A woman has married a dolphin in Israel.It was a first marriage for Cindy, Sharon's third.Sharon Tendler from Redbridge, East London, wore a white silk dress and a pink tiara for the ceremony in Eliat, Israel.
The dolphin, Cindy, swam to the side of his enclosure for the ceremony.
Sharon kissed Cindy and whispered "I love you" in his blow hole....
"I'm the happiest girl on earth," the bride said as she chocked back tears of emotion. "I made a dream come true, and I am not a pervert," she stressed.
Tendler said she and her newly wed husband will probably spend their wedding night bowling.
In other breaking dolphin-sex news: "Japan's first dolphin conceived from frozen sperm died at an aquarium outside Tokyo, keepers said."
Posted by Vanderleun at January 2, 2005 1:10 PM