July 16, 2004

Salon's Autofornication Cruise


YES, IT IS THE UTTERLY DISCREDITED AND DISGRACED JOE WILSON headlining what has to be 2004's Top Cruise from Hell -- Salon's September "Seminar" Cruise. A "seminar cruise?" How quaint. Makes you think of bobbing around with Socrates in the Bahamas, exchanging les bon mots, expanding your conciousness, and ordering another round of Hemlock Shooters. (Alas, these will no be served until late November.)

Not content to cling to life by bilking one or more Silicon Valley moguls out of millions, Salon now fields a fine line-up of appeasers, liars, has-beens, and toadies for the high seas.

Among the exciting events are:

  • The intelligence wars. Ambassador Joe Wilson,  author of the bestselling book  "The Politics of Truth," leads a special panel discussion on the Bush administration's dangerous assault on the U.S. intelligence community, and the growing civil war between the White House and the CIA.
  • What makes George run? A special panel discussion on the down and dirty style of Bush campaigning, including the unique insights of former Texas governor Ann Richards who brawled with W during their 1994 gubernatorial duel.

    And what at sea autofornication festival would be complete without the everpopular

  • How John Kerry can win. Drawing on his experience in the political trenches and his close connections to Kerry insiders, former Clinton presidential advisor and current Salon national editor Sidney Blumenthal  leads a panel discussion on John Kerry's campaign, examining the Democratic candidate's presidential debate strategy and his fall game plan.

    I've written before about the special, overwhelming Hell that exists on Cruise Ships. [ Cruising Off Baja ] I thought I'd seen the bottom of what this dubious waste of life has to offer, but I have to say that a cruise of Key West and other ports in the company of the editors of Salon, Ann Richards, Sid Blumenthal, Joe Conason, and now Joe Wilson opens new depths of degredation previously unimaginable.

    The cost for this week on The Ship of Fools? Up to $3,600 per person for the deluxe suites.

    Okay, here's the question: You can book a deluxe suite on this cruise or steerage on the Titanic. Which is the better choice?

    Answer: It doesn't matter.

    Posted by Vanderleun at July 16, 2004 10:39 AM
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  • Comments:


    "It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

    Wow, is Anne Lamott going to be there? Sign me up! I can't imagine anything more exciting than being trapped on a boat with a menagerie of Leftist windbags, except maybe being thrown into Rikers in a thong.

    Posted by: jeff at July 16, 2004 11:35 AM

    I don't know how I missed your original post on cruise ships. Not only was it hilarious but it also reinforced how I imagined them to be. My 12 12 yr old daughter has been trying to con me into going on one. Thanks to your post I think I've found the will to resist.
    As far as the leftist cruise, in hell that's the cruise I'd be placed on.

    Posted by: JDM at July 16, 2004 11:41 AM

    It wouldn't be the same without Al Franken.

    Posted by: Dean Esmay at July 17, 2004 12:29 AM

    I guess Richard Clarke wasn't available. Probably holed up in some Hollywood fleabag, banging out his movie script and cursing Michael Moore for beating him to the punch.

    I'm surprised Salon is still around. They're hanging on like grim death. They're running a deficit of close to $100 million (and growing fast). Even at $3600 a pop, they'd need to fill 27,000 deluxe suites to be in the black.

    Posted by: Tom L at July 17, 2004 7:31 AM

    Tom L: Do you have a pointer for that deficit figure? I'd have a use for it if I could confirm.


    Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at July 17, 2004 8:42 AM

    Their latest 10-K is here:


    It lists an accumulated deficit of $90.9 million as of March 31. Extrapolating forward based on previous growth rates, it's probably in the mid 90's by now.

    Posted by: Tom L at July 17, 2004 9:27 AM

    Many thanks. Most useful. I always wondered why Scott Rosenberg was such a staunch Salonista -- but now that I see his $148,000 salary and 1.7% of the stock all is revealed. And just for running that little blog and editing a few stories. Imagine.

    Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at July 17, 2004 10:39 AM