Dear Lord,
Once again men of Faith and of the West face the swords of the heretics. Once again, those who oppose Thy divine Order surround the remnant of Christian Civilization like wolves against prey. Once again, dear God, we turn our eyes to You and beg Thy gracious aid. If it be thy will, dear Lord, save us. If it be Thy will, raise up a great Leader to inspire Christian hearts in this country and in all the world. If it be Thy will, O Lord, send us a leader, a man to shore up our sagging spirits and rally us to the defense of our faith, our posterity, and our patrimony.
We ask Thee, O Lord, to raise us up a Leader of men like Your servant Emperor Constantine, who, in obeying Your command in hoc Signo vinces, turned the Roman Empire to Your service at the Milvian Bridge; send us a dauntless hero like King Pelayo at Covadonga; send us a uniter and propagator of civilization like Emperor Charlemagne; a daring cavalier like King Jan Sobieski; a triumphant Conquistador like the Servant of God Isabella, Queen of Castile, and her royal husband Ferdinand King of Aragon; an implacable defender of the Church and the West like their grandson Emperor Charles V. Send us a soldier like Charles Martel; a warrior like Don John of Austria; a grim defender of Faith and Nation like Gmo. Francisco Franco. Lord God of Hosts, send Thy people a man of war who will take up the sword of Christendom and crusade against the enemies of Christ and His Church.
If it be Thy Will, send us too a crusading Vicar of Christ like Your servant Pope Saint Leo the Great, who will ride boldly out to meet the Hun in Your Name; a Pope like Your servant Saint Pius V, who assembled the Holy League and rallied the fighting forces of Christendom to smite the Muslim at Lepanto; a Pope like Your servant Urban II at the Council of Clermont, who will stand before the might of Europe-in-arms, point to the Holy Land groaning under the tyranny of the Crescent, and cry "Deus Vult!"
Lord, we pray that you smite the filthy heresy of Islam wherever its ugly stench may waft, and by Thy divine Hand bring into the fold of Your Church all those of that creed who truly seek Thy Face. In this we ask the intercession of Saint James of Compostela, and the spirit of Charles
Martel, the Hammer. We beg you to use us today as you used Pope Innocent III and the strong arm of Thy Church against the Cathar and the Albegensian so long ago. May God rebuke the soi-disant prophet Muhammad and all those who preach his error throughout the world.
God of Nations, restore to the men of Europe and of all nations their true identities as members and protectors of their diverse nationalities, and with a mighty Hand crush the evil global Revolution that seeks to destroy nation, ethny, tribe, clan, sept, and the natural human family and amalgamate all into a corrupt and infernal "new order of the ages". Teach us to live in peace with one another, each color and race in its own sovereign space, each nation united not by artificial propositions or constitutions but the the natural and lasting ties of ancestry, language, culture, and creed; and teach us to recognize as unique the only form of universal human brotherhood that exists: the brotherhood of men separated by nationality but united in Your Church.
Dear God, restore our civilization. Bring all of Your servants to the happy renaissance of a robust, lively, orthodox, and crusading faith.
And, if such be not Your Will, we beg Thee to take the mantle of Christian leadership from us, your unworthy servants of the West, and lay it upon the men of China, or Korea, or Japan, or whatever such nation You deem fit to carry the banner of the Cross down through the ages remaining before you subjugate death, hell, and all worldly powers unto Thyself.
If any of these petitions are unworthy in Your sight, may we come to know Your displeasure through your gracious and loving correction, and may Our Lady's prayers be efficacious on our behalf, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.
- S.M., August A.D. 2014
Shibes Meadow in a Comment on The Dead Dark Heart of Islam
Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 20, 2014 6:31 PMWe don't need prayers we need bombers.
Posted by: Fat Man at August 20, 2014 7:11 PMEven the bombers prayed for swift and accurate justice, and that their efforts would end their wars. You can bet on that.
Posted by: Jewel at August 20, 2014 7:29 PMI'll believe it when I see it.
Posted by: Scott M at August 20, 2014 11:52 PMGod is not a micro-manager.
No matter the lofty prayers and heart-felt supplications, after all is said and done we still have to put our hands on the oars and row.
Boots and steel.
