Obama Fakes Right... Goes Left... Jump Shot...

American Digest,

You did not seem to mention anything about the dire straits of the various media companies today (Tribune, etc).

I wrote briefly about the NYT's plight, and suggested a government bailout plan that spares the taxpayers and saves jobs: next year, the new President can resurrect the NYT to its "former glory" by bestowing the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tom Friedman; rehabilitating Friedman sells papers and generates site hits. Maybe, over an exptedned period of time, the Times could become p rofitable again, who knows? Surely it's worth the cost of one medal and a small ceremony to at least try to save the Times, right?

Or we can just sit back, watch the Times and other Media dinosaurs disappear, and drive on with our lives. I am not sure what the better course of action is, but if Krugman can get a Nobel, one of thos Preidential Medals is the least the U.S. Government can do for as amiable a guy as Tom Friedman, no?

Posted by Bob W. at December 8, 2008 1:28 PM

Off topic for this item, but rest assured I'll have plenty to say about media dire straits soon, as I have in the past.

Posted by vanderleun at December 8, 2008 2:25 PM