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Unbelievable, really.
A: Trump is SUCH a fucking racist, man, he hates everyone who isn’t white, how can you even support someone like that?
B: Why is he racist?
A: Are you being serious right now? C’mon, man!
B: No, but why is he racist?
A: I can’t believe you’re defending him!
B: Okay, look: Donald Trump has already been the president for four years. What would you say were the top three racist policies he implemented?
A: You know what, I’m done with this discussion.
B: I’d settle for one really good one. What big racist policy did he implement?
A: I can’t even talk to you about this stuff — you’re so irrational!
And then this masterpiece.
I’ll comment more later.
“Give me one reason to vote for Kamala Harris.”
That’s pretty much the attitude I get:
“Why don’t you like Trump?” “He’s a Nazi”
“How is he a Nazi?” crickets
“OK then, why should I vote for Obama/Biden/Harris?” more crickets
“So you’re in favor of late term abortions, trans surgery on children, open borders?” “No, you don’t understand …”
Not one Democrat I’ve known can give a coherent answer to either Why do you hate Trump? or Why should I vote for your candidate?
I don’t even bother anymore. I cut them out of my life – we have too many differences so that I don’t care to waste what time I have left “reaching across the aisle”.
Would I be correct in assuming that if Trump wins this time the riots will be on the other side?
There will be (mostly peaceful) riots no matter who “wins”.
That’s what I figure: peaceful protests either way. Trump wins “get the Nazi” or Harris wins (like LA when the Dodgers win)
Maybe I’m wrong. Hope so but I won’t be in any largish city either way
Pennsylvania News Station Apologizes For Showing Presidential Election ‘Results’
See em yourself, right here:
I just had this same conversation with my brother. He’s the one living ex-pat in Thailand, but he returned for a visit just in time to vote for that intelligent, well-spoken woman. (yes, really)
Trump, you understand, is a threat. He’s a racist who will abolish the EPA. I asked him what his information stream consisted of. He didn’t have an answer. I reminded him that I’ve been a junkie on politics, and current events for over twenty years. My opinions have changed based upon the things I’ve read, the things I’ve learned. He said I’m just looking for people who tell me what I think I want to hear.
After all, how could he be wrong when everyone on television agrees with his opinions?
All this feels like the ending of the old “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” where Kevin McCarthy has escaped the village, and is running in traffic hysterically screaming at people, and no one will believe him.
Almost everyone I know has slept with the pod. There is no reaching them.
“…[Trump] will abolish the EPA…..”
Please. I can only vote once and don’t need yet another reason to vote for the guy.
I’d enjoy wringing the necks of every person involved with this fiasco, and then go burn their houses down.
I’m a bit surprised that Neo didn’t remind us herself, but Gerard’s book is now available for order. I just ordered mine.
Oops. My bad. Neo was way ahead of me and has a pinned post right at top.
Thanks so much for bringing that up; ordered mine in paperback just now; hardbacks are sold out.
Neo, I appreciate you doing this labor of love, and I know I will enjoy having & reading this bit of Gerard’s legacy.
All the best to you.
Chris Stoneking
Why are leftists so gullible, nature or nurture?
Oh dear, I think I need a new planet.
Is this real?
Dear friends:
Please excuse me for this silent little thought. I am tired and weary of being subjected to a $180 million dollar state wide democratic campaign in favor of our three term liberal senator. Like I said, please forgive me for this quiet little thought.
One ad that goes across my television screem about every 15 -3o minutes is an older woman. When I see this woman campaign against our Republican challenger because he will take away our/her rights to an abortion I get a little twitch. She is an older gal maybe 55. She talks about what a personal and difficult decision abortion is and why we need a senator that will support abortion as our democratic senator always has.
I have only one little problem please forgive: this gal is cross eyed in one eye.
Please forgive me when I tell you that my mind dawdles off to all the reasons why she might have needed/wanted an abortion . . . I do try really hard to be a good person, but every once in a while . . .
Maybe I am just war weary. Maybe I have ptsd from this election campaign. Maybe . . . .
On top of your water heater is a device with a small lever on it.
It is called a “Pop-Off Valve” and it serves a purpose.
Maybe all of us should have pop-off valves for times such as these.
I’ll leave you with this horrifying thought:
Just imagine what the 2028 election will be like…..
There is an irony here…an intentionally misleading irony. Those who support a Democrat candidate for federal office because of the fear that the Republican opponent will enact federal legislation prohibiting abortion miss this crucial point: The very same Dobbs decision that eliminated the “protections” of Roe also prohibits the Congress from acting to prohibit or otherwise limit access to abortions.
I knew you would understand and I am grateful for such a friend!
If only there was a place, a state, or a country, or call it what you will, where us like minded people could live in mostly peace and harmony, going about our happy and productive ways and minding our own business.
A colony founded on the ZAP.
If you ever have the opportunity to just lose 2 days, I recommend losing them on the last few days before a major election. It was good for my mental health to lose track of the campaign for a couple of days while I made a brief trip to the ER. Don’t worry – more on that later.
I woke up to Peanuts the Squirrel! Trump’s campaign has had some incredible October Surprise events, if you can count the cat eaters from Haiti, and now New York state’s putting down of the cute furry rescue squirrel. Everything seems to work in Trump’s favor; he’s got a wind at his back. I’ma keep taking pain killers and cruise towards his hopeful victoy after the 5th.
I drank some eggnog. The last time I drank eggnog, maybe 2 or 3 years ago, I didn’t like the quick trip to the loo it brought on. Anyway, the short story is I went in with maximized back pain/gastro pain as a result of maybe the eggnog but probably at the same time a virus of some sort. You can’t believe how much water you can lose when your maladies are non-stop. After a few hours of this my wife drove me off to the ER, and not the city one – the rural one. I mention the water to prep you for this: they wouldn’t give me a saline drip. I had chucked more liquid than you could possibly imagine, but the IV bag shortage nationwide forced the ER staff to throw me under the bus. I tried to imagine what caused the shortage, and as you’d guess it was the hurricane. The main IV factory, in the South, was damaged in Helene, and now that they’re back on line they’re keeping most of it for the storm region.
AD readers and friends. Your health is your now. Don’t expect the medical community to be your lifeline. The same gang that brought you Covid lockdowns are still in charge. Given their forced limitations, I commend the ER staff and doctor. I will say that after an hour of treatment I was still begging for pain relief. But, being fair, they got me patched up and out the door, and I am appreciative. Individual docs and nurses are fine people, but their organization has markedly lost its way.
I’ll be mending awhile and up through the election. Also: I’m fine. I am much too mean for pain to do me in. Good luck over the next few days.
guten lukken
Drink more water in the next 10 days then you did in the past 100.
Flush the demons out.
You might be on perimeter guard come Friday.
At least I’m well practiced at perimeter guard. That’s the story of last Spring, with the midnight door knocks. They moved away because they did not like their neighborhood at all. Note: the most effective part of my defense was new-style work site lights that are bright AF, and don’t run greedy or hot. Scared passersby like crazy, especially the ones pointed at the road.