March 5, 2009

Thursday, 3/05

Alexander the Great, The Refresher Course: The Youngest King Of The World @ The Return Of Scipio

You just can't tell. Webutante: The Great New York Thaw Political warming in the winter city

On the road again: Obama Peddling Stimulus Package Door-To-Door

“Deepen, exacerbate existing problems, crises, differences, and if they don’t exist, create them or convincingly claim that they exist, and then deepen, exacerbate them...and profit the most from them in any way you can, and, in the resulting chaos, blame our enemies for the whole thing.” - Vladimir Ilich Ulianov (Lenin) - QQQ - Maggie's Farm

Flight Level 390: Snow Storm Minimum fuel, maximum gross weight, minimum icing fluid hold over time, maximum snow accumulation, minimum braking action, maximum crosswind component for an icy runway, and on it goes... The thing that really worries me is the big-eyed children that look into the flight deck when their parents tell them, "Look, that's where the pilots are..."

Speculative Fiction and Required Reading: "My fellow citizens, I sit here because a few hours ago the man you elected president last November, his vice-presidential running mate, the speaker of the House of Representatives, and the secretary of State were all killed in combat." The president winced as he spoke. He could hardly imagine the impact of his words on the millions in the audience, most of whom had only the vaguest notion of what had happened in Washington that day. "I can't go into details about that engagement, except to tell you that they, and the men who stood by them, died in defense of offices they were no longer entitled to hold. They forfeited all right to those offices yesterday, when the president ordered American troops to fire on American citizens who were peacefully protesting his policies. When the troops in Anchorage, Alaska, Los Angeles, California, Tampa, Florida, and Portland, Maine refused those orders, the president ordered the officers commanding those troops to fire on them. The foreseeable result was a mutiny, and that's exactly what took place." -- "When It Came" by Francis W. Porretto @ Eternity Road

If they said "Come to Jesus" they would be torn off: San Franciscans have recently been finding themselves in the uncomfortable position of riding around on public buses plastered with the words "ISLAM - Submission to God." - Islam bus ads sponsored by CAIR and ICNA roll into San Francisco · zomblog

Daniel Henninger Says Republicans Need to Start Talking About Economic Growth - I have a poll question: Has anyone in America had a single upbeat conversation about anything the past three weeks?

Pure Iowahawk:I Daresay It Is Time We Deal With the Mutineers Aboard the S.S. Conservatism Alas, as a leader in the thinking wing of the GOP it has proven impossible to completely avoid the predations of Mr. Limbaugh and his slack jawed minions. Each day he rounds up a fresh wave of uncultured baboons to the Republican cause, like some anti-intellectual Pied Piper, making it harder and harder to reposition the party as an upscale boutique brand.

Just mush from the wimps: Big Hollywood -- Late Night Wimps Still Won't Mock Obama

Strange (and very small) fruit: Growing a nano forrest The catalyst that starts off the nanotubes’ growth is visible under some of them as a dark, shadowlike spot.

Prometheus: Climate Politics as Abortion Politics

While California burns.... Schwarzenegger Scopes Out New Bentley in Geneva

Dawn of "The Morning After" is beginning to break on Christopher "Quisling" Buckley: The strange thing is that one feels almost unpatriotic, entertaining negative thoughts about Mr. Obama’s grand plan, as if one were indulging in—call it—the audacity of nope.

Robots R' Us: Big Pix of Robots

The Brilliant Thomas Barnett: The Pentagon's new map for war and peace 25 minutes long and worth every second.

Posted by Vanderleun at March 5, 2009 9:53 AM | TrackBack
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