Terry Moran's Instantly Immortal Blooper from Denver. You know, this is going to be especially brutal back at the ABC News offices on a talking head with the last name "Moran."
A churlish, insensitive soul would email this link to everyone in his or her address book. I know you're not that kind of person. I know that even as your hand is pushing the mouse up to the "Mail Link to This Page" menu selection, the better angels of your nature are whispering, "Musn't.... musn't...."
[HT: Hot Air]
Posted by Vanderleun at August 31, 2008 11:22 PMMano e mano.
Note to self: find rolled up newspaper. Hit self on nose
Posted by: David McKinnis at August 31, 2008 8:43 PMI had to listen to it several times before I heard the blooper. Who was that masked man?
Posted by: Stephen B at August 31, 2008 9:12 PMFor the history books indeed...
I picture the white man from Kansas to be a Grizzly Adams type with soft eyes.
Posted by: bleedingbrain at August 31, 2008 11:10 PMNo wonder he won't reveal his original birth certificate!
Posted by: Dr Weevil at September 1, 2008 4:47 AMGreat! I always wanted a cool nickname my friends could use in their contact lists. Churlish. I like it!
Posted by: Dennis at September 1, 2008 9:23 AMThe various items about the rear deck have pieces of yellow tape presumably with asking prices on them. The light bar provides a very similar piece of tape. So, perhaps the light bar is simply sitting up there on display for separate sale and isn't really genuinely installed.
Posted by: Ginny Fox at November 7, 2012 3:50 PM