Found at Random Thoughts and Musings
The Golem of Government:
With almost Tolkienesque malice it seeks to see all, hear all, and know all- and owing to complacency that runs the gambit from your blithe acquiescence to your active participation, increasingly looks close to meeting its total information omniscience goal. Yet, the Golem is possessed of no craft, no subtly, no art. Its sensory organs inform crude appendages that know how to do nothing but squeeze, smash, stomp, kidnap, and explode the targets of its interest without apology or feeling. Moreover, the Golem has no sense of proportion, happily imposing costs of $10 billion on the developed world to collect less than one tenth of that in revenue for itself, raining fire from the sky upon any collection of persons it feels might maybe contain a couple troublemakers. It thinks nothing of shutting down the 20th largest city within its borders (at a cost of many billions of dollars) to hunt down a single sleep-deprived, starving, wounded, and suicidal criminal. Likewise, it laughs to spend hundreds of thousands in time and expenses to ransack those of its Subjects' entities with operating budgets of $20,000, $15,000, or even less, or to ruin a mid-sized enterprise with a displeasing political orientation over vague foreign regulations on the exportation of wood. It Is Past Time To Kill "Just One Child" (But It Is Probably Too Late and You Don't Have The Guts) | finem respice
"See it come along and
Don't know where it's from
Oh, yes you will find out
Well, it happens all the time
It's censored from our minds
You'll find out
Slow or fast, slow or fast
Oh yeah, oh yeah
End at last, end at last
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Stand up coming years
And escalation fears
Oh, yes we will find out
Well, like a withered stone
Fears will pierce your bones
You'll find out
Oh we're waiting, oh we're waiting
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh we're waiting, oh we're waiting
Oh yeah, oh yeah "