July 23, 2009

Racism, Obama & Health-Care Free Reading List


In Defense of Readers "The best readers are obstinate. They possess a nearly inexhaustible persistence that drives them to read, regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in."

From a $500 million treasure ship to an epic kegger party in Peru 4000 years ago there's a lot of Sexy News from the World of Archaeology

World's dumbest amusement park ride: Pedal-Powered Monorail in New Zealand

The Return Of Scipio envisions The Coming Dialogues Of Melos "World peace -- or even peace over a substantial part of the globe -- is a very rare thing."

Dateline: Beijing -- Internet Adds 12th Website

Will designer brains divide humanity? Why should they be any different from natural brains?

Higher than Everest: Everest revealed from above in British balloonist's breathtaking panoramic shot of world's highest peaks

Newest bogus restaurant suit: Man sues Claim Jumper, claiming condom was in his soup

Sippican Cottage sez I Finally Located A Real Good Country Song. Indicator For Genre: Everyone Involved Is Probably Dead

Lowering the Bar: Man Has Perfectly Believable Story About Why He Was Naked In a Cemetery

On advertising "Any economy which charges ever less for ever more intrusive ads will eventually be successful not in creating wealth but in driving the readers away, until the only ones left to heed the ads are all the other ads." [Found on the wonderful blog this is a working library Recommended. ]

Good news. You're immortal.Bad news. You live forever as a small clump of jelly.

Attempted Suicide-by-Cop: You just know that this ends badly. Very badly.

Posted by Vanderleun at July 23, 2009 2:26 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Re: Leo Dickinson and the awesome photograph of the Himalayas

I do believe I see a roll of green duct tape in front of the blue compression sack that's to the left of the Union Jack. Thus serving as a fine indicator of its ubiquirous usefulness.

I wonder if they carried any WD-40 as well?

Posted by: WWWebb at July 23, 2009 3:56 PM

Re: Leo Dickinson and the awesome photograph of the Himalayas

I do believe I see a roll of green duct tape in front of the blue compression sack that's to the left of the Union Jack. Thus serving as a fine indicator of its ubiquitous usefulness.

I wonder if they carried any WD-40 as well?

Posted by: WWWebb at July 23, 2009 3:57 PM

Waaait a minute.

Take another look at that Everest photo. I'm looking at it trying to get goose bumps and they just aren't happening.

First I'm thinking that the "Blue Marble" photos from the Apollo missions have jaded me, but it was more. Apparently this is a photo taken in the early 90's and just recently converted to digital.

Hmmmm. Then there's this in the text:

"Married Mr Dickinson, 62, soared to 36,000ft - where temperatures dropped to minus 56 degrees Celsius . . ."

Did they mention his marital status by way of explaining what drove him to such frigid heights? ;-D

Posted by: Cathy at July 23, 2009 4:31 PM