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Open thread 1/26/24

Tomorrow is the first anniversary of Gerard’s death. Love and RIP.

I only took a couple of things home with me from his place. Here are a couple of his characteristic hats, and a bottle of cologne.

Comments on this entry are closed.

  • Stargazer January 26, 2024, 8:17 AM

    He is missed. Sad.

  • ghostsniper January 26, 2024, 8:18 AM

    One Year Ago Today

    The news on Gerard so far
    by VANDERLEUN on JANUARY 26, 2023
    I saw Gerard yesterday and I believe he’s quite close to death, perhaps days to a week. I’m not going to go into details except to say that meaningful conversation seems to have ceased, and he has also stopped drinking water. He’s being cared for attentively at a good place.

    I’ll add what many of you may have learned already, which is that I am the blogger known as The New Neo. I’ve been writing these updates all along, and I’m also the person who was staying with Gerard eleven years ago when he had his cardiac arrest.

    Unlike Gerard, I’m a fairly private person and don’t go in for much disclosure, dramatic or otherwise. But he wanted me to let people know, and I decided that was fine with me.

    Gerard and I met through our blogging nearly eighteen years ago, became a couple about a year later, and have stayed extremely close for many years. We never lived together but would visit each other for lengthy periods, travel together, and have talked on the phone almost every day for most of the time we’ve been apart. He deferred to my need for privacy by not writing about our relationship, although I appear in some of his writings as the mysterious woman who was there for this or that occasion. For instance, I confess to also being the food eroder. That essay is a reminder of happier times.

  • jd January 26, 2024, 8:32 AM

    Ghost – Thank you so much for saving Gerard’s blog entries. They
    and you, for saving them, are much appreciated.

  • Terry January 26, 2024, 8:48 AM

    I miss the maker of my Home Page. A truly rare human being. RIP Gerard

  • ghostsniper January 26, 2024, 10:07 AM

    It turns out that a whopping 70% of Haley’s (NH) votes were grudge votes from Democrats according to exit polls.
    According to my calculator, 70% of her 136,461 votes is 95,522. Do the subtraction and Haley received a paltry 40,938 Republican votes compared to Trump’s 172,202. In other words, Trump got well over four times as many Republican votes, and Haley got hammered like Thor for the second time.

    Haley may want to, like most of her voters, switch sides. She scored 95,522 Democrat votes. Gropey Joe Biden, who was admittedly a write-in vote, snagged a measly 67,712.

    New Hampshire cast roughly 320,000 votes on both sides, a record for that state. Trump secured a whopping 172,202 votes, or 53.81% of all votes cast on both sides of the aisle. He won more votes than any candidate in New Hampshire primary history. Trump also received more votes in Iowa last week than any candidate in that state’s history. I’m smelling a pattern.

    Biden scored 57% of the Democrat vote but lost 43% to people no one has ever heard of. Dean who? Also, 17,561 people wrote in someone not named Joe Biden. I’d love to know if Democrats are still casting write-in votes for Harambe.

    Trump’s 172,202 is almost three times as many votes as Biden. Even if we credit Biden with 57% of Haley’s 95,522 Democrat votes, Biden still goes down like the Hindenburg as the Trump juggernaut presses onward.

    Despite two rock-solid thwackings, Haley refuses to give up the ghost.

    It’s no secret that many conservatives consider Haley a deep-state plant. Why won’t she cave and just endorse Trump? More importantly, why are her donors still chipping in mad stacks to keep her afloat?

    Has Haley been told that something is coming that will change the course of the election? Are the swamp slimers planning to send Trump to prison — or do something far more sinister — that will catapult her to the Republican ticket in November?

    The next stop on the campaign trail is South Carolina, Haley’s home state, where she served two terms as governor.

    South Carolina’s Gov. Henry McMaster, Sen. Tim Scott, and three representatives, including Rep. Nancy Mace, have all endorsed Trump, yet Haley continues her embarrassing campaign.

    Why would she risk political humiliation in her home state after everyone has gone full-on for Trump and polls show him up 62.2% to Haley’s 25%?

    As my grandfather used to say, I smell a stink badger in the perfume aisle. Donors do not tend to flush their money away with no hope of winning. Either Haley knows something we don’t or she should compete with Biden for the “dementia-ridden politician-of-the-year” award.

