WHEN, EXACTLY, DID EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND WOMBAT in the national media decide to reference this simpleminded children's game when writing or reporting on complex issues? I'm not sure, but they need to stop it right now. (That includes bloggers and new media mavens too!) Don't make us issue sanctions with extreme prejudice! Just CUT IT OUT!
A recent, small small sample, from Google News:
Connect the dots when you watch -- Fahrenheit 911
Connect the dots to see big picture
CD's Connect the Dots... Tickets to the Game
Women Don ’ t Connect the Dots on Heart Attack Symptoms
Connect the dots on prison scandal
Connect the Dots Between Iraq and America Through Halliburton
Connect the dots? Don't even try
Connect the Dots... Rite of Passage
Prosecution yet to connect the dots
The 9/11 Commission Fails to Connect the Terror Dots
Posted by Vanderleun at July 11, 2004 11:21 AM