Breaking Points
LOVE IS IN THE AIR: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that President Bush's chief political strategist "spends a lot of time obsessing about me."
SHOOT THE USUAL SUSPECTS: "Saudi forces on Monday killed five suspected militants believed to be linked to an al Qaeda attack on the world's biggest oil processing plant, the Interior Ministry said."
ON THE OTHER HAND, SAUDI METHODS MAY NOT ALWAYS BE SUCH A BAD IDEA: "We are requesting participation from all members of the United Nations, PFAW, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Code Pink, police, soldiers, ACLU, CIA, NSA and International Courts of Justice/World Court." [Relax, they just threw in "police, soldiers" so they wouldn't seem so... well... demented.]--
All Things Beautiful: Storm The White House
Carter: I can see why Tom [Ford] has been so successful. He can focus his attention on something and hold it for a good spell.
GRAYDON CARTER'S in line to become the next president of Harvard. With covers like this what's not for feminists to like about the current head of Vanity Fair and former president of the Hair Club for Men?
LUCRE IN THE SKY: "The night sky could soon be lit up with gigantic three-dimensional adverts, thanks to a Japanese laser display that creates glowing images in thin air." Wow, thanks.
BORG UNIVERSE ON THE WAY: "Our universe may one day be obliterated or assimilated by a larger universe...."
twiddling their thumbs until further notice.
NO GRANT, NO LEE, NO LINCOLN: "Iraq, in short, is not on the brink of a civil war, as we understand it from our own experience; rather it is on the brink of something that no American, based on his own experience of civil life within his nation, can possibly hope to grasp in its full horror -- namely, tribalist anarchy."
THE BUFFET MUST KEEP ROLLING FOREVER: "About two dozen hurricane evacuees living on a cruise ship south of New Orleans were taking the federal government to court Monday in a bid to keep the ship docked and the government paying for it."
.... the Joan Rivers of American journalism."
Needing to wake up, West just closes its eyes "What, in the end, are all these supposedly unconnected matters from Danish cartoons to the murder of a Dutch filmmaker to gender-segregated swimming sessions in French municipal pools about? Answer: sovereignty. Islam claims universal jurisdiction and always has. The only difference is that they're now acting upon it."
Thumbstacks: Live presentations on the web! Millions of American workers shoot themselves in their cubicles.
THE MARCHING MORON MARCHES ON: Bode Miller = George Bush. I say, can some kind soul fetch that Wolcott lad a fresh drool cup?
A MEETING OF THE TWO DIMENSIONAL MINDS: "Obviously, this type of two-dimensional thinking is not confined to the Muslim world. In America we have many of our own two-dimensional professors, such as Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, and Juan Cole. Their minds are like utterly predictable calculating machines. Whatever data you put into them, they spit out the same results: U.S. bad, everyone else good. " --
One Cosmos: On Seeing the Depth of the Cosmos With Your Own Three Eyes
Losing the masses. Gaining the "Me."
9 tips for running more productive meetings
DILBERT'S CREATOR IN A COMA: "My current view of reality is that I’m in a coma someplace and this apparent reality is my dream. It’s not so crazy if you compare it to the alternative explanation that I really did become one of the top selling cartoonists of all time with no experience whatsoever."
BUY A RAZR [ Where
are we going to store all the spare vowels in the future? ] : "This small insect, attached to my head before it burrows in completely and makes me carry out the Will of Khan, lets me imitate true madmen by walking around in public talking to myself. I have no intention of ever using it, but since I like to talk to myself I can clip it on and say what I wish and no one will care. "
Crocodilium .... When boiled and drunk, it 'causes copious bleeding at the nose'. "
THE SUPERFLUOUS GOD: "At its heart, Islam is a faith of weakness wrapped in the armor of a warrior. Its god Allah is incapable of winning victory or changing hearts except by the murder, warfare, subjugation, and coercion of his followers. Who needs such a God when
man is fully capable of such deeds without Him? "
STOCKHOLM BIKER SYNDROME: The Stockholm chapter of the biker gang Hell's Angels is being investigated for fraud after police found 70 per cent of members were certified as depressed by the same doctor and were getting state sickness benefits.
It's not just for triangles any more.
WANT YOUR DAUGHTER TO BE A ROCKET SCIENTIST? Don't send her to Harvard (or MIT for that matter.) ....
coed schools tend to reinforce gender stereotypes.... There is now very strong evidence that girls are more likely to take courses such as computer science and physics in girls-only schools….
Awww..... puppy!
THOUGHT OF THE DAY: "There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
Posted by Vanderleun at February 26, 2006 10:19 PM