The entire Universe,
on all scales,
in all places,
and at all times,
obeys the same fundamental laws of nature.
From the weakest, lowest-frequency photon of light to the largest galaxy ever assembled, from the unstable atoms of Uranium decaying in the Earth’s core to the neutral hydrogen atoms forming for the first time 46 billion light years away, the laws that everything in this Universe obeys are the same.
Gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces are the same wherever and whenever you go. The particles that exist (and can exist) and their properties are the same. The rules that govern the entire system are the same. All of it, at all energies, at all times, at all places, are underwritten by the same laws of nature.
This is the most remarkable thing of all. Imagine what things would be like if this weren’t true. Imagine an existence where nature behaves randomly and unpredictably, where gravity turns on-and-off on a whim, where the Sun could simply stop burning its fuel for no apparent reason, where the atoms that form you could spontaneously cease to hold together.| 3tags Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 18, 2016 9:27 AM
Well... not exactly
"Nature's laws may vary across the Universe"
Posted by: Drake at May 18, 2016 11:04 AMThe question isn't settled. But if the physical laws are the same, that would make sense:
The universe began from a singular point, therefore everything was squished right together at the beginning. So the laws must be the same, no? They were so close together that they couldn't be any different. They had to be the same as everything else. You couldn't have one law contradicting another law if they were all in the same place.
Ah, what do I know, anyway?
Posted by: Smokey at May 18, 2016 11:55 AMSurely the limitation of laws of the Universe are directly proportional to the size and scope of the human brain. Whether or not there is enough time for the human brain to develop it's understanding of the more intricate details of the 'rules' before the Universal processes destroy humanity is another question that is crucial. My own puny guess is that there ain't.
Posted by: Frank P at May 18, 2016 12:55 PM"The universe began from a singular point...."
Not necessarily true, see Franks comment above.
ie., what happened BEFORE the bang, and, what caused that bank in the first place?
Anyway, that last paragraph looks like a description of the LIEberal brain, you know, lack of principles.
Posted by: ghostsniper at May 18, 2016 1:18 PMThe Big Band Theory (the actual one, NOT the TV show), is a cosmological conundrum of sorts:
All the supposedly "immutable" laws of astrophysics had to be violated by orders of magnitude for the Big Bang to even happen.
Militant atheists glide over these supposed facts since it requires them to think, even remotely, that there was something supernatural about the origins of the Universe.
Posted by: DonRodrigo at May 18, 2016 2:17 PM"Imagine an existence where nature behaves randomly and unpredictably, where gravity turns on-and-off on a whim, where the Sun could simply stop burning its fuel for no apparent reason, where the atoms that form you could spontaneously cease to hold together."
You'd have Hillary Clinton.
Posted by: Lance de Boyle at May 18, 2016 5:54 PMGhostsniper...
"what happened BEFORE the bang, and, what caused that ban(g) in the first place?"
Again, Hillary Clinton.
Don Rodrigo...
"All the supposedly "immutable" laws of astrophysics had to be violated by orders of magnitude for the Big Bang to even happen."
Unless, of course, Hillary Clinton's plaid pants suit (which defies the laws of geometry and theology) was behind it all.
What we need around here is a dead pool. 50 bucks sez cerebral event by mid September.
Posted by: Lance de Boyle at May 18, 2016 6:07 PMDefine cerebral event, I might go 50 too.
Did the big bang occur when Hilarity's plaid pantsuit hit the floor and that fat sloppy dood was on that shit like stink on a monkey and 9 months later Chelsey was born?
Posted by: ghostsniper at May 18, 2016 7:07 PMHillary's "cerebral event" won't happen until the FBI is about to recommend action by the DOJ. Then she'll have an "episode," withdraw from the race (pre or post convention doesn't matter), Obama, because he's such a loving and kind person, will issue a prophylactic pardon of all her sins, corporeal and spiritual.
Then she'll "recover" and go on to be considered a Democrat elder statesman.
Old Fert avers...
"Then she'll "recover" and go on to be considered a Democrat elder states[plaidpantssuit]man," with severely receding gums, ankles that rival those of Kirstie "I'll have that pie" Alley, and breath that reeks of muff soaked in.... uh... hmmm... whatever they soak muff in these days. Balsamic vinegar? A brisk cheddar?
Maybe, G-d forbid, she'll break her neck on a treadmill, or simply swallow her gorgon head.
"The rules that govern the entire system are the same. All of it, at all energies, at all times, at all places, are underwritten by the same laws of nature."
There's a fractal geometry-like dimension to things, it appears.
Posted by: ahem at May 19, 2016 6:21 AMThe "Big Bang" event was not a beginning, it is an endpoint (where human understanding and theory ends).
Posted by: GG at May 19, 2016 2:02 PM