No matter the lofty prayers and heart-felt supplications, after all is said and done we still have to put our hands on the oars and row.
Amen, and Amen.
Posted by: John Venlet at August 21, 2014 8:19 AMWith due respects to the author of the Crusader Prayer, it is so embarrassingly filled with errors, from the confusion of You and Yours with Thee and Thou to the awful mashup of "St. John of Campostella, the Hammer of the Moor."
First, it is St. James Compostela, in Spanish, Santiago, who was an Apostle of Christ and therefore predated the moslems. The author must have intended St. John of Capistrano (San Juan Capistrano), but he was not called the Hammer of the Moors. That would be Charles Martel, referred to as Charles the Hammer, Martel, for his brilliant victory over superior moslem forces, routing them from Tours.
There are several more errors in the Crusader Prayer but that's about all I will tax your patience with.
The only reason these criticisms are offered is so that someone forwarding this Crusader Prayer will not be embarrassed.
Thank you for hearing me out.
Posted by: cymbeline at August 21, 2014 9:13 AMThanks for those helpful notes, Cymbeline. If the author says it is okay I'll work them in.
Posted by: vanderleun at August 21, 2014 10:22 AMI, for one, get the author's gist. Ergo, I'm confident my Lord, who sees and knows all that is in our earthly hearts, gets it also. Fine prayer!
Posted by: Mike Allen at August 21, 2014 11:21 AMI have no patience with this. The nature of Islam is unchanged, is unchangeable. It is we who have changed. Let prayers be directed toward our own moral character and spine, for only then Islam will crawl back under it's rock.
Upon this Empire, as upon that of Rome, calamity has at last fallen. A host of intellectual barbarians has burst in upon it, and has occupied by force the length and breath of it. The result has been astounding. Had the invaders been barbarians only, they might have been repelled easily; but they were barbarians armed with the most powerful weapons of civilisation. They were a phenomenon new to history: they showed us real knowledge in the hands of real ignorance; and the work of the combination thus far has been ruin, not reorganization. Few great movements at the beginning have been conscious of their own true tendency; but no great movement has mistaken it like modern Positivism. Seeing just too well to have the true instinct of blindness, and too ill to have the proper guidance from sight, it has tightened its grip on the world of thought, only to impart to it its own confusion.
Cymbeline is right on all counts. I was seething when I wrote that, and I failed to pay attention to detail. Please feel free to correct my errors as indicated.
I thank thee for the lesson.
Posted by: Shibes Meadow at August 21, 2014 1:49 PMPS -- Saint James' remains were translated to Compostela in Spain, where they became (and still are) the destination of one of Christendom's major pilgrimages. Since then, mysterious "stars" have appeared over his shrine from time to time, which is why the site was named Compostela ( from campo de Stella, "field of stars" ).
Saint James was the patron of the Reconquista, and is said to have appeared at the head of the Catholic armies of Spain as they rode out to battle the Muslims. For this reasons he was and is called Santiago Matamoros, "Saint James the Moorslayer" -- i.e. " the Hammer of the Moor".
Saint John of Capistrano was observed on many occasions flying (a la Superman) by the power of God. For this reason he is celebrated as the patron saint of astronauts.
Posted by: Shibes Meadow at August 21, 2014 2:02 PMDear Mr. Vanderleun,
Thanks for your kind attention to this matter. If you will, please change the text "St. John of Capistrano. And the spirit of Charles Martel, Charles the Hammer" to "Saint James of Compostela, and the spirit of Charles Martel, the Hammer".
(Saint John of Capistrano, while a worthy saint, is the patron of astronauts.)
Thank you.
Posted by: Shibes Meadow at August 21, 2014 3:43 PM@ S.M. — we need to get more of the Old Testament values worked in there somehow.
The judges of Israel come to mind:
They prepared for war and marched against their enemies; in some cases, "four and forty thousand were slain". That's the scope and commitment to war against the Muslims that is necessary to achieve victory. Small units going about it in secret and failing half the time does not get it.
We must prepare for war like we did in WWII, with much fanfare and thousands of everything put into the battle.
Collateral damage? Really, collateral damage? How many heads must roll (literally) before we mount a campaign to eradicate the pestilent Muslims? If other nations want to join in, fine. If not they should get out of our way.
