"Just enough space left on the floor for Jim Carrey."
Update: File under "American males that should be shot on sight:" Once upon a time Steve McQueen defined American maledom, now the weakness spun from years of self-abuse has spawned, quite literally, a thing like Eric Ducharme: Meet the man who lives his life as a merman in Florida's natural springs.
When Eric Ducharme slips into his handmade fin to explore the crystal clear waters of Florida’s natural springs as a merman, he says he’s mentally transported as well. So is the unique, eye-catching life of this Florida man who says he eats, sleeps and breathes mermaids while physically looking and acting like one as often as time allows. 'It's a lifestyle. It's a path in life that I have chosen,' says the 22-year-old from Crystal River.Really? Pass the air-sickness bag.
When fathers take their preschool-age children to the neighborhood park, I've been noticing for awhile they tend to be very careful not to use a genuinely masculine tone of voice. The pitch must be an octave above middle-C. Every sentence, every word. Don't want to seem threatening, even to their own kids, even to simply teach their kids what a real man's voice sounds like.
The coach got fired, instantly. Maybe he should've been, but it's a bit strange that in this age when there are so few instant-firing offenses, the one we can see makes the cut, has something to do with male aggression. We see great urgency in getting rid of some things but not others.
Well said. Growing up and working construction with my father, if you cut yourself you didn't stop to take care of it unless it was life threatening or the job was done. Today that would be considered abuse. I'm still pretty young so there is still hope. But you are correct the prevailing message is speak softly and act timidly. There are few if any modern day John Wayne or Steve McQueen's who were men on and off the screen.
Posted by: Sensei Mitch at April 3, 2013 11:42 AMSometimes, I'm happy I have already had three heart attacks and won't be around much longer to continue witnessing this kind of crap.
Posted by: Former Lurker at April 4, 2013 7:47 AMHe eats mermaids? Did I read that right? That he's a wacko gay man who spends his time communing with alligators (who should have eaten HIM by now) is disturbing enough, but he's also a cannibal of his adoptive "species?" Does he also engage in bestiality with unicorns?
Posted by: Don Rodrigo at April 4, 2013 9:36 AMGood honk in heaven! Now do you people see how important it is to keep all that estrogen from birth control pills out of our water supply??
Posted by: Janet A. Roesler at April 4, 2013 10:32 AMWeeki Wachee, FL has the *hottest* mermaids!
Speaking of manly men -- where have all the hairy chests gone? When I'm in bed with a guy, by God, I want fur. I don't want to be able to squint my eyes and imagine that I'm in bed with a woman from the East German swim team. If I'm ever out with a guy who says he waxes, he'll have to make a choice -- either knock it off, or don't see me again.
Posted by: Val at April 5, 2013 10:13 PMJust one more example of America becoming the eunuch capital of the world. Where are we going with this kind of wussiefacation of men. God please give us REAL men,not this crap.
Posted by: gundog1911 at April 6, 2013 8:55 AMOk, now where's barnacle boy?
Posted by: deepred at April 6, 2013 11:10 AMIn another day that fin would be in a closet in Lee Marvin's house; and Lee would bring it out after everyone was four whiskey sours to the good, and he would laugh as he told how he ran 'merman' down and took the fin as a prize.
"And nancy still threatens me with lawyers to this day," Lee would say.
Posted by: Mikey NH at April 9, 2013 7:09 PM