November 3, 2011

Steam-Engine Time

Steam-engine-time is another name for technological determinism,

which is another way to say simultaneous independent invention, Turns out simultaneous parallel discovery and invention are the norm in science and technology rather than the exception. When it is steam-engine-time, steam engines will occur everywhere. But not before. Because all the precursor and supporting ideas and inventions need to be present. The Romans had the idea of steam engines, but not of strong iron to contain the pressure, nor valves to regulate it, nor the cheap fuel to power it. No idea - even steam engines -- are solitary. A new idea rests on a web of related previous ideas. When all the precursor ideas to cyberspace are knitted together, cyberspace erupts everywhere. When it is robot-car-time, robot cars will come. When it is steam-engine-time, you can't stop steam engines. -- The Technium: Steam-Engine-Time

Posted by Vanderleun at November 3, 2011 3:46 AM
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As R.A. Heinlein wrote "You can railroad when it is time to railroad."

Posted by: Lazarus Long at November 3, 2011 2:51 PM
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