Big Data comes to Professional Porn: Deep Inside - A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars by Jon Millward.
They seem to be light and lively:
The average male and female performer are the same height as the average American man and woman: 5’10″ and 5’5″ respectively.2 However, porn stars are quite a bit lighter. At 117 lbs, the average female performer is a considerable 48 lbs under the national average for women, and the average male, at 167.5 lbs, weighs 27 lbs less than the national average for men.
And, no, they don't have bodacious tatas:
The most common bra size for a female porn star is a surprisingly handleable 34B. Not double-D, not even a D. Double-D actually came in 4th, behind B, C and D. The most common set of measurements for the women was 34-24-34.
And, yes, porn looks like America:
The proportions of each race match the general American population almost exactly, despite the fact that race is still heavily fetishized in porn.
At the same time, traditionalists will be pleased to know that porn stars make a nice couple: "Nikki Lee and David Lee—the most common first and last names of porn stars."
Much more safe for work than you think.
PS Blondes evidently do not have more fun: "Dark-haired porn stars outnumber blonde ones almost 2-to-1."
Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 20, 2013 10:20 AMThe strangest part of that infographic is how many porn stars they claim came from my area in Oregon. I have found some glaring statistical and factual errors in some of those infographics so I'm never sure how seriously to take them but they are usually interesting at least.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at February 20, 2013 10:33 AMI have no idea how I survived this long without knowing such minutiae.
Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at February 20, 2013 2:32 PM
"At 117 lbs, the average female performer is a considerable 48 lbs under the national average for women"
The average woman weighs 165 lbs?
As Jay Leno might might say: "Just how fat are we?"
Posted by: blackfox at February 20, 2013 4:57 PM
They have to be wiry in order to get in those positions.
Posted by: Rich Fader at February 20, 2013 6:56 PMNot your tax dollars, Bill. Just some guy data-mining an on-line movie database. Big Data and pr0n - what's not to love? Statistics was never so interesting.
Posted by: SteveS at February 20, 2013 7:47 PMPorn girls have faces?
Posted by: Lorne at February 21, 2013 10:09 AMLorne, you don't see their eyes, just that toothless mouth.
Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at February 21, 2013 3:50 PM