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Open thread 12/13/2024

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  • DT December 13, 2024, 8:12 AM

    Duplicate from the previous post. Neo posted this as I was commenting on the 12/11 post

    Friday the 13th. Always felt this was a “lucky” date for me.

    I believe I’ve worked out a way to keep the site open and free – don’t want to lose this group because of money but then, Gerard did have a subscription site as well. Of course, he had worthy content. 🙂

    I just this AM registered the domain ; and variants have obviously been claimed. To keep the old domain – even if Neo allowed such – would cause a delay in getting the new site up and running. I do want the new site up before this site goes down – gives everyone a chance to help work the bugs out. Registering a domain name is a minor cost.

    For what it’s worth, the new site will be a WP site (as this one is) operating on Mountain Time. I’ll look into keeping Gerard’s theme (“Thesis”) but will likely upgrade to a newer theme.

    Still nothing firm. Takes a bit to get all the ducks in a row. It may be necessary to charge a minimal fee (perhaps only $12/year); I need to confirm my current licenses – and there is nothing at the new domain – yet. I don’t want to run a for-profit site – nor do I wish to absorb all the costs.

    ghostsniper asked about format. Right now, I see my role as equivalent to Neo’s role on this site. That can change, it doesn’t need to. As I think of it – at this moment – if I were to add content myself, it would be as a commenter like everyone else, not “owner”. I’ll know better as I configure the site. I intend to keep the look of the site similar to this one – a different image for each post; a new post every few days.

    Question for the audience: do you want this to be a members-only site even if free? Open membership to all but needing approval, a minimal membership fee, or just let it fly open? Advantages and disadvantages to all choices. My main concern about open and free is spam and hackers. Some of the protection apps add to cost of operation and this site would ride on my personal and business sites (which is why I need to confirm my license limits and adds to my concern about spam and hackers). If I don’t run on my present system, there would be significant costs involved – a few hundred dollars for new hosting being the prime cost. I’m not willing to absorb that cost myself.

    • jd December 14, 2024, 5:16 AM

      Thank you, DT, for the willingness and effort. I still pop-in every day
      but honestly can’t say what I would do if there were a fee. There is very
      little on line I contribute to either financially or wordly. Must be my most
      reticent personality.

      To All a blessed Christmas!

      • DT December 14, 2024, 5:28 AM

        To tell the truth, I usually feel the same way about fees for access. I did however join Gerard’s subscription site; I forget how much that cost. It can cost quite a bit to support a web site such as this and there can be problems with an open site.
        If my cost (and risk) is not excessive, I may not charge a fee. On the other hand, if a fee is charged, I’m now thinking more along the lines of $12/year than $100/yr.
        I’m still gathering everyone’s thoughts here before I make any firm decisions.
        A merry Christmas to you as well.

    • Casey Klahn December 14, 2024, 11:24 AM

      I will say it again: Blogger is free and works great.

      But I recognize your enthusiasm and don’t want to dampen it in any way. I’ll follow where you go.

      My name, no spaces, lower case, then at, then g mail dot com

      I’m happy to talk some more.

      • DT December 14, 2024, 2:39 PM

        Hi Casey.

        It’s already done.

        Enthusiasm is way too strong a word. Casual willingness is a better description. I’m selfish – I enjoy the site as it is now and missing such sites as Ol’ Remus – and soon American Digest – led me to believe I should and could do this. I have the time and ability that some of y’all may not have. Working a job gets in the way of getting things done.

        You’re one of the group I feel are the core supporters here. I hope you stick around even though I chose not to go with Blogger – or even if I need to charge a minimal fee … likely but I’m of two opinions here; I need to think on it some more.

        I didn’t do blogger because I have this thing about Giggle accounts. So far – to my knowledge – I’ve avoided having an account there and this wasn’t a reason to initiate one. I’m also not on any of the other “social media” web sites except one which was necessary for my work – when I was still a “professional”. That media membership lingers on but now I’m proudly a lay-about bum. 🙂

        YMMV of course.

        I’ve worked with Wordpress for a number of years and have set up a number of web sites though by no means am I an expert – fumbling amateur is closer – and none have been blog sites so setting this up will be an exercise in web development for a bit.

