Needs more warfare. Guys gotta raid to be happy.
Posted by: chuck at November 1, 2015 12:41 PMThere has been a series of PSAs during the baseball season this year showing a family of the the Sacred Diversity People going to a forest, in what seems to be Central Park, and the children putting away their toys and their 'tudes, and groving on wild life. Like that will ever happen.
Not as annoying as the ones with the lesbians in behind a fluoroscope screen hooking up and then stepping in front it to be greeted by a crowd that cheers them instead of projectile vomiting.
Posted by: Fat Man at November 1, 2015 2:35 PMIf you watch TV a lot you may not have noticed the creepage.
I don't, so it jumps right out - the enormous volume of negro's every where, far more than their percentages nationwide. Flagrantly so.
It's almost as if there is an agenda.
Posted by: ghostsniper at November 2, 2015 6:40 AMI'm shocked, shocked, I tell you, that there is an MSM agenda :-)
Posted by: Jimmy J. at November 2, 2015 8:04 AMTo enjoy nature all you need is to get out there along with a poncho, knife and can of tamales.
Posted by: Snakepit Kansas at November 3, 2015 4:21 AM