This fantasy has as much chance of coming true as that of our nation uniting on anything. We'll see Muslims and drug cartels and militant Blacks uniting soon enough.
White people will be shot on sight, the lucky ones. The unlucky ones will suffer* first.
*You supply your own details.
we need to get more of the Old Testament values worked in there somehow
We must prepare for war like we did in WWII
Dear chasmatic,
I recognize and respect what you are trying to say here. The problem with these statements, however, is that there is no "we". The United States is no longer "us". It is now "them". Old Glory is no longer "our" flag. It is "their" flag. The Federal Entity is Washington D.C. no longer represents our interests.
Whose interests does it represent? I leave that question to you.
Whatever the answer might be, the important thing is to recognize that "they" are not "us". The next time somebody tells you that "we" ought to do something about ISIS, or that "our" government ought to do this or that, or that banksters, corporate bigshots, and/or Hollywood should do right by "us", remind yourself of this fact: the United States as a country, the Federal Entity that controls it, and the established power structures at all levels of government, law enforcement, academia, business, and the "news" and "entertainment" media exist to destroy "us", and everything we hold dear.
The Lord tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. To do that, we must necessarily love ourselves. And to do that, we must know what we mean by the term "ourselves".
Before "we" can do anything, "we" have to identify ourselves. Each of us must precisely define what it is that makes "us" us, and "them" them. We can't fight for "our side" unless we know who is a member of "our side", and what it is that makes them so.
And in the final analysis, the only way to do this is to answer for oneself the question "for whom am I willing to kill?" -- which is just another form of the question "to whom am I loyal? To who do I pledge my allegiance?"
For my own part, the answer can only be: I pledge allegiance to God; then to His Church; then to my wife, my children, my extended family, my ethnic group, my race, my friends, my proximate neighbors, my community, my state government, and finally to the invisible community of men of good will around the world. There are no entities outside of these to which I feel loyal. It is for these entities, in the order listed above, that I would fight and die.
And fighting is something that comes naturally to me and mine. We are a military family. All my ancestors, as far back as I can recall, were fighting men. I myself served in the United States Navy, and I once held out a fond hope that my own son would wear the colors of that establishment.
But that dream is over. My son will never receive my blessing to become a member of the Navy, the Army, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard, because those forces no longer fight for people like us.
The people that run this country -- the media/academic/governmental/ideological/corporate Power Clique -- do not represent people who look like me, who speak my language, who share the culture, customs, and religious creed in which I was raised. On the contrary: its members hate people who speak my language, and who share the culture, customs, and religious creed in which I was raised.
Until that changes, or until an entity that does act on behalf of people who look like me, who who speak my language, and who share the culture, customs, and religious creed in which I was raised, I must consider myself foreign to and an enemy of that selfsame Power Clique.
And, in my opinion, so should you.
In closing, I remind you of the lyrics of that funny old song:
The Lone Ranger and Tonto
Were riding down the Navajo Trail
When a band of Indians found 'em,
Proceeded to surround 'em, and
The Lone Ranger turned kinda pale
"Tonto, our lives are in danger
We got to get away if we can!"
Tonto just looked at Lone Ranger:
"What you mean, we, white man?"
Yeah, lets do it.
But this time can we not fight them with one hand tied behind our backs and by throwing gold bars at them?
(Phiss! We're broke, try to remember!)
Posted by: John the River at August 22, 2014 8:15 AMBy the way, I stole this...thanks!
Posted by: John the River at August 22, 2014 9:53 AMI'm guessing everyone has seen the image of the mugwump holding the sign "ISIS is here" at the Ferguson Hope n' Change fest. This squares up with what Farrakhan said a while back. Those who are slack-jawed that the shadow returned to the golf course after the beheading need to focus.
Posted by: Will at August 22, 2014 11:19 AMShibes,
"... And, in my opinion, so should you ..."
I do. My perimeter is only as large as I can maintain. I avoid crowds, have formed alliances with neighbors and friends and Church members and Lodge Brothers.
I have no allusions about any "we" except as written, "We the people" so forth. It is a moral meme, not an objective statement.
The dynamics necessary for survival will promote small groups and anything larger will get corrupted.
Fidarsi è bene ma non fidarsi è meglio.
To trust is good but not to trust is better.