AS THEY BEHAVE AT THE CONVENTION, SO SHALL THEY TRY TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER. One of the problems with Kos, perhaps the major problem, is that he doesn't know when to shut up. Take this smarmy little "backstage" item about how the Democrats are packing their own convention hall:
So here's how it works.Take that little, "harmless," cheat and extend it to election day. Clearly, members of a party that would cheat their own convention in such a way would have even less of a problem doing something along the same lines when it came to voting. Vote. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.There are a few thousand delegates with credentials. But lots more people want to come in and partake in the festivities. Even if it is a "stage-managed event", it's a party for political junkies, and there are lots more of us than most people realize.
So a delegation gets in the building. One person collects all their credentials, walks out the Fleet Center, and returns with a whole new group. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
So suddenly, there are three times as many "delegates" walking around.
The comments on this post confirm and endorse this behavior.
I'm currently reading Hewitt's " If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat: Crushing the Democrats in Every Election and Why Your Life Depends on It ." This Kostathetic item only underscores Hewitt's premise. As I said yesterday concerning their candidate, the Democrats' critical shortage is 'honor.'
You knew that already, but it helps to have one of their own confirm it.
Posted by Vanderleun at July 29, 2004 3:41 PMI think this is the reason the Dems are so anti electronic voting. They claim it enables unscrupulous people to manipulate the vote, but they haven't figured out how to do it yet!
I haven't done the research, and I'm not going to, but I don't recall more than one instance of Republicans stuffing ballot boxes. It seems that voting irregularities are almost exclusively the work of Democrats.
Posted by: J.R. at July 29, 2004 8:13 PMClearly, members of a party that would cheat their own convention in such a way would have even less of a problem doing something along the same lines when it came to voting.
Yep, CLEARLY. If you're a fucking idiot, that is.
Posted by: drudgefactor at July 29, 2004 8:19 PMI guess in addition to 'lack of honour', we can add 'lack of class'....
Posted by: pappy at July 29, 2004 8:45 PMYou got that right, but then they never have been a very sophisticated party since the death of John F. Kennedy, have they?
Not really a roster to be proud of is it?
Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at July 29, 2004 9:10 PMPeople do this at every conference I've ever been to, poltical, technical, or otherwise. I'm sure it happens at the RNC convetion, and has happened at every convention that has ever taken place.
Posted by: Jim at July 29, 2004 10:33 PM