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Open thread 11/27/23

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  • Joe Krill November 27, 2023, 8:10 AM

    Something to think about–and it is getting worse.

    According to a recent survey by Change Research, the biggest dating red flag for men is when someone identifies as a communist. A whopping 64% said this political leaning would be a turnoff.
    Communism is a far-left ideology that advocates for all wealth and property to be communally owned.

    Coming in second place was having no hobbies, followed by identifying as a “MAGA Republican.” The survey did not specify the sexual orientation of respondents.
    More than half, 55%, of women said identifying as a communist is a red flag, but other sociopolitical stances were more problematic.
    A potential partner saying that there are only two genders or saying “all lives matter” were both bigger red flags than being a communist — so was having no hobbies.
    Being a “MAGA Republican” was the biggest red flag, with 76% of women saying this was not a desirable trait. 
    The survey results demonstrate a broader trend of men and women having increasingly divergent political views. In 2021, 44% of women identified as liberal, while only 25% of men did, according to the survey for American Life.
    A decade ago, 30% of women and 27% of men identified as liberal. 
    People who date someone politically dissimilar are ‘generally less satisfied’
    As this gap widens, it gets harder and harder to imagine dating someone who exists across it.
    You see “conservative” or “liberal” on a dating profile and you’re attaching a slew of other beliefs to it, says Daniel Cox, director and founder of the Survey Center on American Life.
    “When you look back to the ’90s, there were plenty of moderate republicans and plenty of liberal republicans,” he says. “The political categories didn’t map onto ideological categories as neatly as they do today. Now, your views on abortion predict your views on same-sex marriage and diversity and the war in Ukraine.”
    Politics also bleed into daily habits, says Cynthia Peacock, an associate professor at the University of Alabama college of communication and information sciences. Her research includes political communication, partisanship and polarization.
    “Politics relate to what people eat or don’t eat or the TV shows they watch and what podcasts people listen to,” she says. “It’s a shortcut.”
    And it might be one worth taking. Peacock recently published a paper on how political dissimilarities affect relationship satisfaction. Despite the old adage that “opposites attract,” most people like to date those who are similar to them.
    “From our research, we did find that when people have a partner across the line of politics, they are generally less satisfied in their relationships and they are more likely to have intense conflict,” she says.
    ‘Dating is hard enough’
    Daniel Huff, a former adviser to the Donald Trump White House and founder of The Right Stuff, a dating app for conservatives, says sharing his career and party affiliation on a date has resulted in some discomfort.
    When Huff, who is in his early 40s, was working in Washington, D.C., for the former president, he met up with a woman for what he calls “the record for the shortest date ever.” After telling her what he did for a living, she got up and left.
    “She hadn’t even had a sip of wine,” he says. “That was, like, a two-minute date.”
    While he used to be more open to dating those who differed from him politically, now, he says, he steers away from it.

    • ghostsniper November 27, 2023, 9:33 AM

      It’s always been this way, but most people didn’t give it truck until it was too late and vows were exchanged. It was only after my wife and I had lived together for most of a year did I figure she was a keeper. With a multitude of others it took hours to months to find out they were throw aways. As I’ve said before, “shopping” for a wife is like shopping for a car. You gotta test drive it hard to see if it can hang, before you sign on the dotted line. Seems like most doods for the past 40 years are quick to sign that dotted line and later on find out they got a lemon. Also for the past 40 years, getting out of that premature signing has gotten ruinously expensive.

      FWIW, if I was young I wouldn’t get married in todays environment and the reasons are legion. Mostly, doods have to play the game with both hands tied behind their backs and their wallets on the table, laid bare.

      Tip: On the first date make sure she knows that you are a strong advocate of everything guns. That’s a big one, especially for mush brains. If she bails you got out easy. If she sticks, move to test 2. Life is an endless series of tests. lol

    • Terry November 27, 2023, 5:07 PM

      This “survey” reads like it was done in the USA. Americans are the dumbest of the dumb politically. Especially women. NOT ALL women. Most women. I have dated women a “bit”, in the USA and Asia and Europe.

      Americans are in general, political morons. I was a political moron for a some years (American born male). My current wife of 40+ years educated me in political savvy. Right wing, Freedom demanding, critical thinking, take no prisoners, individual. Every European woman I have known was /isa staunch anti-communist.

  • ghostsniper November 27, 2023, 9:34 AM

    BTW, shaken not stirred.

  • Casey Klahn November 27, 2023, 9:47 AM

    If that martini aint started dirty, it is now with them three green things in it.

    Here’s some seditious music for y’all.

    • ghostsniper November 27, 2023, 10:39 AM

      48 seconds
      that’s all I could take
      is that auctioneer talk?

      • Casey Klahn November 27, 2023, 10:42 AM

        You’re rap-challenged, Ghostie.

