“The late Solar Eclipse was an event which was heralded and predicted many years ago, but during the past year has attracted very great attention. The special attention of photographers has been called to it, as a subject of great interest for the camera, and we are glad to know that good and interesting results followed. The idea of making photographs of the great sources of light himself, particularly when he was partially or totally deprived of his power, had a charm about it which many found it impossible to overcome. …
We were now told by the astronomers that the moon would soon reach the sun. Plates were prepared at once ready to get a picture of first contact. Prof. Watson was to signal us by lifting his hand at the moment. Our plate was in the camera and the slide drawn, while we watched for the signal. Up went the hand; click! went the stop and the first exposure was made, the plate showing on development the least contact, looking like the impression made upon an apple by the thumb when testing its ripeness. Negatives were then made at intervals of five to ten minutes until totality took place and after totality until the eclipse was ended and over.”
1869 Eclipse Photographed | Graphic Arts
I was married on Antigua in 1998 during a total eclipse of the Sun with Montserrat's volcano blowing up in the background- I'd always said it would be a dark day at noon before I got married.
I was five hours late.
We then went skiing in Jackson Hole for a honeymoon and the new wife blew out a ligament: Every time I get a new toy, I break them.
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