sears craftsman style home with gritty shingle siding, the wringer washing machine in the corner of the eat-in kitchen, the metal kitchen cabinets, the floor standing TV with the round picture tube and a long dangerous looking shiney black ceramic panther sat right on top.
The brand new Pennsylvania Turnpike (thank you Ike!) cut across the southeast corner of their backyard and the road surface was way up above the height of the house. There was a steep climb up to the turnpike in loose rip-rap material and once my dad fell down that steep hill while carrying a Winchester model 12 shotgun that he was using to shoot pheasants for supper. That brand new shotgun was given to my grandfather in 1917 when he turned 16 and then he gave it to my dad when he turned 16 and my dad gave it to me when I turned 16. That shotgun has, for the past 53 years sat in it’s case over there along the wall in my office along with the Winchester model 71 .348 deer rifle my dad used every winter to put food on the table for a few months.
My grandparents and my parents were normal people for the times and back then there were no “trad” people, there were just people. Families were close knit and lived close and they all raised their kids together, from one generation to the next, over and over and over and though none of us ever got rich in dollars we were rich in many other ways. Then by the mid 1960’s the bolts that hold the wheels on the wagon started working their way loose…. you know the rest.
Robert F Kennedy Jr
He knows.
Gramps was a teacher back about 1905 or so and wrote about it – now in a collection of family papers. What we’d call jr high (7/8 grades). Some of his textbooks also made it down through the past 100+ years. The teachers’ unions would have a fit if it was expected that today’s teachers know the types of things an 8th grader was expected to know back when if said 8th grader wanted to go on to high school. (For that matter, they’d get upset if today’s teachers were required to know the things they “teach”)
“reading and writing and ‘rithmetic … taught to the tune of a hickory stick”
the personnel of this country have morphed into marshmallows
ready for the fire
the burn-off will be glorious
these slags drag the rest of us backwards
Ghost–another wonderful story. It clearly describes what our lives were like under “Ike”!
On another subject. I have never known a small caliber wheel gun to carry 8 bullets. Can you explain that to me?
Also: Will someone please tell me if the US Marines are required to stay behind in Haiti now that the diplomatic staff and all others have left the country?
Anne, an 8 shot revolver will most likely be a .22 caliber.
I’m in the market for a “full size” one.
Most of the ones I have looked at have been “small body” and that’s not acceptable.
No human being can require any other human being to do their bidding. PERIOD