Don't say it can't happen here. It has. This is how its done.
This is what an interrogation in 2008 looks like. It's not in a dungeon, or even a secure government facility. It's not done by paramilitaries in uniforms. It looks banal -- in a meeting room at a law office, with a bored bureaucrat. It's what Hannah Arendt called "the banality of evil".-- Ezra Levant, January 12, 2008
Ezra Levant's opening statement at the vile and Orwellian Human Rights Commission of Canada in Alberta. He is being put "on trial" for publishing in Canada the controversial Muhammad cartoons during the controversy in 2005-2006.
[Click the link for another look at the Muslim cartoons. ]
His response is brilliantly done. But check out the sleeze-drone that sits across from him doing the government's bidding and sucking down a paycheck for running this kangaroo court. (Name: Shirlene McGovern of the Alberta Human Rights Commission as well as, it would seem, an "Immigration" lawyer with offices in Vancouver.)
The sense of outrage I feel at seeing this man dragged before a government body to defend his right to publish whatever he sees fit is without limit. Yours should be as well. One can only hope that if enough free Canadians see this travesty take place they will act to erase this blot on the history of their country. If not they deserve what they will get and they will get it.
Ezra Levant: "I don't answer to the state. It is disgusting to me that I have to explain my reasoning to the government.... She's a thug. You're a thug. Your whole company is a thug... I do not seek to convince you because to do so means I grant you some moral authority."
Interrogator: "What was your intent?" Just creepy to listen to this woman's flat tones. Just doing her slimy little job.
What was your intent? - Ezra Levant
"If you don't pay attention, you might not even realize that freedoms are being eroded. I had half-expected a combative, missionary-style interrogator. I found, instead, a limp clerk who was just punching the clock. She had done it dozens of times before, and will do it dozens of times again. In a way, that's more terrifying."He's right. It is.
The real violence in Edmonton. "The last house of worship firebombed in Edmonton was my synagogue by dumb, radical, Islamic fascist from Jordan."
Pass these along. This is the most shameful thing to ever come out of Canada.
[HT: LGF ]
Posted by Vanderleun at January 12, 2008 7:32 PM | TrackBackSocialism, doing it's dudu
All over me 'n you
Could you imagine the mainstream press ever asking their socialist candidates what their opinion of this case is? Won't happen. These people are in lock step. Remember, The Nazi's were socialists, too.
Posted by: JD at January 13, 2008 3:45 PMHe should abide by Canada's higher law, which is to say, cross-check her ass into the boards, take the two minute minor, and be done with it.
Posted by: Gagdad Bob at January 13, 2008 9:45 PMThis is crazy and tragic. It reminds of the US case of Sibel Edmonds, except in a kind of reverse mode. We WON'T let her speak. I wonder why you haven't mentioned that one.
Posted by: michael at January 14, 2008 1:25 PM This group is a Libertarian's nightmare come true.
Only our Canadian blogs are reporting it. MSM are MIA............
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