    If she doesn’t bail before or immediately after her impending, home-field, Titanic-like loss on February 3, something might be up.

    We watched the Democrats screw Bernie in two primaries and get away with it. We would be daft to think the deep state won’t pull the same skullduggery with this year’s Republican primary.


    • DT January 26, 2024, 4:43 PM

      “Haley may want to, like most of her voters, switch sides.”
      As should many other so-called Republicans. Mittens comes to mind as does Lizzy Lezbo. Can’t forget Grahamcracker either. Or the turtle. (We really need a new party but this isn’t the time for that to happen)

  • John A. Fleming January 26, 2024, 11:17 AM

    I gotta keep reminding myself what Gerard taught: the Poetics is more important than the Politics. The one has the potential to inspire goodness in whoever it touches, the other is just mud-wrestling. The problem is of course, everybody likes mud-wrestling. Inspiration is much harder.

  • John Venlet January 26, 2024, 12:49 PM

    Gerard was too soon taken from us.

  • John A. Fleming January 26, 2024, 12:55 PM

    And I’ve got a bad feeling about this Texas stuff. If ICE and the Border Patrol refuse the order to attempt to cross the Texas State/National Guard lines, putting the States and the Feds in open conflict, look for the Fraudulent to be “resigned” or “25th’ed” within this next month.

    At this point Texas has the better argument. ICE points to asylum law, Texas points to the Constitution. I don’t think Texas will fold first. Maybe, folks say Abbott is a squish.

    You heard it here first.

    • ghostsniper January 26, 2024, 1:42 PM

      Ask yourself, “Why is Abbott doing this now, after 3 years of doing nothing worthwhile?”
      Has there been some recent “motivational” change on his part?
      Remember, politicians NEVER do things because they are right, but rather because they can benefit in some way. Does Abbott benefit now due to his direction change? Or, to look at it from the other end, is his old method of doing little to nothing, becoming a burden?

      Never forget, there’s never more than a fingernail thickness of difference between US politicians and the criminals – they both seek to gain at the expense of the taxpayers.

  • SK January 26, 2024, 1:49 PM

    Yes, GVD still greatly missed and always will be in my world.
    He had great taste in so many things. The hat and the 4711 cologne, personal, intimate things to keep, that also reflect his good taste. Bravo Neo for all your hard work and to those diehards here, especially Mr ghost sniper, who work to keep things going.

    • ghostsniper January 26, 2024, 2:35 PM

      Frankly, I’ve been slacking lately.
      Work has been murderous.
      I have 3 commercial projects and 2 residential projects that are causing more grief than I can tolerate, and it’s completely uncalled for. Pulling all the strings in unison for a development order on a new commercial building on an island is not for the meek even under ideal conditions. Let alone 3.

      A few years ago an engineer friend, in frustration over the building permit process, told me that some ME arabs should go in there and apply for a permit and tell them what for. You know, wearing “vests”. I’m inclined to agree right now.

      Getting too old and intolerant for this stuff.

      Jan 24th, marks the 52nd year since I first started designing buildings as a drafter with a major builder when I was 16 years old. 3 days prior I had completed high school and a 2 year course at vo-tech. Been a long sometimes bumpy road since with lots of hills and valleys, good sights and bad. All in all not a bad ride. But maybe I should shift gears and find something else to do….

  • Anne January 26, 2024, 2:41 PM

    Every day I come here my heart drops a little, but then I read on and I am grateful for Ghost and the others who have continued this site.

    I think I’ll go try to find a poem to post.

    • DT January 26, 2024, 4:50 PM

      Perhaps not a poem in the usual sense but it speaks to me in these situations:

      Overhead, the albatross
      Hangs motionless upon the air
      And deep beneath the rolling waves
      In labyrinths of coral caves
      The echo of a distant time
      Comes willowing across the sand
      And everything is green and submarine

      And no one showed us to the land
      And no one knows the where’s or why’s
      But something stirs and something tries
      And starts to climb towards the light

      Strangers passing in the street
      By chance, two separate glances meet
      And I am you and what I see is me
      And do I take you by the hand
      And lead you through the land
      And help me understand the best I can?

