DrudgeKu for Tuesday: "We're havin' a heat wave!"
"While continuing to trust science, let's make sure the scientists we're getting it from aren't douche nozzles." -- New Year's Resolutions for All Americans
Snoburbia on the infinite suckitude of cupcakery
American Thinker: Berkeley's Unbearable Whiteness of Science What better way to keep minorities in servitude (and voting Democrat) than to keep them stupid?
Word Around the Net: MEN WITHOUT HATS? Bring back hats. Now. Right NOW!
Of Chris Mooney and his inside the drool cup "science" writing: More Spin Will Cause, Not Cure, Public Mistrust of Science
Little Miss Attila is in it to win it for Hottie McAwesome.
Cowing the intellectuals of the west into silence: Belmont Club サ Killing the chicken to frighten the monkey "There is no statute of limitations on al-Qaeda's anger. Blasphemy is forever."
Global Warming Hysteria: Even When It's Colder, It's Because the World is Hotter
Where Have All the Lefties Gone? And why doth their music sucketh so much?
Death be not loud: Alex Schadenberg on Increase in Dutch Euthanasia Deaths サ Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog "The number of euthanasia deaths are under-reported because non voluntary and involuntary euthanasia doesn't count as euthanasia because the patient didn't consent!"
Who's nuts? "Anyone who tells you that a woman can raise a son by herself."
Learning to love John McCain @ Exurban League: The Biggest Loser
YUM! 68 Years of Favorite Cookies @ Dinosaurs and Robots:
Avatar-Driven Foreign Policy: "The real moral leason of Avatar is that foreigners have too much money. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and stop them from making James Cameron richer." -- The Apocalypse of Culture: People Spend $1 Billion to See Sucky 3-D SciFi Movie : The Other McCain
For item #12, the link is broken.
Posted by: Julie at January 4, 2010 6:12 PMThanks. Fixed.
Posted by: vanderleun at January 4, 2010 6:49 PMBy the way, thanks for the links - I've gotten a lot of mileage out of them today.
Posted by: Julie at January 4, 2010 8:18 PMI agree about dogs being more effective than anything else. But they are more expensive than machines, and are in short supply.
Posted by: retriever at January 5, 2010 4:35 AMI like the dogs for airline security, as much for their defiling nature as their gift of smell.
Here's another idea:
Get a large quantity of pig blood from your local rendering plant.
Everyone who gets onboard gets a dab on the forehead. No exceptions.
Blow up the plane after being ritually defiled? No virgins for you!
(and as an aside, how did the Hot Pants bomber expect to get it on with the ladies in the afterlife after jihading his Johnson?)
Anyone who refuses the blood gets to walk or drive to their destination. Kind of an aeronautical Passover, if you will.
We're fighting a religious war, to the death. Time to get serious and use their religion against them.
Posted by: Dr Bob at January 5, 2010 9:32 AM"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated to combat spam and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.