View of the Podium and the Star above, main stage Democrat Convention, Denver
"Now when Obama was nominated in Denver of Colorado in the days of W the SATAN, behold, there came desperate Dems from the 57 States to Denver, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Dems? for we have seen his star in the MSM, and are come to suck up to him."
I suppose this little bit of stagecraft was done in response to the eternal and burning question of the "New Improved" Democrat Party: "Is there anything else we can do, that we have not yet done, to alienate and piss off the Christians of America?"
HT Media Blog
Posted by Vanderleun at August 24, 2008 9:47 AM | TrackBackAre they really doing that? I mean this must be a photoshop satire, right?
Posted by: Fat Man at August 24, 2008 10:22 AMI think it is called hubris.
And, yes, they are really doing it.
Robohobo, seriously, is that real? I don't believe they would actually compare obama to Christ.
Posted by: mare at August 24, 2008 1:51 PMYou got that backwards - Try Christ to Obama.
Posted by: Matt at August 24, 2008 5:45 PMNot only is this picture NOT a photoshop; not only does the stage look like an altar with a gigantic high-tech crown above and behind it; not only are there faint but definite "journey of the magi" allusions; but worst (or best) of all, from at least one angle you can see devil horns too.
The slavering Obamaddicts will of course be in a frenzy seeing their savior take this stage. The rest of America is more likely to cringe at the unseemliness of this mega-pop music video annointing of the new czar of sanctimoniousness.
Personally, I love the stage. It will scare off several million previously undecided middle Americans, if that many are still awake after Biden's speeches. The only thing Americans resent more that being bored is being hectored.
When the poll numbers come in right after the Democratic Convention, the high priests of new-age snake-oil treatments may be surprised to hear just what flyover America thinks of them.
At this rate McCain can simply watch Obama and the Democratic Party Apparatchiks strut their way to a loss on November 4. A few sharply focused reminders of the Obidiocies and quick reproofs against liberal smears and lies will be all we need. A female VP would put this in the bag for the Republicans. Calling Kay Bailey Hutchison........
Posted by: askmom at August 24, 2008 8:09 PMThe creepy thing is, Venus really does shine like that over the mountains.
Posted by: David McKinnis at August 24, 2008 9:37 PMOh, but the color scheme is grand! Just think what those same designers will do with the White House.
Reminds me of that stylized re-do of official branding that Britain undertook back in the late 1990s. Very fruity and disgraceful.
Posted by: Hannon at August 25, 2008 12:00 AMIt looks like "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind."
Mainly cuz you know Richard Dreyfuss will probably show up.
Imagine how much they wish they could make that a red star.
The scary part is that so many are apparently going to vote for these clowns.
Obama/Biden 2008: One and a Half Crackers
(According to Whoopi, I can say this as a term of endearment. I don't)
Posted by: JD at August 26, 2008 1:47 PM