You know you want it. British Tank FV601 Saladin : Up for auction at
"OK for those of you who have always wanted your own tank here it is. This is something you dont see everyday and a great conversation piece and collectors item This is a 1958 British FV601 (fighting vehicle) Saladin These vehicles were used by the British from the late 50s till 1972. Used by over thirty countries. Still used by some . Just seen a pic on TV of the conflict in Honduras and a Saladin sitting at a check point. This vehicle is powered by a inline 8 cylinder Rolls Royce engine . Uses gas not deisel. Armament is 1 76mm gun (demilled of course) and 2 1919 Browning Machine guns . One dummy 1919 and one dummy sten gun is included with it. [Could be swapped out.] This vehicle has the working rotating turret and main gun elevation. This one is done in Cypress Camo. This vehicle is in good shape for its age. Best part about this vehicle is it is street legal. Has 6 wheels ,headlights,turn signals ,horn and mirrors. Uses a crew of three (driver,commander,gunner) This vehicle the engine runs good , Cruises in third forth and fifth fine. First and second alittle slugish. May need bands tightened. All hatches work. tires good. I have a operators manual . This Vehicle was driving 8/1/09 Lights and turn signals fully operational. Currently in Lakeland Florida with clean Florida title. Vehicle weights 25000# Length is 17'4" Width is 8'4" Height is 9'7" Buyer responsible for all shipping. Can assist is shipping arraingements Will trade for guns, Class 3 , land, homes etc."Bonus: No matter how high the price of gas gets, with this you can always get as much as you need. Cheap. Real cheap.
HT: Kevin @ Exurban League
Posted by Vanderleun at January 7, 2010 11:04 PMAre those the original tires? Where can I find NOS parts? I wouldn't want aftermarket Chinese repop parts in the gun turret. But hey- lower this bad boy- some metalflake and chrome would help. Baby moons, Lakes pipes, blue lights in the wheel wells, fuzzy dice from the rear view... Dude, we're cruisin'!
Posted by: jwm at January 8, 2010 7:03 AMNow that's true. Maybe Iowahawk could get on the case.
Posted by: vanderleun at January 8, 2010 8:09 AMHmmm, just the thing for Jakarta traffic. The "Metro Mini" buses and Bajajs wouldn't stand a chance. Especially if I could get that 76mm gun working...
Posted by: waltj at January 8, 2010 9:02 AMParallel parking? What's that?
Posted by: Mikey NTH at January 8, 2010 1:21 PM"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated to combat spam and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.