Where There's A Will There's A Weblog is minting new American words as well as tracking anti-Atkins moments in American culture.
The word fresh out of the forge for today? Carber One who wantonly discriminates against Atkins carnivores in search of their ultimate fix.
Here's the whole item:
WTWTAW comments:Where's the Beef? Not at this Chuck-A-Rama.
No-Carb Dieters Booted From Buffet
SALT LAKE CITY, April 26, 2004 -- According to this report on CBSNews.com, a pair of Atkins newbies in their second week of "induction," the brutal all-the-meat-and-butter-you-want-but-no-Krispie-Kreme phase of the diet, went to their local, and they thought, friendly, Chuck-A-Rama for the special $8.95 buffet. But after their 12th trip back to the carving station, they were asked by the management to please quit coming back for more. And more. And more.
"I really feel like we were discriminated against, I feel like we were treated unfairly," said Atkins dieter Isabelle Leota.
And I'll bet, I'll just bet that the Manager was a carber.
What's next? Monitoring the flow of half and half at Starbucks?
I tell you, this senseless and bitter persecution of Atkins dieters has got to stop. That's why I've formed M.E.A.T. (Meat Eaters Against Tyrrany).
Our slogan?
Bite me.
We're signing up for M.E.A.T. right now! How about you?
Posted by Vanderleun at April 26, 2004 6:53 PM