        This left me with 2 choices: start a brand new site independent of what I do myself – which would require a bunch of costs – into the hundreds of dollars (hosting mainly) … or piggyback onto my existing infrastructure – requiring minimal costs. I checked with my hosting plan and other licenses (I don’t look into these matters often enough to keep track of restrictions and costs) and found I could piggyback this site along with my others.

        So I’ve done so.

        The new site will be located at . The contact email is already established and seems to be working: dt@newamericandigest.org for now. The web site is in its raw state – it may not be publicly accessible yet but the admin side is functioning. That doesn’t mean the site design is done – it hasn’t even started just yet. However, with the basic framework now in place, I will have an accessible site up within days now rather than weeks; probably before Christmas.

        The present theme of American Digest is a paid one but no longer available as a stand-alone product. Gerard paid a lot of money to keep this site up. The basic WP themes are marginally suitable – you get what you pay for – but the default WP theme will hold the site while a better theme is looked into. I believe I have a suitable package within my licenses, the actual format needs to be determined.

        I’d still like a consensus on how membership to the site is preferred. I don’t think of this as >my< site – I'm more the babysitter. I guess the best comparison may be myself as secretary/treasurer of a small club which may grow – so the more suggestions and comments I receive early on, the more I can fit this to (most) everyone's expectations. Once things are set up and going, it becomes difficult to change. I do hesitate to keep it wide open though, mostly due to contamination risks.

        Right now, the consensus seems to be that a semi-private, minimal fee site is desirable. Shouldn't be fully closed; shouldn't be fully open but keeping new "members" out is a way to slow site death and failure.

        Let me know …

  • Joseph Krill December 13, 2024, 9:49 AM

    “a minimal membership fee” would not be a problem. This site is eclectic and inspiring. Thanks.

    P.S. The photograph today reminds me of Scotland and Ireland. Beautiful.

    • ghostsniper December 13, 2024, 1:25 PM

      Looks kinda rugged, I’m gonna say Iceland or Faro Islands.

    • ghostsniper December 13, 2024, 1:29 PM

      Looked it up.
      It’s a place called Seceda in Northeastern Italy.


  • Snakepit Kansas December 13, 2024, 12:01 PM

    News of maintaining this group is encouraging. However it rolls, I am with it. If I can throw a few bucks your way, please let me know. I am not a rich guy but put my money where my mouth is.

  • mary soukup December 14, 2024, 2:29 AM

    I’m in! Came across American Digest in 2023 and kept going back. A small fee works for me!

  • Anonymous December 14, 2024, 2:35 AM

    I came across American Digest over a year ago and kept coming back. I’m in! A small fee works for me.
    M.S. (old always female nurse)

    • ghostsniper December 14, 2024, 4:19 AM

      A year? Then you never experienced the daily treat of Gerard’s writings and posts. I encourage to go back through the archives at your leisure and enjoy them.

      • DT December 14, 2024, 5:22 AM

        One feature of the new site will be the occasional re-posting of some of Gerard’s essays. Not sure which ones – probably not those in the book – or how often (maybe one per month?) but Neo OK’d it and I’m happy to keep some of his writings alive.

  • ghostsniper December 14, 2024, 4:21 AM

    I’m at the age now where, if a friend doesn’t reply to an email promptly I wonder if they are dead.

  • DT December 14, 2024, 6:14 AM

    On a different topic entirely, can anyone else feel the political tension building? I feel we’re all riding a rubber band that’s been stretched to almost the breaking point – and the stretching continues. I am not convinced that DJT will be in office come Feb 1 – either by “legal” shenanigans by the FJB administration (I read of “Continuity of Government”), or assassination.

    It feels like something major will happen any day – any hour – now.

    Or maybe nothing at all and everything will occur as should and expected.

    • ghostsniper December 14, 2024, 6:58 AM

      You can’t force others to change but you can change you.
      Your rubberband theory is present.
      I don’t do TV news but the internet can be a source for my concerns.
      So I have to step off for periods of time and involve myself with stuff completely diff, rewind as it were.
      Reduce the internal pressure.
      We have nothing to fear but….

      The illness I’ve had for the past month has dropped me to my knees regarding my daily work projects. I am so far behind and clients are calling, looking for some direction. My short goal is to have this 7400 sf crib completed and shipped by next wed.

      I got a warning shot yesterday on a new project starting after the 1st of the year. A custom 4 bay boathouse with a 2 story “cabin” on top of it. The owner has 4 custom boats, 2 of them Cigarettes that are 60-80 feet long and he purchased 200 acres fronting on Lake Okeechobee so thus the boathouse. I’ll do a custom home on the property later next year. I need to up my fees and weed out some of the riff raff.