      And no one calls us to move on
      And no one forces down our eyes
      No one speaks and no one tries
      No one flies around the Sun

      Cloudless, every day you fall
      Upon my waking eyes
      Inviting and inciting me to rise
      And through the window in the wall
      Come streaming in on sunlight wings
      A million bright ambassadors of morning

      And no one sings me lullabies
      And no one makes me close my eyes
      So I throw the windows wide
      Call to you across the sky

  • Anne January 26, 2024, 2:51 PM

    Hi Ghost:
    We live in our DD’s condo in town. Two of the three buildings in the project were built first. The third building was built last. Unlike the first two which are only two stories, the third building is a three story. Last spring/summer when it raised so much there was serious water leakage at one end of the third building. The entire attic had new insulation laid down and some new additions to the sprinklers.
    Last week when the temperature here was -40F (no snow) the ceilings in building three collapsed. DH just got to see the pictures. You won’t believe this Ghost, some of the air (?) deflectors were cardboard, the new sprinkler attachment was installed just about 12 inches from the exterior wall. Of course, the best part is this: there is still no (NONE) ZERO insulation in the ceiling! These buildings were constructed 20 years ago in a part of the country that hits at -30F degrees every winter! They did throw down some insulation on top of some plywood above the top apartment! The two apartments below had so much water damage that when the residents went back in the next day and were moving stuff in/out to their cars. The front doors (metal) kept freezing closed due to the humidity in the buildings meeting up with -35F every time they opened the door. The doors would have a solid rim of ice around the entire door as soon as the door was closed! The wet air hit that cold air so fast it was only a minute or two for that to happen. OH and by the way. The HOA found the plans for building #1 and #2 in the storage shed last spring. Have never found the drawings/plans for building #3. Thought you’d appreciate!

    • John A. Fleming January 26, 2024, 3:08 PM

      Hi Miss Anne. Oh my, water ingress damage. Reading that made me just realize/remember I have occasional dreams about water damage, big time water damage, in the vague homes that I’m living in in my dreams. Water leaks that are causing structural damage. And in my dreams I’m helpless to do anything about it.

      There are phases to our lives. After college, for years there were occasional dreams about missing a final exam. There were dreams about falling off of high cliffs. Now it’s water damage. Some stress energy takes years to bleed off. I hope you can stay calm about it all, it’s just life as we find it.

    • ghostsniper January 26, 2024, 3:56 PM

      Suffice to say, Anne, “You can’t buy good construction, but you can supervise it.”, as my old friend Kerry Kenney used to say, with a chuckle. And it’s true.

      IOW, who is policing the police?

      I’ll elaborate in more detail about your building later as I am hustling to get something done right now.
      Yes, almost 7pm and my self employed ass is still working and will til it’s done.

      Any building *legally constructed* in the US over the past 30 years most likely has the building permit drawings in digital format at the Building or Zoning depts. They are part of the public record and they will make paper copies for you for a fee. Unless you’re area is like Lawrence County, IN, where building permits are not required.

    • Terry January 27, 2024, 6:22 PM

      Very sorry to read of your water damage Anne.

      We had a flood damage event last February. Twenty-six inches of water in our barn/shop.

  • ghostsniper January 26, 2024, 6:50 PM

    The HUGE Manatee!
    AI meets CGI

    Yes, that is Nightwish.


  • ghostsniper January 26, 2024, 6:59 PM

    If you own a cat watch this.
    If you don’t own a cat watch it twice, then go out tomorrow and get a cat!


  • John A. Fleming January 26, 2024, 11:10 PM

    And here we go. Word on the street is the Border Patrol stands with Texas. Everybody’s only going to follow lawful orders. When the cranky old man Fraudulent hears that he’s gonna lose it.

  • Mary Ann January 27, 2024, 2:28 AM

    Neo, 😪

  • ghostsniper January 27, 2024, 3:44 AM

    Joke Of The Day

    This silly assed gov’t becomes 100% more retarded with each passing day.
    Guess what?
    That strumpet will never receive a single centavo.

  • ghostsniper January 27, 2024, 6:38 AM

    The opinion “draws a line in the sand, to ensure something like this never happens again,” Rob Johnson, a senior attorney with the Institute for Justice, which was representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement. “If this had come out the other way, the government could have exported this raid as a model across the country. Now, the government is on notice its actions violated the Fourth Amendment.”

    “This is a good day for our country and the principle that the government’s power to search our property has limits,” added Jennifer Snitko, who was among the box renters.


    No Jennifer this is NOT a good day for our country.

