The Voice of The New York Subway System from Vici Shaweddy on Vimeo.
"Charlie Pellett is a veteran news anchor and reporter for Bloomberg Radio.
He is based in New York City. Pellett joined Bloomberg in 1992, serving as a member of the original Bloomberg Radio and Bloomberg Television anchor teams. Pellett's voice has been designated as the official "voice" of the New York City subway system. Every day, riders can hear him imploring them to "stand clear of the closing doors.""Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 2, 2015 3:19 PM
My uncle Louie Lozko, better known as "Letsgo Lozko", he raised bantam chickens. He told me of the competition at a Poultry Show. One such event was a chicken calling contest.
Seems they would set a bunch of chickens loose in an arena and contestants would gather as many hens as they could using chicken calling techniques.
"It vas all in der voice" he said, "takes a good voice, get dem chickens in der roost."