September 29, 2008

More Zen Than Thou: A Reciprocal Moment of Zen

What is the sound of one pancake flopping?

You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll kiss a trillion dollars good bye."The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 778 points for its biggest point drop ever as $1.2 trillion in market value was erased from American equities."

Jon gives himself a break from...

"As I keep checking my blog feeds every other minute, I can feel my gray hairs turning white and my stomach digesting itself." - Exurban League: A moment of Zen.
... but it's just your standard puppy, kitty, bunny moments.

Rachel, meanwhile, has her dogs, as usual, for consolation and drunken zen moments:

Sunny performs an interpretative rendering of America. Fat, confused, depressed, drunk, and waking up on a tattered Mexican blanket wondering just what in the hell.

As for myself, my moment of zen comes from contemplating the mind-stopping work that great American primitive, Faithmouse:

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Posted by Vanderleun at September 29, 2008 6:50 PM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Biggest drop ever? Numerically, that statement is correct. As a percentage of the DJIA, it's not the largest, not by a large margin. Unless I'm mistaken, the tanking on Black Tuesday back in 1987 caused a 20%-22% drop in a single day. Interestingly enough, the markets recovered just fine without government officials sticking their grubby little fingers into the mix.

Posted by: physics geek at September 30, 2008 7:23 AM

It took my morning TV pop show to say this morning what I didn't hear on radio or TV "news" yesterday: single biggest point drop, yes, but only the *17th* biggest drop by percentage.

One of the simplest ruses we suffer is the MSM using misleading information like this and also "raw numbers" as opposed to per capita differences. If we're gonna get crap content, couldn't they at least deliver it straight?

Posted by: Hannon at September 30, 2008 8:22 AM

Ditto for me on the sentiment about raw numbers and historical perspective.

I'm tired of the snivelling, floor-puddling bleatings of so many so-called adults.

Posted by: Roderick Reilly at September 30, 2008 9:55 AM

Am I the only one who finds Barney Frank repugnant?

At the risk of being accused of being a homophobe, I just find this lisping, decrepid old degenerate who helped bring about the financial markets debacle in a major way to be a despiccable update of the kinds of people who infested the latter days of the Roman Empire.

As for Pelosi, she is the stupid cow that "liberals" think Palin is.

Posted by: Roderick Reilly at September 30, 2008 2:01 PM
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