"As in all things, in all times, stay away from crowds.
The photo is from 1943, a rainy day in Marseille in the south of France. The occupation forces have cordoned off part of the city and rounded up the civilians. The Reich is desperately short of workers, these people will be separated from their children and sent to labor in Germany—completely legal under their War Powers Act. Working conditions will be harsh, they'll be all but unbearable before war's end. Many will die or be debilitated from abuse, hunger, overwork, disease or in Allied bombings. Those in good health, wearing durable shoes and clothing, are the most likely to survive. Those who are elsewhere on this rainy day in 1943 have the best chance of all." ol remus and the woodpile reportPosted by gerardvanderleun at April 28, 2014 11:11 AM
All of Democrats in the audience are looking at this and their little hearts are going pity-pat.
Posted by: Fat Man at April 28, 2014 1:54 PMAnd many in that pic were assuring each other things would be OK.
Posted by: Scott M at April 29, 2014 1:17 AMIt is all OK because weapons are slung. And yes, the children are going to day care.
Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at April 29, 2014 6:20 AMHey! That looks like the photo of folks "electing" to "sign up" for Obamacare the day before MOST folks would be fined by the IRS for NOT doing so.
Posted by: CaptDMO at April 29, 2014 12:11 PMLucky me !
Posted by: maplestory4guide at May 13, 2014 1:23 AM