    How many times have we heard “…to ensure something like this never happens again…” and then barely a day goes by that we don’t hear it again?

    The criminal FBI was NOT held accountable for it’s criminal activities again so they are automatically encouraged to “do something like this again”.

    The person in charge should have been arrested and charged with constitution violations, then been jailed for 10 years and forfeited ALL family property.

    THAT is how you “ensure something like that will never happen again”.

    I deeply desire, no require, to live in an honest and just land.

  • ghostsniper January 27, 2024, 6:40 AM

    One Year Ago Today

    Gerard Vanderleun: December 26, 1945 – January 27, 2023
    by VANDERLEUN on JANUARY 27, 2023

    Gerard died peacefully in the small hours of the morning.

    He left instructions to me for two last posts of his that he wanted me to publish here. I will probably do that tomorrow.

    I also will be posting a few more essays of my own about Gerard, but I will keep his two last posts pinned at the top of the page.

    Therefore you’ll need to scroll down past them to get to any new ones.

    Thank you for all the loving and beautiful words expressing loving and beautiful thoughts for Gerard.

  • Tom Hyland January 27, 2024, 7:25 AM

    It’s been a year since Gerard’s passing and I wanted to stop by to see what one of my favorite sites looks like at this point. I ran out of gas here post-Gerard and have only dropped in without comment a couple of times. Don’t want to nag but, please folks, don’t get shot up with experimental “vaccines” even if you fervently believe Bill Gates and the government loves you. They don’t. In fact they hate your fucking guts. A couple of years back I posted an essay from a blogger who names himself “the Good Citizen.” It was titled “the view from the mountaintop” and Gerard placed it atop the page and the impact was enormous. I was flattered so many times when he’d tip his hat to something I posted. Here are the latest words from Good Citizen warning that this Texas border showdown is starting to smell a hell of a lot like another January 6th. Best regards to all and don’t get sucked into the shit show. http://tinyurl.com/bde2bzmj

    • ghostsniper January 27, 2024, 9:21 AM

      Thanks for the link Tom, I’ll check it later this afternoon.
      Stick around, your comments are always worthy.

      • Tom Hyland January 27, 2024, 10:41 AM

        Yes indeed, ghost, check it out. More stuff to think about. Always good to hear from you. Got your number and I just might do a drive-by this spring.

    • Terry January 27, 2024, 6:43 PM

      Tom, thanks for the link.

      I just two or three days ago heard a very credible source state that the TX governor was a WEF member- This is easily believable considering all the things in motion currently.

  • Casey Klahn January 27, 2024, 7:26 AM

    My condolences to The New Neo, and to each here who knew GvD in real life and through correspondence, and also via this blog, on this anniversary day of his passing. There are things more important than war and the economy, such as life itself and friendships and family.

  • Casey Klahn January 27, 2024, 8:31 AM

    The orders to federalize a national guard unit pass over a governor’s desk. Imagine signing that mother fucker when it’s to usurp and deny your ability to defend yourself from the federal government. Nothing doing. The governor has the final say in the federalization of his guardsmen, and I notice the guvs I’ve been watching on the news are driving over the curb to avoid saying the legal stuff about their powers over the ng. The reason is that it’s probably some of the most layered legal crap and even the lawyer governors don’t want to comment out of place.

    The vax mandates drove a big wedge through the federal-state interface during the Covids. Some states denied the mandate from DoD to their state national guard, and they prevailed in court.

    Backtrack a bit. You must realize that the national guard resides and operates within its own state. The ng has a dual affiliation, both federal and state. Laws and regulations govern what happens and when, and two very important, and competing, legal circumstances prevail in the Texas standoff right now. Governor Abbott invoked the invasion clause of the constitution. “Is it indeed an invasion?” some will ask. Excuse me, but you don’t seem to understand authority; pull your head out of your rear. The GOVERNOR invoked the invasion clause, and this is the legal requirement. So, legal circumstance number one is the invasion clause, and number two is that the president of the united states does have the constitutional authority to federalize guard units and guardsmen to fight a rebellion inside US borders. Say whaaat? Imagine the governor signing over his guard to the president to put down his own rebellion. Uhhhhhhhh. Drool starts to leave the corner of my mouth….uhhh duhhhh. Far more likely would be for POTUS to activate an ng unit from another state to put down a rebellious state. Picture the governor of Oklahoma or Arkansas signing that order. OK, now picture the governor of Washington or California doing that. It’s fraught.