        • ghostsniper November 27, 2023, 1:31 PM

          I saw that dood a year or 2 ago pissin and moanin about something silly and was turned off.
          Seems, as a white dood, he’s done everything he can think of to make as many people as possible distance him. I mean really, a wigger? Misappropriate much? shrug

  • ghostsniper November 27, 2023, 2:27 PM

    Ukraine is veek, Ukraine is a road apple.

    A Ukrainian news channel accidentally releases the Kiev regime’s official list of KIA/MIA:

    The Ukrainian TV Channel 1+1 accidentally did put out the real number of Ukrainian fatalities suffered in the NATO-Russian War. So, here it is:

    1, 126,652 KIAs and MIAs for VSU. Somebody will have to answer for this atrocity and the main puppet masters sit in Washington and London and their names will be named at the Ukraine War Crimes Tribunal. Many will also be charged with crimes in absentia. In related news–this number is larger than US losses in all XIX, XX and XXI centuries wars combined. They are beyond comprehension of any US military, let alone political, figure.

    The office of a 404 “president” reacted immediately and forced 1+1 to retract the story, but it is too late.

    It’s not too surprising that the news of the utter defeat of the Ukrainian military is being leaked out to the ignorant global public. The USA is pulling the plug on its proxy war now that it has a higher priority in the Middle East, the European economies are teetering on the edge of collapse going into another energy-expensive winter, and the neoclowns have finally realized that China poses the much more dangerous threat to Clown World going forward than Russia.

    Except in that it represents a step toward the world’s eventual acceptance of Russia’s victory over NATO, the slaughter of five percent of the male Ukrainian population isn’t something to celebrate. It is an abomination and an object lesson in the intrinsic danger of a nation permitting itself to be ruled over by foreigners and thereby sacrificed to interests that are not their own.

    The staggering death toll should also provide a sobering lesson to the Boomers and others who still believe in the myth of American military supremacy, as it represents more soldiers than are presently on active duty in the US Army, Navy, and Marine Corps combined.


    • Terry November 27, 2023, 5:30 PM

      War crimes tribunals after Ukraine? Sorry, but you are dreaming. The Nuremburg tribunals were a joke. The worst of the worst got away scot-free. Most of the really, really bad people/animals were eventually transferred to the USA with new identities. Some lower status criminals were executed. The major players got new jobs elsewhere. More than a few are still alive and living the good life.

      My uncle Barry M. was a American Army translator during the fake tribunals. Read all the books on Nuremburg you want. Total BS.

    • Casey Klahn November 27, 2023, 7:10 PM

      uhhhhhHHHH. MuhhHHHHH. Huhhhhhhh.

      If you want Russia to defeat NATO you’re going to have to turn all the data upside down in your head. best of luck there, pilgrim. I mean: it’s a reach.

      If Ukraine suffered that many casualties, Moscow elites would be snortin’ coke offa Uke hookertids in Kiev tonight.

      In actual fact, NATO doubled it’s border with Russia, got more virile, and Russia proved it was an empty uniform. It went from a world power, to a second rate regional power.

      If Putin actually does negotiate a peace at this point, he’d get a portion of Ukraine. That puts the pyrrhic in victory by anyone’s measure. And. I predicted that outcome from the start. Because: Georgia, Germany, Europe, Finland; in all these Russia takes half and calls it victory. They suck as an expiditionary power; Napoleon was much better at that, in spite of his eventual defeat within the gates of Moscow. At least he projected his forces that far. Russia! Give me a break.

      The longer I look at WWII, the less I esteem Russia as a power.

  • ghostsniper November 27, 2023, 2:45 PM

    We wouldn’t have the invaders, if it wasn’t for the traitors.


  • ghostsniper November 27, 2023, 2:51 PM

    I fully support diversity.

    All calibers accepted.

  • John A. Fleming November 27, 2023, 10:35 PM

    I too support diversity. That Martini looks good as it is, but I’m a traditionalist, it’s a twist of lemon peel for me. The glass needs to be ice cold to match the liquid, which is not that picture. Stirred, not shaken. For me, Martini’s are not a depth of winter drink, but spring to summer. Now is the time of whiskey neat after a hard day’s work in the cold outside, Rusty Nails during the holidays, champagne at the New Year.

  • ghostsniper November 28, 2023, 4:05 AM

    Herman Munster, er, John Kerry sed, stupidly:

    “A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world,” Kerry remarked at the time. “We can’t get to net-zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission.”

    “Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we’ve been doing,” he continued. “With a growing population on the planet – we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world – emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century.”

    Neither FAO nor Kerry’s office responded to a request for comment by time of publication.


    Whomever keeps giving this asswipe a soapbox needs to be kicked solidly in the nutz.

