For every new job that the Obama Administration says it created, two Americans have been added to the food stamp program. Obama’s America.
"For a lot of folks, the idea that if you worked hard, you could make it -- you could get a good job that paid a living wage, that you could count on your kids having a better future than you did -- those things were slipping out of the grasp of a lot of folks." July 22, 2013 Remarks by the president at an OFA Dinner | The White House
In the fall of 2011, Mr. Obama addressed a joint session of Congress to unveil a $447 billion jobs bill that has not passed. In 2012, as his re-election campaign neared its end, he renewed his vision with a 20-page economic plan. In his State of the Union address in February, the president refocused on the economy after beginning his second term focused on gun control, immigration, climate change and gay rights. And just this past May, Mr. Obama announced he was restarting his “Middle Class Jobs and Opportunity Tour,” with stops in Baltimore and Austin, Tex. Obama Seeking to Take Credit and Set Course for Economy -
Once upon a time
Having money was a crime,
And I was in my prime
And working for nothing.
Now that habit's hard to break,
And what I got you wouldn't take
The time to steal. Life's so unreal
When you're working for nothing.
Working for nothing
-ain't my act.
Working for nothing
-an un-natural fact,
Working for nothing.
Those cats in the top hats
All know money's where its at,
Say `You want it easy, want it fat?
Quit working for nothing.'
Those dudes hopping on The Line,
Making Fords and doing fine,
Do you think they'd take a shine
To working for nothing?
Working for nothing
-for pie in the sky
Working for nothing
-in the sweet bye and bye
We'll all be working for nothing.
That man with the handshake,
His love is just a stone fake.
He wants your love for his sake.
He ain't smiling for nothing.
He's got power in his sights.
He'll come out on top all right.
Still, his wife stays out all night,
Working for nothing.
Working for nothing --
Gotta break on through --
Working for nothing
To where dreams come true.
No more working for nothing.
Gotta get that bacon.
Gotta pay that rent.
Gotta give that loan shark
My last red cent.
Gotta make a final payment
And get my pistol outta hock.
Gotta press my three-piece suit.
Gotta darn my sock.
There's alimony, child-support,
There's last month's union dues,
And my baby needs a new pair
Of hand-made English shoes.
She's been broke before,
And says she won't put out no more,
If putting out just means
She's working for nothing.
Working for nothing...
-But there ain't nothing free.
Working for nothing...
-It's just the fool in me
That's working for nothing.
I used to be a winner,
A syncopated sinner.
I gave out all my love for free
(Yes, that was really me.)
Now I jump when they push the button,
Trying to get me a piece of something,
Trying to make a deal that beats
Working for nothing.
Gonna pull myself together,
Buy the papers, find a job.
Maybe dress up all in leather
And break legs for the mob.
Maybe wear those real sharp suits,
Be the servant, play the clown,
For those jokers in the penthouse
That own the whole damn town.
Maybe be a jewel thief,
Or rob banks like Willie Sutton.
Be a local discount hit-man.
It's better than working for nothing.
If you're working for something
-don't take no bets
It only seems like something
-cause you ain't seen nothing yet
No, you ain't seen nothing yet.