    Libs, media, empty-headed dem voters, and Twitter trolls all act as if the governor is somehow under the president in the chain of command. The next guy above Abbott is not the president; the next guy above Abbott is Jesus. He answers to his citizenry, but he is the chief executive in his state, and he has way more power regarding the federal relationship than most realize. Plus, he’s got an army.

    Cut Scene: somewhere in a pale green painted room, a ranking Texas National Guard officer pours an umpteenth cup of black and weak coffee, and snubs out a cigarette. “On his collar” is a little branch insignia that looks like a smoke pot with a flame burning upward – which we used to jokingly call the “flaming douchebag”. In reality, it’s the Ordinance Corps, and this man is responsible for drawing ammunition from the active duty army base for training drills conducted by the ng artillery units. On our officer’s desk is the requisition for two pallets of ammunition for his Paladin self propelled artillery batteries. I am constrained from informing you of the type of ammunition he is requesting, but use your imagination, Atomic Age readers.

    The map of the confederacy of states who support Texas includes every state with a Republican governor, except the weak-assed tool GOPe governor of Vermont. Party line split. Did you see that coming? I’m watching things closely. Apparently 10 states have sent guard troops to TX. keep in mind that if POTUS sends ng from Oregon, these are not operating under the same orders, laws, and circumstances as the guardsmen who are sent from Florida under the orders of DeSantis. The Floridians may conduct law enforcement missions, whereas the Oregonians may not do so, except under an invocation of rebellion or insurrection.

    But I’m no lawyer.

  • Anne January 27, 2024, 11:03 AM

    I don’t believe in shaming the innocent, or the poorly educated. However, every once in a while I do get a little smile.
    There is a small very lovely wealthy neighborhood just north of San Diego. La Jolla has been home to the very wealthy for 150 years! The coastline is lovely, the temperature is nice, except when the fog rolls in for a few hours. Today it is home to several famous women one of whom is the gal who assisted in dismantling the Episcopal Church. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_Jefferts_Schori
    Another famous woman with a home here is Melinda Gates. However, today there are a few more residents in their neighborhood!

    I just received this post: https://twitter.com/VenturaReport/status/1750635238902911095?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1750635238902911095%7Ctwgr%5E412be842672f3e85249045fedd26584080958a75%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmoonbattery.com%2F which is taken on the coast of La Jolla right in the middle of a high end housing neighborhood! Take a long hard look and tell me what you think you see.

    • Tom Hyland January 27, 2024, 11:55 AM

      What I think I see are easily two dozen illegals running into La Jolla to claim their 5k debit cards, cell phones, hotel reservations, airplane tickets, and Democrat party registration forms.

      • Anne January 27, 2024, 12:26 PM

        Would you say some of those men have had military training?
        Is that woman and child only a decoy/defense mechanism to cause hesitation to anyone planning to confront?
        How expensive is that type of boat/engine–that is a strong current.
        The black pickup truck that is stopping traffic from moving through the incoming illegals, is that a coincidence, or is that part of the plan?
        What happened to the boat afterward?
        Is there someone further up that side street waiting to help them?
        Why didn’t any of the onlookers move closer in toward the incoming illegals?

        Just sayin

        • ghostsniper January 27, 2024, 1:33 PM

          Would you say some of those men have had military training?
          “Doesn’t matter, they need shot in the head.”
          Is that woman and child only a decoy/defense mechanism to cause hesitation to anyone planning to confront?
          “All criminal invaders need shot in the age.”
          How expensive is that type of boat/engine–that is a strong current.
          “Boat – $8k, Engines – $5k each, used”
          The black pickup truck that is stopping traffic from moving through the incoming illegals, is that a coincidence, or is that part of the plan?
          “Plan, needs shot in the head”
          What happened to the boat afterward?
          “A lucky person gets to find out the 2 best days in a boat owners life”
          Is there someone further up that side street waiting to help them?
          “Probably, shoot them in the head.”
          Why didn’t any of the onlookers move closer in toward the incoming illegals?
          “Cowardly, obese pisswilly’s, obeying made up rules.”

          250 years ago they blew up ships in a harbor because the tyrants placed a 3 cent tax on their breakfast beverage. Today the tyrants steal half of everything and all anyone can do is piss and moan like little bitches. 80% of the people in this country deserve to be invaded by criminals.

