July 19, 2004

Isreal is Good to Go on Iran

WHILE THE UNITED STATES DITHERS AND DELIBERATES ON ISSUES OF LITTLE IMPORT, ISREAL is not fooling around: Israel's 'first strike' plan against Iran ready

Israel has completed military rehearsals for a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear power facility at Bushehr, Israeli officials told the London-based Sunday Times.

Such a strike is likely if Russia supplies Iran with fuel rods for enriching uranium. The rods, currently stored at a Russian port, are expected to be delivered late next year after a dispute over financial terms is resolved.

An Israeli defense source in Tel Aviv, who confirmed that the military rehearsals had taken place, told the paper: "Israel will on no account permit Iranian reactors - especially the one being built in Bushehr with Russian help - to go critical."

This strategy is derived, in part, from the report out of Project Daniel last April:ISRAEL’S STRATEGIC FUTURE
Project Daniel began with the assumption that Israel's security environment must be appraised continuously, and that the threat of irrational state and nonstate enemies armed with WMD assets represents the single most urgent danger to the country's survival. Early on in our deliberations, however, we ("The Group") agreed that while the overall impact of this threat was extraordinarily high, its probability was considerably less than that of WMD assaults from rational enemy quarters. Reflecting this judgment, we concluded that Israel's main focus must now be on preventing a coalition of Arab states and/or Iran from coming into possession of weapons of mass destruction. Preferably, we urged this objective be pursued while Israel continues with its present policy of deliberate ambiguity regarding its own nuclear status.
Emphasis added.

Posted by Vanderleun at July 19, 2004 12:40 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

If it is coming by boat, why not sink the boat? It could have a mysterious 'boiler explosion' ala 'Remember the Maine'. Or hit the shipyard as they are unloading the ship. If this stuff gets inland, no one will find it until it is inside the reactor.

Posted by: Scott R at July 19, 2004 3:19 PM

Since the Iranian 'president' is on record as saying a nuclear bomb could solve the 'problem' of Israel, I'd say they have justification. What are they waiting for? (Expect shock & outrage from Kofi Inc.)

Posted by: jeff at July 19, 2004 3:29 PM

Here's an excellent account of Israel's attack on the Iraqi reactor in 1981 (requires Flash). Be sure to read the sidebar on Ilan Ramon.


Interesting to note that the attack was uniformly condemned at the time. Even Reagan and Thatcher had some harsh words (proving that nobody's perfect).

Posted by: Tom L at July 20, 2004 6:32 AM

Slight correction: it seems my recollection was faulty. Reagan was about the only person who didn't condemn the attack.

According to the book "Raid on the Sun", Reagan's immediate response on being informed of the attack was, "Well, boys will be boys." When he saw the satellite photos, his reaction was, "What a terrific piece of bombing."

But he let his advisers talk him into slapping Israel on the wrist. (Haig, Baker, and Weinberger took the anti-Israel view. Perle was the only one who thought the attack was a good thing.) The State Department issued a condemnation. Delivery of some F-16's to Israel was suspended.

Reagan's true feelings came out at a press conference the following week when he was asked about Israel's refusal to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. He said it was "hard to envision Israel as being a threat to its neighbors." And the F-16's were delivered a few months later.

Posted by: Tom L at July 20, 2004 7:58 AM

If I'm not mistaken, Reagan knew about the attack beforehand, and promised a slap on the wrist. Though the act was uniformly criticized, I find it difficult to believe anyone didn't secretly thank the Israelis for it.

Posted by: Jeremiah at July 20, 2004 10:13 AM

If it is coming by boat, why not sink the boat?

Probably because it is a Russian ship and Israel doesn't want to go to war with Russia (although Israel certainly has the moral right to in this case).

Posted by: Mike Silverman at July 20, 2004 2:52 PM

Bring on the Armaggedon!!

This is what is needed to bring our Saviour Jesus Christ back to us. Its not yet too late to become a Christian and save your immortal soul.

Praise Jesus !!

Posted by: Born Again Bob at July 21, 2004 7:16 PM