March 11, 2008

Spitzer and Current Wife: Ah, I Love the Smell of Irony in the Morning


The cover of the Winter issue of the snooty magazine "02138" [Cambridge / Harvard - get it?] features our current lovebirds Silda and Eliot Spitzer as 02138 / Power Couples with the interior squib:

Whether their eyes first met across a crowded classroom in Cambridge or their paths crossed by chance years later, these Harvard-Harvard duos all earn high honors in chemistry.

It's hard to read in the illustration but the subheads here read:
"See What Happens When Harvard Meets Harvard

Inside the comedy gold continues with such quote drop-outs as:


But it doesn't stop there!

The actual article and cover are downloadable PDFs (The better for the Harvardettes the magazine sucks up to to just print out for their trophy wall, I imagine.) But don't despair, I've picked out some of the more streaming chunks of irony for your Spitzer stew of the day:

"To say that Wall softens his image would be to ignore the crackling energy between them."

"On the trail, Wall, who speaks with a subtle drawl, reminded voters that Spitzer is also a family man who likes to grill on weekends, wear sneakers, and watch NASCAR."

"Toward the end of the photo shoot, something beeps and Wall and Spitzer simultaneously whip out their BlackBerrys. 'That was a typical moment,' Wall says brightly. 'That sums up everything right there.'

"Asked if she and her husband take time together, just the two of them, Wall laughs. "With three kids and two dogs at the ages they are—the ages they all are—and our careers and community engagement, it's hard to say that we do."

Well, whatever time they were taking together, I think it is safe to assume that in the future, there will be less.

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Posted by Vanderleun at March 11, 2008 12:22 PM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

What's the most apposite word here: concupiscence or hubris? I yield to your editorial wisdom.

Posted by: Clayton Barnett at March 11, 2008 5:23 PM

Interesting, He Who Must Not Be Middle Named and Michelle, ma belle, were not in the article, but Cass Sunstein and Martha Nussbaum were. Cass and Martha are faculty at the U of Chicago Law School where HWMNBMN was a "lecturer". Story is that Cass has taken a job at Harvard so he can be near his new sweetie -- wait -- Samantha Power who is, or at least used to be, HWMNBMN's foreign policy adviser. Ms. Power may not be a real foreign policy expert, but she sure does have attributes not often found in real foreign policy wonks:-)

Posted by: fat Man at March 11, 2008 5:37 PM

I'd go with "concupiscent hubris" and call it even.

Posted by: vanderleun at March 11, 2008 5:44 PM

We are past hubris, we are now seeing nemesis. Atys will follow shortly.

Posted by: Fat Man at March 11, 2008 5:54 PM

It's about time someone had the courage to speak truth to power couples.

Posted by: Gagdad Bob at March 11, 2008 6:38 PM

Here's hoping the Yale Alumni Magazine doesn't do a copycat feature on Bubba and Mrs. Bubba.

Posted by: Connecticut Yankee at March 11, 2008 9:18 PM

Makes you wonder if you could get a franchise there selling commemorative lightning rods...

Posted by: ed in texas at March 12, 2008 5:34 AM

This is the funniest thing I've read all day!

Posted by: Obi's Sister at March 14, 2008 3:33 PM
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