They ran out of room. They had to start overlapping.
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) July 27, 2021
Noted in Passing: There’s a new “Pride” flag. Do try to keep up.
Next post: If we had believed in omens…
Previous post: Hee-Haw [ Written 2009. Updated with Proof 2021]
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stupid has no bottom of the barrel, it just keeps on going lower and lower all the time.
til someone kills it.
So does pandering. You will never satisfy the mob.
The western hemisphere is ripe for the picking.
Just another stupid fagflag that no one gives a crap about.
Doesn’t seem very “inclusive”. … So I saw an explanation on one of the links re: the “umbrella”. I suspect what the “chevrons” symbolize. Where is the ellipse or Edsel grill form (or “best” that of the ’34 Brewster V8) ? … Shouldn’t there be a “Q” represented somewhere ?
Shouldn’t the symbol for sex workers have been in the shape of an * next to a capital Y?
If the Umbrella Corporation from “Resident Evil” had a corporate Pride flag . . . (*snicker*)
Seriously, satire has overtaken real life. That, or I’ve been watching too many bad movies.
Needs snowflakes to symbolize their soyness.
Wes:one can never watch too many bad movies. I adored “Idiocracy” the first time I saw it,and gave dvds of it as presents to everyone I knew. My largesse went ignored and unappreciated.
Fast forward to 2021,where for the moment,our new diversity farmers have’nt begun watering the crops with Brawndo.
Still not inclusive enough; the rag needs symbols to represent pedophiles, polyamorists, and practitioners of bestiality and necrophilia.
Ever see a WWII combat vet who is proud? “Heck, we just did what we had to do.”
How about marathoner? “What’s to be proud of? My body did all the work.”
A surgeon removes cancer from your kid’s eye ball. She’s not proud. She’s grateful that she could do it for the kid.
But take it up the butt, and you deserve a flag and a parade.
Charge 150 bucks for a bj and you’ve earned respect.
Can’t read, can’t do square roots, never accomplished anything for anyone, but you are proud of your skin color. Whoop dee doo.
Well, if that’s all you got, go ahead and make a flag. It would be sad if I gave a dang.
These guys become less useful for ordinary society and less fit for survival with every clown show. So, keep it up.
It won’t surprise any of Gerard’s readers that Jason Domino (as in him-what-designed-that-there-revised-pride-flag) has an online store based in the UK where you can buy caps, sweatshirts, and face diapers for your next lockdown all festooned with the pride flag:!/
Domino bills himself as a “sexual health public speaker and sex worker,” so you can book him for your next walk on the wild side.
My lady’s brother died last weekend, he was made disabled by a reaction to a flu shot twenty years ago, he spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. He had been a pilot.
But instead of giving up he qualified as a EMT supervisor. He wanted no pity and he refused to retire on disability.
He might deserve a flag, he wouldn’t ask for one or accept it. His wife was courageous too, we visited them after she lost a leg to cancer. I still remember her lying in her hospital bed, small and frail, and saying to us; “You’ll have to come back again when I’m better, we’ll have a nice visit then”. She died the next month.
That’s the kind of courage I salute, not the ‘courage’ to invade the bathroom of the other sexes.
I know that it’s not that bad in most places in this country, but the media and the news try to make us think that this crap is the new standard of behavior. They lie.
Lance for the win!!!
Lance for the win and John for the remembering of the truly courageous.
@PA Cat, I made the mistake of looking that diseased animal up. Unfortunately I will probably not live long enough to know that people like that no longer exist. A stern wind is coming.
Come on man! Who didn’t see this coming many many years ago. Moral degradations right out of the communist Black Book.
This makes me wonder what the “Proud Boys” flag looks like, if they have one. My basement room has 5 state flags for the states I served in my 20 years in the AF (one double duty as that was where I was born and grew up in), and my US flag is on my porch 24/7, lit at night,
I found a much better flag that I think all here will enjoy- an x-ed out syringe with the words
Don’t you just love it when we can attack libtards with their own lame-ass slogans?
Face it, Old Glory was the flag of a nation that no longer exists. A new national flag is sorely needed. This one looks like a perfect replacement.
That fagflag could use improvamentation in the form of a large yet irregular brownish stripe top to bottom. Perhaps one could improvise same after defecation.