Confused about global warming? You should be. The always much-vaunted Experts can't even agree on whether or not more sunshine is a good idea: "Daylight Saving Change: Energy Boon or Waste of Time?"
Getting in the religious mode in which you are either a "Believer" or a "Non-believer?" Hey, you gotta believe in something and, with the cheapening of God, it really is about time the human race got back to its roots and started arguing about the "Weather Gods."
You just know things are going well in Iraq when the current "End of the World As We Know It" argument is getting all the traction in the puny minds of men.
The morphing of "Global Warming" into "Climate Change" is a brilliant stroke since, well, there's always some climate change going on somewhere. That sly semantic shift alone is good for a couple of decades worth of sturm und drang studies and useless programs costing billions. You can believe what you wish about Global Warming, but what is beyond argument is the fact that the Global Global Warming Funding Scam is here and not going away. Too many people have mortgages to pay and kids to put through college.
What's the take-away from this Oscar award winning line of bullshit? "Everybody argues about the weather, but nobody knows anything about it."
Posted by Vanderleun at March 12, 2006 9:56 AMWhen the global warming hysterics desecrate baseball with such things as that ridiculous Sports Illustrated cover of a Marlins player knee-deep in water, you know there's no place to hide.
Posted by: Connecticut Yankee at March 12, 2007 4:53 PM