It's Mr. Snitch who grabs the gold in our CAPTION ME! contest with his instant classic: The Emperor's New Clubs
Once upon a time there lived a vain President whose only worries in life were to dress in elegant clothes, and own the most wonderful set of golf clubs in the world...Read on OVER HERE. Posted by Vanderleun at May 4, 2009 11:06 AM
The story is Assbarackwards, the real Emperor had no clothes while this one is an empty suit, clothes with no emperor!
Posted by: ligneus at May 4, 2009 2:02 PMThis is a great caption - I think the best runner-up was the following:
Recognizing the "Too much arugula on B.O.'s soyburger" stance, savvy secret service agents clear the backblast area.
That's way too funny to me. . .
Posted by: Mike W at May 5, 2009 6:14 AM