  • Snakepit Kansas November 28, 2023, 4:39 AM

    Stop carbon so we don’t all die. Quit growing food so we don’t all die. Wut??? Kerry can eat bugs and put ketchup on them too. Population control in mind and in physical count is on Kerry’s mind. Well organized control by elite people like him. Dipshit almost became president. Dood is obtuse and full of hubris and it must be painful for him to be so much smarter than the rest of us little people. One day he will die and Jesus will have to break the news to him that the climate crisis was a farce. Possibly he already knows.

    • ghostsniper November 28, 2023, 6:36 AM

      Keep in mind that he has NEVER worn the pants in his fambly.
      It appears he is wearing pants, but underneath he is wearing a frilly thong that his Heinz wife bought for him.

      Yes he does know its a farce and he keeps on lying because he is well paid to do so (and doesn’t have to pester his wife so often for his allowance). There is a segment of the population that believes him.

      He has been quite the spectacle for a very long time and typical for the lot of embarrassing american politicians. Yes, small a. fuk em ded

  • Trooper John Smith November 28, 2023, 2:23 PM

    The Wife wanted a martini not too long ago. We had vodka and I told her I’d get her some vermouth on the way home from work. Did so. Delivered to spousal unit and disappeared into my basement for meditative purposes. Came back upstairs after an hour or so and grabbed a beer. I notice that the Wife had an enormo, giganto, humongo martini glass. Asked how her martini was. “I don’t know how anybody could drink 3 of these at lunchtime and be able to function. I haven’t finished the first one and I wouldn’t trust myself to walk down the steps!” Noticing that the martini in her hand was still a sizable portion, I asked “That’s your first one? It’s still a pretty big drink. What proportions did you use?” “3:1”, she replied. “Three what to one what?”, I asked. “THREE TO ONE!”, she replied because I’m obviously an idiot who didn’t hear the first time. “You mean 3 shots of vodka and one shot of vermouth?” “YES!, duh!”. “Sugar, you just made a pitcher of martinis.” “Oh, that explains it.” I didn’t bother to tell her she put too much vermouth in it. She went to bed early.

    • ghostsniper November 28, 2023, 2:32 PM

      Ever notice the happiest people are the meanest drunks?
      The reverse is true too.
      Glad my wife don’t drink.
      Well, mostly.
      Few years ago she took a few sips of some cheap wine for the first time.
      Got all giggly, a little swoosy, then said she didn’t want any more cause she couldn’t trust herself – whatever that means. I’m not a wine drinker but I finished her drink, then the bottle too. Never believed in recorkin’ a bottle.

      • Trooper John Smith November 28, 2023, 2:39 PM

        Mine doesn’t drink often. But, about 15 years ago we went to a social function and the host kept refilling her wine glass without her asking. On the way home, I had to pull over because she wanted to look really closely at something on the ground for a few minutes. I still tease her about that one.

    • John A. Fleming November 28, 2023, 10:48 PM

      I learned about social drinking from one of my early forays into making Martini’s. I was at an off-site workshop with some like-minded folks, I took it upon myself to make the Martini’s. A pitcher full, lemon twist in every glass, 4:1, Bombay Sapphire gin, some kind of vermouth probably Dolin. Brought out the ice-cold pitcher from the kitchen, poured drinks all around. Went back to the kitchen to prepare another round. As I working away in the kitchen, the conversation in the other room went from genteel conversation to animated, and then to lots of bright sparkling laughter. The volume just kept ramping up and up. Oh my, a Martini is a powerful social lubricant, and it happens in real-time.

  • ghostsniper November 28, 2023, 2:26 PM

    Well then. That explains a lot of the content I have come across over the past year or so that just doesn’t make sense. If much of the content is fake, and there’s no way to know what is fake and what is not, then what’s the point? I mean, who likes being lied too?

    Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers
    We asked them about it — and they deleted everything.

    There was nothing in Drew Ortiz’s author biography at Sports Illustrated to suggest that he was anything other than human.

    “Drew has spent much of his life outdoors, and is excited to guide you through his never-ending list of the best products to keep you from falling to the perils of nature,” it read. “Nowadays, there is rarely a weekend that goes by where Drew isn’t out camping, hiking, or just back on his parents’ farm.”

    The only problem? Outside of Sports Illustrated, Drew Ortiz doesn’t seem to exist. He has no social media presence and no publishing history. And even more strangely, his profile photo on Sports Illustrated is for sale on a website that sells AI-generated headshots, where he’s described as “neutral white young-adult male with short brown hair and blue eyes.”

    Ortiz isn’t the only AI-generated author published by Sports Illustrated, according to a person involved with the creation of the content who asked to be kept anonymous to protect them from professional repercussions.

    “There’s a lot,” they told us of the fake authors. “I was like, what are they? This is ridiculous. This person does not exist.”

