Westsound Modern dubs this the Most offensive commercial in Super Bowl history, and wonders if he is being overly sensitive. I think not. It certainly is a contender. To find one worse would require watching a lot of commercials in which the wretched excess of the purchase price for the slot nearly always exceeds the importance of the product or service, and are seldom either amusing of memorable. Superbowl ads are just a feckless corporation's way of announcing they have recently acquired, or still have, a penis in excess of one inch. Groupon's effort here falls into the recent penis graft category. That's the sort of thing that happens when a faith that has lasted nearly 1,200 years is co-opted by an Internet company that will be fortunate to last for 1,200 days.
What's seen here is more than the decline of respect for an ancient and now effectively extinct culture, it's the end of the road for this particular aged and faux Leftish "cause." The brief copy of the ad as "acted" by D-list celebrity Timothy (My career is over) Hutton sums up the end of the line for the BoomerGeezers "Free Tibet" movement.
"Free Tibet" is the most geriatric and sclerotic of Leftoid causes. This hoary mind-movie has been playing in one form or another since the invasion of Tibet in 1950, but matured in the fateful sixties. Since then there hasn't been one freshman college class that hasn't been urged to wear the t-shirts and sign the petitions demanding China somehow be forced to get out. It was never stated how they would be forced to leave, it was just assumed that somehow the spirit of Ghandi or some western army would do the dirty work.
"Free Tibet" was a more romantic cause than Che even if the t-shirts aren't as cool. But with this ad at the superbowl I think we can finally say the stake has been driven through the heart of the "Free Tibet" fantasy.
Sure we may see Richard Gere pop up here and there like a gerbil spouting his nonsense, but Tibet and Freedom are no longer an operative Leftoid bitching point. Tibet is now just another tourist destination in The Peoples Republic of China; just another ethnic food court for the liberal elite to brag on back home.
Hutton might just have well have bagged the line about Tibetans "whipping up an amazing fish curry" and quoted Marx instead: “Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”
Posted by Vanderleun at February 7, 2011 12:20 AMSomehow, I don't think those in the Sixties were traveling to Tibet and Nepal for the fish curry. At least that's not how I remember it.
Posted by: Sara (Pal2Pal) at February 7, 2011 2:11 AMI think I was finally repulsed by the Amnesty International Troupe when they started having Free Mumia and Tibet rock concerts....you know, Buddhist nuns and monks being savagely tortured and murdered by the Chicoms is exactly the same thing as imprisoning celebrity cop killer who didn't do it but advocates doing it prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal.
I got into a bit of back-and-forth over on Facebook regarding this commercial. My summarizing comment: if the White House doesn't take Tibet seriously, why should Groupon? Given that Mr. Hope'n'Change threw Tibet and the Dalai Lama under the bus to appease his Chinese creditors, I think that those on the Left need to redirect their anger over this commercial.
Oh, and have you seen the Elizabeth Hurley Groupon commercial? Two words: Brazilian deforestation. No, really. :-) ..bruce..
I've wondered how one would analyze those "Free Tibet" bumper stickers grammatically.
Do the words represent a disconnected noun phrase placed on the bumper because they are found on stickers with pretty colors?
Or are they an imperative, demanding that someone free Tibet?
If so, whom? If the leaders of communist China, placing such an imperative on the bumper of an aged Portland Volvo seems to be a waste of plastic.
If the imperative is aimed at the people who would see them; hey, I thought they were against war...
OMG, I can't believe they did that.
Posted by: Eric Blair at February 7, 2011 6:54 AMTibet fish? No. Tibet landlocked, arid, yak butter.
Posted by: Fat Man at February 7, 2011 8:27 AMGood grief! It's been less than a month since I discovered, signed-up and dropped 25 bucks @ Grope-On ... jettisoning now.
Posted by: MizzE at February 7, 2011 8:34 AMBack when Berkeley still had a sense of irony in the '70s, there appeared around town the ultimate bumper sticker:
Nuke The Iranian Gay Whales
Never improved upon, imo.
Posted by: Rob De Witt at February 7, 2011 9:40 AMI don't know what fish curry tastes like, but I know poor taste when I see it.
Posted by: Deborah at February 7, 2011 9:53 AMWhat is a "Groupon?"
Isn't that a really large, ugly fish that tastes good? Is that what the curry is made of?
Posted by: Don Rodrigo at February 7, 2011 10:14 AMSure it's offensive if people want it to be, get over it.
Posted by: m at February 7, 2011 11:20 AMI for one, applaud Gerard's working 'Richard Gere' and 'Gerbil' into a sentence...
Posted by: Uncle Jefe at February 7, 2011 3:52 PM1971: "When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen."
2011: "When Timothy Hutton talks, people could give two shits."
to hell with tibet. Free America!!
Posted by: wildman at February 8, 2011 2:16 PM