  • Anne December 14, 2024, 10:43 AM

    I agree with the sense of unease that is prevailing today. However, I am not worried about DJT–I think the commies understand that attacking him will no longer do them any good. What I am worried about is the world economy and the US financial situation. The DemoRATS will stop at nothing because they have no sense of individual and personal ethics and self discipline. Therefore, any one of them employed in any government agency will be available to respond to an order to do a little dirty trick to”teach em a lesson”. I am quite certain that just as the feminists had already planned a huge 200k female march after DJT’s first inauguration–the women’s leadership has something planned–count on that and I don’t think it will be another march. I believe it will be something more internal to our government systems–more internal and more truly evil.

    • DT December 14, 2024, 10:52 AM

      Yep – I agree with upcoming dirty tricks; guerilla warfare such as it will be – from more than just feminists groups.

      About DJT: there are crazies out there that will be willing to go the martyr route … not caring what TPTB think

      I’ve been hoping for a comment from you about the upcoming new site.
      Any opinions or suggestions?

      • Anne December 15, 2024, 9:33 AM

        Please see new email. Suffice it to say I do support your effort . I can send $50/year but it has to be in check form. I am trying to get away from using any type of internet banking system.

  • Daniel K Day December 14, 2024, 11:39 AM

    I agree with the idea of a closed site, to reduce the amount of spam. A $12 annual subscription is very inexpensive and I won’t complain if you feel the need to increase it somewhat.
    Joe Fox recently dropped the $1/month option at his Patreon site and the minimum is now $3/month. That subscription rate is still on the low end of other Patreon sites that have been recommended to people who have my range of interests.

  • DT December 14, 2024, 7:53 PM

    Gee willikers! I’ve been posting a lot the past few days …

    Some reminders – from back in American Digest time …
    First post – 9-11-01:

    Comments on first independent post (5-10-02):

    Site birthday post (7-12-11)

    Announcement of subscription (with a bit of site history 8-2-22):

    First subscription post (9-2-22)

    > I had forgotten the subscription site was titled “New American Digest”It does cost a lot to support an independent site<

    Quote from 8-2-22:
    Don’t get me wrong. I love American Digest. It is, like Dickinson says, “my letter to the world,” and like Whitman I am “hoping to cease not till death.”

    …. but then "cease not till death" came too soon. And we were lucky "cease" did not occur for an additional 2 years. (2 years already???)

    I hope we can maintain the tradition.

    Thank you so much, Neo

  • DT December 15, 2024, 9:34 AM

    I’ll mention one of what I feel is a major problem with Blogger – it just happened within the past few days to a couple of sites I visit which brought it to mind … Blogger will block access and require “Sign In” if they decide they don’t like the content:

    “This post may contain sensitive content. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Community Guildelines.”

    Nope. Nopey, nope, nope, nope.

    If Giggle doesn’t review, how do they know it violates Community Guidelines? (and apparently they can’t spell – the quote was taken directly off one of the the sites affected.) Apparently someone was O-fended and squealed to the Nannies.

    I assume “sensitive content” may be here – but who can define “sensitive” these days? I also assume y’all are old enough to deal with your own sensitivities without someone else dictating them to you.

    Nothing is “free”; the costs simply may vary.

    The new site is up but just to a default page (Hello World! level for C programmers). Haven’t even selected an appropriate theme yet – showing is the WP default. Much work left to do before active but the core framework is in place. Please don’t post there (I don’t know if you even can). It’s still in development, my computer is running on a less desirable OS for a short while so I can’t do much to the site, and changes will be coming. Quite likely it’ll be active before New Year. Hoping for a smooth transition by the time Neo takes this site down. The overlap will give y’all a chance to comment before you commit to membership (I’m leaning toward “approved” membership whether free or subscription). I’m thinking the site will be open until American Digest goes dark, then we shall see.

    • Casey Klahn December 15, 2024, 3:05 PM

      goddamn internet anyway. Googly is probably the worst of them as far as interjecting their queer codes vis. politics and culture. I sometimes wonder if deface buhk doesn’t algorithm me because I lack any and all political content there. Just the very presence of an algo is suss AF.

      I am always on the lookout for the escape hatch on social media.