    “At the bottom [of the page] there would be a photo of a person and some fake description of them like, ‘oh, John lives in Houston, Texas. He loves yard games and hanging out with his dog, Sam.’ Stuff like that,” they continued. “It’s just crazy.”

    The AI authors’ writing often sounds like it was written by an alien; one Ortiz article, for instance, warns that volleyball “can be a little tricky to get into, especially without an actual ball to practice with.”

    According to a second person involved in the creation of the Sports Illustrated content who also asked to be kept anonymous, that’s because it’s not just the authors’ headshots that are AI-generated. At least some of the articles themselves, they said, were churned out using AI as well.

    “The content is absolutely AI-generated,” the second source said, “no matter how much they say that it’s not.”

    After we reached out with questions to the magazine’s publisher, The Arena Group, all the AI-generated authors disappeared from Sports Illustrated’s site without explanation…

    The Arena Group is also hardly alone, either. As powerful generative AI tools have debuted over the past few years, many publishers have quickly attempted to use the tech to churn out monetizable content. In almost every case, though, these efforts to cut out human journalists have backfired embarrassingly.

    We caught CNET and Bankrate, both owned by Red Ventures, publishing barely-disclosed AI content that was filled with factual mistakes and even plagiarism; in the ensuing storm of criticism, CNET issued corrections to more than half its AI-generated articles. G/O Media also published AI-generated material on its portfolio of sites, resulting in embarrassing bungles at Gizmodo and The A.V. Club. We caught BuzzFeed publishing slapdash AI-generated travel guides. And USA Today and other Gannett newspapers were busted publishing hilariously garbled AI-generated sports roundups that one of the company’s own sports journalists described as “embarrassing,” saying they “shouldn’t ever” have been published.

    Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers, FUTURISM, 27 November 2023


    • John A. Fleming November 28, 2023, 11:06 PM

      That’s what I’ve concluded. It’s all fake. All of it, from every direction. The headlines don’t match the articles, and the kernel of truth if any is buried somewhere within. I tell that to my wife and my siblings and mom, they don’t believe it, they haven’t been red-pilled yet.

      It’s definitely weird, the competition for clicks and eyeballs have driven all the ink-stained wretches crazy. And all the people who want to be the news are either driven crazy trying to get there, or driven crazy trying to control the news. Nothing is so outrageous now that someone won’t try it in their desperate chase to validate their existence by being “the viral news”. And all the crazy people see the internet and its powers and think they have to be crazy on fire in order to be able to control the news that everyone sees.

      Yeah, there are now normies, the red-pilled, the blue-pilled, the black-pilled, and the crazy-pilled. As my mom use to say to us kids when we were acting up, “Quit being a pill”.

  • Flannelputz November 28, 2023, 5:46 PM

    I was one of Gerards drinking buddies. We had many martinis together. He used to say “It’s all about temperature control”. The perfect one starts with everything coming out of the freezer (not fridge)
    Booze, shaker, ice and vermouth come out, and the drink is assembled and presented quickly. The first sip is like jet fuel.
    His favorite martinis came from, in order of quality: The Oyster Bar (Amsterdam), The Shem Creek Grill (Charleston), The 5th Ave Grill (Chico), The Lighthouse Pt. Yacht club Lauderdale, and my place.
    I remember him holding court in a pool bar in the bahamas, regaling 20 people with our stories and antics.

  • ghostsniper November 28, 2023, 6:50 PM

    Achilles is angry because his woman, Briseis, has been appropriated by Agamemnon, the leader of the Greeks. He expresses this discontent by going on strike. While the rest of the Greek army fights and dies outside the walls of Troy, Achilles lounges in his tent, content to sit out the combat until Agamemnon comes to his senses and returns his war bride. If Achilles were simply any other warm body with a spear, this wouldn’t be such a big deal, but he is Achilles – the greatest warrior of the Heroic Age. Without him, the Greeks are at a severe disadvantage. Achilles’ petulance is therefore a problem for Agamemnon.

    The lesson is hardly a subtle one. Kings and generals need to keep their soldiers happy. They especially need to keep their best soldiers happy. If they don’t – for instance, by taking their women from them – morale will suffer, and they may well find themselves without the crucial support of their warriors when it most matters.

    Then, a whole bunch more stuff with pix, vidz, and links….

    Don’t fight for these people. As Sam Hyde said, “When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think its funny.”

    Let the Bud Light Army fight its own wars with their pet diversity hires. After all, are they not stunning and brave? Has the MCU not assured us that they are better than white men in every way? Let them prove it on the battlefield, and save your strength for the fight to come against the real enemy back home.

    Stay in the damn tent.


  • Anne November 29, 2023, 7:10 AM

    OK. That picture above reminds me of something I love. Frozen goose with a splash of Dolin, two olives, and definitely a lemon twist! I have never understood the difference between shaken and stirred, but then again I have never tried stirred–maybe do that next time!

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