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Open thread 1/15/2025

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  • Helper Mike January 15, 2025, 8:39 AM

    Goodbye Gerard; you are missed, along with your American Digest. Please tell RAH hello for us, and let him know that we miss him too. God bless all my AD friends – I hope we can all meet up on the new playground that DT and others have erected for us.

  • SK January 15, 2025, 12:29 PM

    Really hoping the site doesn’t just go dark. It will be so missed.
    So many thanks to Neo (and all the commentators) for keeping it going and producing a book. And hats off to DT for creating a new space honoring the inimitable Gerard and American Digest.

  • ghostsniper January 15, 2025, 1:36 PM

    He’s dapper!

    This place will be no more soon, so some of us regulars are frequenting the “new” American Digest here: https://newamericandigest.org/

    Come on over!

  • Anne January 15, 2025, 9:09 PM

    I have a request to make. It is a sincere inquiry. I have a friend who is a brilliant woodworker. Over the years he has gifted me with so many lovely pieces. I used to send him a subscription to Woodworker magazine for Christmas, but have not been able to afford it for the past two years. This Christmas he gifted DH and I with two wonderful hand-crafted gifts. I am trying to think of something that says “THANK YOU. YOU ARE LOVED”. Perhaps, there is a great book on fine woodworking, or some special little tool. Something unique, and especially lovely. I thought maybe someone here might have a suggestion. If you have any ideas please pass them along. DH and I feel this is the year we want to do something very special–because he is such a special friend. He always thinks of me as his “mom”. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

    • Joseph Krill January 16, 2025, 6:41 AM

      Anne, I have found out that a heartfelt handwritten letter can work miracles when conveying a sincere thank you.

    • ghostsniper January 16, 2025, 5:21 PM

      #5 Jack Plane


  • HJB in Texas January 16, 2025, 6:46 AM

    Anne – Send your inquiry to Sippican at Sippican Cottage. He’s a classic woodworker and would surely have some ideas – he’s got great ideas and commentary about most everything! sippicancottage@gmail.com

  • Anne January 16, 2025, 8:46 AM

    Thank you both for the great suggestions! I am mid level seamstress and could put together a fairly nice bathrobe. Do you think that would be a good response? Too personal?

    • jd January 16, 2025, 4:34 PM

      Do what’s in your heart.

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