Wretchard @ The Belmont Club » Murphy Rides Again notes that the only evil consequences to Julian Assange's leaks will fall on the Afghans.
CBS News reports that Times of London reporters -- scanning the [Wikileaks] reports for just a couple hours found hundreds of Afghan names mentioned as aiding the U.S.-led war effort.Assange will go on to the standard celebrations of his treason. I can almost here the Nobel Committee buzzing now. Not so his nameless victims. There's more HERE. Posted by Vanderleun at July 28, 2010 9:46 AMOne specific example cited by the paper is a report on an interview conducted by military officers of a potential Taliban defector. The militant is named, along with his father and the village in which they live.The news came as Wikileaks founder Julian Assange expressed fears he could be arrested. The Telegraph says he "has been warned by inside sources in the White House not to return to the US as he could be arrested."Hw'a had more warning than the individuals in Afghanistan who will more than likely be identified by al-Qaeda support cells in Western Europe or the Middle East who will pore through the Wikileaks documents. The names of the traitors to radical Islam will be duly transmitted to the avengers who will then go out severally into the night to on their missions of revenge. Recently Radio Netherlands described what Afghans who are suspected by the Taliban can expect to endure. The Taliban have cut off the hands of construction workers who build government-funded projects; sent a suicide car bomb against a district chief believed to have been working with US special forces. Death in many forms will be their lot. One informant Radio Netherlands described holds a thick yellow sheet tightly around his face to preserve his anonymity. Now it turns out he shouldn't have bothered. If the London Times is right, his name might be one of the several hundred the British reporter has found in just a few hours.
Yet the dead are the lucky ones. The more unfortunate may wind up in a torture chamber similar to one found by Coldstream Guards. It features such amenties as chains to hang prisoners from walls. Not that the inmates would want to walk on the floor: that features broken glass. And there is limb amputation, kneecapping with an electric drill, eye gouging, bone-breaking or ritual rape to smash the will. Where the offender is not himself available punishment will be visited on his relatives.
"The Telegraph says he 'has been warned by inside sources in the White House not to return to the US as he could be arrested.'"
This has the smell--in every detail--of a budding lefty meme: Unverifiable sources "inside the White House" warning that he "could be arrested"?? Clearly the Obozo administration didn't mean *they* were thinking about ordering his arrest, because they've demonstrated ad nauseum that they don't care about leaks of secrets material (as long as said leaks damage the U.S.)
So this sounds like the anti-American Julian Ass@ setting up a straw-man. He will then announce his intent to return to the U.S. *regardless of the warning by the Obama folks*, and regardless of the risk to his own freedom !
And the Left will go absolutely wild. "How incredibly brave!", they will gush. "To defy the threat of arrest by the eeevil forces of..." Ah, there's the rub; because since he hasn't done anything to irritate the Obozo gang, who else would have the authority to arrest him?
Why, the Left would say, rogue elements of the CIA! Or the military! Or--the trifecta--the "military-industrial complex!" because his brave release of leaked secrets threatens to bring an end to the war and thus to their profits.
Hey, makes perfect sense--if you're a leftist.
Posted by: sf at July 28, 2010 11:15 AMThe description of the torture chamber and the various tortures should be required reading for all those who want to destroy our efforts to defend ourselves. These facts once again expose the barbarity of our foes. They show in painful detail what we are up against, but the prevaricating purveyors of peace are blind to all that. Instead they cling to their warped vision of this country.
Too bad Assange knows he will never face having his kneecaps drilled or his digits snipped off one at a time. That possibility would deter idiots like him from such stupid, weaselly, treasonous activity.
Posted by: Jimmy J. at July 28, 2010 11:46 AMIdots like Assange don't really care about the affects on people in the particular from their actions. They only use them theoretically to justify their actions which is to wreak havoc on civilization. They're nihilists at heart.
A painful death would be too good for the likes of Assange.
Posted by: phil g at July 28, 2010 12:30 PMThat is a vile description of what the Taliban do. If anyone doubts what we're doing over there, read that post!
Posted by: dallas flooring at July 28, 2010 7:46 PMThere are no depths of depravity to which the left will not sink in order to prove how morally superior they are.
Posted by: Jewel at July 28, 2010 9:38 PM"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated to combat spam and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.