Lions. And living with lions. Up very close and very personal.
"And gets jumped by a lion.... Took him 36 hours to get medical attention..... What does it mean to live with lions? It means to live in terror. It means fear. There's no reverence for the animal. There's only fear. They don't have the luxury of that reverence. That's a western phenomenon."
Click over to The Serengeti Lion | National Geographic Magazine and explore this feature. Extraordinary.
So I have the first comment. Might that be because National Geographic has invented a whole new way of viewing web pages, in which the viewer loses all control and sense of where things are? Perhaps their attitude is "Every photograph is a timeless masterpiece. You'll see 'em when and how we want!"
Also, better have a LOT of bandwidth. Or patience.
I quit reading NG a long time ago because of its ideological slant, but at least one could flip through the publication.
Ditto on the ideological slant. All climate change, all the time.
Posted by: Lazarus Long at September 16, 2013 6:09 AM