“When I was a lad I served a term…”…The New Neo reads about another zombie heading a DC Department and has a D’oily O’Carte flashback: “I’d wager that one reason she has been nominated is that she’s a woman. Another is that the Biden administration couldn’t care less about experience and the actual competent running of government.
And of course, the whole thing puts me in mind of Gilbert and Sullivan. Phillips was never “a lad” and she seems to have actually “gone to sea” (“once captained a Navy warship”) so it doesn’t quite fit, and yet it still seems rather apropos for our times.
I grew so rich that I was sent
By a pocket borough into Parliament.
I always voted at my party’s call,
And I never thought of thinking for myself at all.
I thought so little, they rewarded me
By making me the Ruler of the Queen’s Navee!
He thought so little, they rewarded he
By making him the Ruler of the Queen’s Navee!
I grew so rich that I was sent
By a pocket borough into Parliament.
I always voted at my party’s call,
And I never thought of thinking for myself at all.
I thought so little, they rewarded me
By making me the Ruler of the Queen’s Navee!
He thought so little, they rewarded he
By making him the Ruler of the Queen’s Navee!
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Most of the fine folks who believe they rule over us—and to paraphrase what the Poles thought of their Soviet masters, “They pretend to rule, we pretend to obey.”—have never worked in the private sector. In other words, they have never had a real job. Their ignorance of real men and women, of human nature and of History simply astounds. These creatures do not live in the real word, but in one entirely confected from their fantasies. They become indignant and imperious when we simply say, “No.”
They simply cannot believe that beings such as we could possibly exist. We need to get their attention.
You’re right Mike.
Cept for that last sentence, sort of.
I don’t want the attention of any gov’t employee.
I want their asses nailed to the barn wall.
I want to see the attention in their eyes when that paycheck disappears instantly and for good.
No paycheck, no medical insurance, no pension, nothing.
I want to see them beg.
I want to see them crawl.
I want to see then ground into the gutter and flushed with tomorrows rain storm.
They are parasites without exception.
They add nothing to the equation and subtract much.
If this rotten assed gov’t in it’s entirety was reduced by 90 percent right now you’d see me smile like I never have before.
There’d be a 120db WHOOSH sound heard around the world as the US economy suddenly took off like a billion BUFFS taking off at the same time. The planet would rotate backward slightly from the inertia.
Finally, a dollar would be a dollar and it would live like 10 dollars like it used to.
The average person would no longer care what color anybody else was and the present misfits in the world would vanish or straighten up their acts.
For the first time in a long time people every where would start to realize what it is like to live out from under the over burdening weight of the billions of gov’t ballast instead of barely surviving like many have become subjected to.
I think that “nailing their asses to a barn wall” would get their attention rather rapidly.
What you want from them is what they want from us. Zero sum. No quarter asked and none given. They have been quite vocal about this and, well, fair is fair.
It is against the Laws of Physics—at least as we can understand them—that two universes can exist in the same physical plane at the same time. One must go. One will go. And as you have implied, one must go completely.
Dealing with the ever increasing voracity and parasitism of the federal government is like being forced to carry Rosie O’Donnell on your shoulders—forever. Oh…and you have to feed her at your expense. If that thought doesn’t scare you, then nothing will.