April 5, 2008

Take A Walk On The Whoa! Side

File Under: Things to Do in Spain While Insane

If you don't like heights, you really, really, REALLY don't want to watch this.

El Caminito del Rey (The King's pathway) is a walkway, now fallen into disrepair, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near Álora in Málaga, Spain. The name is often shortened to El Camino del Rey.

UPDATE: From a suggestion in the comments, I nominate this to be the "match-up" that decides the Democrat candidate for President. Both Clinton and Obama must traverse this walkway on skateboards. The one with the best time will be declared the nominee. Should neither survive the replacement nominee shall be.... RON PAUL!

Via The Presurfer

Posted by Vanderleun at April 5, 2008 11:25 AM
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It appears to be an ideal site for the next Clinton-Obama debate.

Posted by: ChiefTestPilot at April 5, 2008 12:18 PM

Less dangerous than running with the bulls. Nonetheless, a test of nerves and control.

Methinks a C-in-C with that kind of steely control and confidence is just the ticket.

Posted by: Jimmy J. at April 5, 2008 3:05 PM

HTF did they do that??? As I watched my balls left my scrotum and returned whence they came before they dropped about 65 years ago. I doubt they will ever descend again - even though it's not ver-ti-go. Sheer terror!

Posted by: Frank Pulley at April 5, 2008 3:52 PM

HTF did they do that??? As I watched my balls left my scrotum and returned whence they came before they dropped about 65 years ago. I doubt they will ever descend again - even though it's not ver-ti-go. Sheer terror!

Posted by: Frank Pulley at April 5, 2008 3:52 PM

This is what a New York lawyer dreams about. For goodness sake a drunk person could possibly stumble on that uneven "path".

In 2004 the City of New York paid out $575 million to settle lawsuits. The taxpayers didn't need that money anyway.

Posted by: JD at April 5, 2008 5:24 PM

The U-tube window and the path remind me of something out of Riven - doesn't look real.

I've flown off 1300' cliffs with my hanglider, but no way could I take a step along that path. I'd have to be peeled off the wall.

Posted by: Hunt Johnsen at April 5, 2008 6:19 PM

About halfway through I noticed that my palms were sweating.

It's one thing to walk on a narrow path along a cliff face. But to walk on one which is obviously decaying and crumbling? While holding a videocamera?

Posted by: rickl at April 6, 2008 5:36 AM

Bag THAT for a @#$%^&*! game of soldiers.

Posted by: TmjUtah at April 6, 2008 9:33 AM