          • Tom Hyland January 27, 2024, 2:56 PM

            “80% of the people in this country deserve to be invaded by criminals”… and if I may add… then shot in the head.

    • Terry January 28, 2024, 11:56 AM

      Thank you Anne. I know that area well.

      What I see is a total collapse of the USA and takeover by foreign criminals and enemy agents. Citizens are not even making arrests (citizen arrest). In a year we will be in dire straights as the conquering mobs will take everything we own unabated. I have “heard” that housing owned by the conservative class may become homes for the invaders (no proof just rumors).

      I wonder if AD commenter azlib is now waking up from his delirium in Arizona. I wish him well, but a wish is of no help in the reality of life.

      Get tough folks or you will be off’d.

      By the way Anne, I was baptized in a Episcopal Church in Sonora, California. Now taken over by Communists/queers.

      • Anne January 28, 2024, 4:14 PM

        Then you share my pain with regard to the loss of my church!

        What I want to know is how come this batch of invaders is so well organized? I guess most people her at AD are not familiar with La Jolla!

  • John Fisher January 27, 2024, 11:11 AM

    I stop here every couple of days. I haven’t had the heart to comment until now. I miss Gerald.

  • John Condon January 27, 2024, 11:14 AM

    Its been a year since you’ve been gone, Gerard.

    You are missed.

  • SK January 27, 2024, 11:50 AM

    from John Donne:

    Absence, hear thou my protestation
    Against thy strength,
    Distance and length:
    Do what thou canst for alteration,
    For hearts of truest mettle
    Absence doth join and Time doth settle

  • ghostsniper January 27, 2024, 12:04 PM

    Dinner and a Movie
    Tonight, 7pm, my crib

    Deep Dish Pan, Supreme
    Anatomy of a Murder
    Slammin’ Hamm’s.

  • Geoff C. The Saltine January 27, 2024, 6:36 PM

    I miss my dear friend so very much.
    It makes me cry just making a comment.
    Neo will call soon and see how you are. Love Geoff and Jeannie.

  • Terry January 27, 2024, 6:57 PM

    Not a scare tactic, but has everyone in our little group here got a plan for when/if, the lights go out?

    Where I was born and raised, I remember the power going dead for sometimes two weeks plus. Mother and father and grandparents never seemed at all distressed when this occurred. So we kids did not think much about a total power loss. No big deal, we survived. I do remember some game poaching however.

  • Terry January 27, 2024, 9:21 PM

    Texas and Gov. Abbot warning!!! “Do not trust Abbot”!!!!!!

    Start at 40 minute mark and absorb what Michael Yon says carefully. I would follow Michael Yon to the end of Hates if asked.


    • Casey Klahn January 28, 2024, 8:25 AM

      Hi, Terry. I listened to several minutes but I never caught the cognitive reason why I’m supposed to distrust Abbott. Don’t say “India”. That’s not a reason. Texas is a nation-sized state, with commerce worldwide. I hope to shout he’s going to foreign trade countries.

      Elsewhere people are asking what took Abbott so long. Yon said it very well: Eagle Pass is a space/time/place of Abbott’s choosing.

      I’m aware that Russia (who many like – nonetheless…) is promoting the shit out of the possibility of a Civil War in the USA news. Pooty wants us scared, and he wants our mental chaos to be turned up to high.

      It’s less likely that a civilian or a Texas official will touch off a conflict by accident or on purpose. If Biden wants to play Trudeau (ironically at this moment in time) he will have a plan, and make his move after possibly a number of weeks, just like JT did in Ottawa. That interval of time before the RCMP rolled was useful for the govt. of Canada.

      I’m hoping nothing bad happens because at this point in time, Texas and the American citizen look great compared to the tin-pot tyrant Biden. It’d be great if Biden modified his stupid policies on the border, and/or Texas increased it control over key crossing points. Oh, that’s another one I hear being said: the border is porous just a few hundred feet from Shelby Park. No shit, Sherlock! But, a couple of weeks ago the BP was using that 40 acre park as a staging area for allowing/passing illegals into the US. Civilians will never seem to understand that barriers are for channelizing.

