Sound Bites: Unbridled Hatred for Ted Cruz - The Rush Limbaugh Show
CHUCK SCHUMER: You can't have someone put a gun to your head.
MARK ZANDI: You can only put the gun to your head so many times.
HARRY REID: (whispering) We're not going to bow to Tea Party anarchists, Republican fanatics.
NANCY PELOSI: I call them "legislative arsonists."
KIRSTEN POWERS: The fringe of their party.
TAMARA HOLDER: They are raping the American people.
STENY HOYER: It is a blatant act of hostage taking.
PETER KING: Holding the entire Congress hostage.
MIKE VIQUEIRA: (background noise) Republicans hold the Affordable Care Act hostage!
BARBARA LEE: The Affordable Care Act would be held hostage.
ROBERT GIBBS: ...hold the running of government hostage
BILL PASCRELL: (rotunda noise) We are not going to be held hostage by Mr. Cruz.
BILL MAHER: The House Republicans are holding hostage...
CYNTHIA TUCKER: A bunch of terrorists, who will have taken the country hostage.
BARACK OBAMA: (godlike echo) They窶决e holding the whole country hostage.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 26, 2013 12:53 PM