      • Terry January 28, 2024, 12:10 PM

        My point in posting the link above is to pass on the “alert” that Michael Yon has been leaking for the last week or so. I have been following Yon for several years and he is inside the wire so to say.
        His info on the dot gov personnel is extremely detailed. M*y*rkas for example. Do some searching on other than google partnering search engines. M*y*rkxs

  • ghostsniper January 28, 2024, 12:20 PM

    Jordan Peterson said what???
    (about J6)
    “I mean, look, obviously many of those people convicted were doing what they believed in their heart of hearts to be right, and maybe there is some truth to their quams about the Democratic process. But here’s something to consider, if you’re serious about unifying the country, don’t do the one thing that would piss your opponent off to the point where they felt they had nothing to lose. I mean, look, the left really believes these are ‘far-right insurrectionist Nazi terrorists’, whether that’s true or not is irrelevant. Pardoning them will only engender the undirected rage of paranoid Radical Leftists in such a way that compromise becomes impossible. If you thought the summer of 2020 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. For peace, I mean, I think they have to be a sacrifice. If the January 6 prisoners knew that they had to remain in prison for the sake of comforting the other half the country, and finding commonality, I think they, well I hope… would be ok with that”

    I told you long ago he was shitstain.


  • SK January 28, 2024, 3:09 PM

    He is a highly intelligent, rather physically and mentally fragile fellow, who had been harassed and hounded for years into bad health. I can’t think of other things that he had said to date that would put him in the category you suggest, but perhaps I’ve missed them. The quote above is pretty cold, I agree.

  • jwm January 28, 2024, 4:28 PM

    It has been a while since I dropped a comment here, although the site is still on my morning run through the bookmarks. I drop by, check the comments, see what Ghost and Casey and everyone have, but I just haven’t had a lot to say. Politics and current events have gone so far off the charts that it just leaves me gutsick. I used to read many articles each day, but I’m down to skimming headlines, and first and last sentences. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much. Health has been in the toilet ever since getting hit with the coof last summer. Still dealing with serious breathing issues, cloudy head, and zero stamina. It sucks.
    I’m seeing some success with my Lost Era film. We had a great showing at the Whittier Art Gallery a couple weeks back. The place was packed, and everybody loved it. In March I’m showing again at the library. I bring it up because in the Q&A following the film I got asked about creating the piece, and I ended up talking about the advice I received from Gerard when I was working on the project a few years back. If I hadn’t heeded Gerard’s recommendations, the project would have fizzled. On the one hand, I want to give credit where it is due, but I have to balance that against my aversion to ‘name dropping’ which always rubs me the wrong way. But no one I’ve spoken to knows anything about Gerard, or his work.
    Odd, but when I saw this post I could not quite believe that it has been only a year since Gerard was taken. Seems like a life and a world ago.


    • Casey Klahn January 28, 2024, 9:01 PM

      Good to hear from you, jwm. Not happy about your health issues but I hope at least you have had some improvement.

      Great to hear about your project, and want to encourage you to keep making your own sculptures. Even just being in your studio space is a win.

      Take care.

  • Terry January 28, 2024, 7:10 PM

    Anyone who is in the know realizes you cannot successfully resist an assault on your home site alone. People MUST be assisted by like thinking friends, neighbors or outside groups of similar mind.

    Here is a fantastic group to look into being connected with:


    Alternate link:

    • ghostsniper January 28, 2024, 7:32 PM

      Did you join?

      • Terry February 1, 2024, 7:29 PM


        Yes we are active members of Peoples Rights. Fantastic group of people all over the country. They were a big part of the release of baby Cyrus from the St. Lukes hospital/Meridian police kidnapping. (Idaho)

        We are friends of one of the founders of Peoples Rights.

        Baby Cyrus is alive, in superb condition with his family thanks to Peoples Rights and baby Cyrus’s grand father Diego Rodriquez.

        See Diego’s web site: http://www.freedomman.ws

        The dot ws keeps Diego’s Freedom Man site from getting taken down by the DS criminals.

        Diego is a natural born leader and outside the box thinker. My wife and I are so very fortunate to have met Diego and so many others like him.

        There are many people and groups across this land that are of our (yours and ours) like mind.

  • Anne January 29, 2024, 5:47 AM

    OH G*d I so wish he were still here among us.

    • Terry February 1, 2024, 7:35 PM

      I agree. So sad to lose friends and relatives. I am not a relative of Gerard, but it sure seems like I lost another brother.

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