New to the Site? The American Digest Reader: A Short Selection
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in reading some essays posted here over the years, I've got a little list here just for you. Just click ....
The Name in the Stone
On Advent: "We Are All Lying in the Mud, but Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars"
Things Invisible to See
The Passion of the Pope
The Wind In The Heights
The Arrival
Free Prayers at the Beach
Small Fires on the Deep
Sunday Meditation: The Star
Love Gone Missing
While You Were Out
The Wedding Vows
The Creche By The Side of the Road
Myths and Texts
He Wasn't In His Right Mind
Mr. Wonderful's Bad Day
Both Sides Now
My Mother at Ninety
Never Happy
Delete "Hook." Insert "Heart"
Laguna Dawn
The War
The Sacrifice and the Reckoning: Sleepwalking
The Sacrifice and the Reckoning: The Event
What It Would Take -- A Simple Scenario
OUT? MAYBE IN 20 YEARS: Our Military Bases in Iraq Are Essential
Notes Made on 11 September 2001
RULES? IN A KNIFE FIGHT?: Redrafting the Rules of Engagement in the First Terrorist War
Michael Yon: Iraq's Ernie Pyle
Nukes South of the Border Will Do, Thank You
Yes, Virginia, There WILL Be a Draft
Invitation to the Beheading of an American Jew
The War of Two Religions
Pieta for the 41st Photograph
View from the Beach
The One and the Many
The Penguin Movie for Guys
The Man Who Carried the Dark Lantern
The Man Who Loved Not Wisely But At Least Twice
Visit to an Old Friend
Thoughts Between Waking, Showering, Shaving and Sleeping
The Go-Bag
The Pumpkin
Tom Mandel: Ten Years Gone
The Daughter That Disappeared
The Day We Killed John Lennon
The Age of Miracles and Wonders and Bunless Whoppers
Pre-Owned Jeans
Landslide in Laguna: There Goes the Neighborhood
Love Gone Missing
The Magic of Childhood
The Fortune Teller in October 2000
Something to See
Thom Gunn 1929-2004
Fear of Fritterware: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Rubber Knives to Gun Fights
The Hive and the Town
The Cowgirl and the Four Pound Steak
The Pleasures of Merely Circulating
The Brand Extension Blight
I'm Sorry
Kids Today
Coin of the PC Realm
On American Liberty and Destiny
Higher Education and the Holy Cookie
The "Not Insane" To-Do List
Road Tales: Where the Buffalo Roam
Mars: Man, You Gotta Go
Cruising Off Baja
School's Out
The Fun of Flying
The "Brights:" Smug, Self-satisfied and Stupid
The Most Innovative Novel by a Best-Selling American Author Is Not Available in English
The Origin and Spite of the Word-Using Species
The Red Hot Halo: Scoring a Copy of "2"
Bride of Frequently Answered Questions
The Greatest Show Off Earth
The Parent Trap
The Legacy of the Long Peace
The Democratic Candidate Cartoon Laws of Motion
God's Back and He's Not Pleased
On First Looking Out of NASA's Rover
The Deluge
The Media (Old and in the Way, or Brand Spanking New and Confused)
Building the Perfect Beast: What Is to Be Done in the Blogosphere
The Dead Imagination of the New York Times
The Toolbar Times
"A New Birth of Freedom:" Why Bleats and Blogs Matter
Earth to Bloggers: Seek Professional Help
The Moose is Back at the New York Times
West Wing Dot Gov: The White House Blogger
Brain Jazz Across the Online Decades
Blogger's Head Explodes
The Fifth Estate's Agenda: No, We Don't Know There's A War On
The Koinonia of Blogdom
In Coldest Type: Crack Addiction in American Publishing
Fear of Instalinking
Make that "Goofy's Quarterly"
Behind the Scenes at New York Times Headline Meetings
No More Letters to the Editor
The Law of the Blogger
Pix and Fonts Newspapers Won't Make It
Hunter Thompson: What A Man! Yeah, Right.
Maureen Dowd: The Jimmy Olson of the New York Times
The Sunday New York Times Lite
Let Us Now Praise Remarkable Bloggers - 1
NYet Times Anonymous: The Twelve Steps
Last Light Above the Seine
Sunday Reflection
Into the Silence
The River Guide
The Silhouettes
Only By Fire is Fascism Finished
The Smoke
The Uptown Date
In the Town Hall's Graveyard
Hanukkah Candles on Christmas Eve
The Interface, for my father
The Wheat Field
Closing Time
Intelligent Design
Patience Please: An American Empire Takes Time
On the Most Ancient Virus to Infect the Soul
Christians of Convenience
Improving the Pledge of Allegiance
How to Rebuild New Orleans in One Year, With Money Left Over
Radical Roots: Friendly Enemies from My Back Pages
The New Line of Choice: "Saying it's wrong makes it right."
ARNOLD:The Re-Makes
The Subconscious Yearning for American Defeat
Speaking of Using the Word "Traitor" as a Functional Part of the Conversation
Condition Orange Forever?
On Abortion in America
Killing Two of Your Three Triplets to Keep Your Lifestyle
Red Like Ward = Black Like Me
Liberalosis: A Disease Killing and Crippling Millions of Our Fellow Americans
Small Moves
I Am the Very Model of A Modern Kerry Democrat
How to Destroy the Democratic Party in One Brief Presidential Election
The Meeting
Why is the Patriotism of the Left Off the Table?
Small Moves, the Spirit of America, and Doing What You Can
AIN'T IT COOL?: A Tale of Two Cultures
Bozo Speaks: Mouth. Foot. Maher.
Stop the Spaminsanity
"I will vote always for best, always:" Conversations with Paul
Yearning for the Mud: The Kerry-Heinz Ticket and the Psychotic Party
The Killing Father of Two
Fifty Reasons Why I'm Voting for Bush
The Naked and the Senile Dementia
The Political Art and the Art of Politics
Magic Moments in Domestic Policy
Speaking of Using the Word "Traitor" as a Functional Part of the Conversation
The Absolute Moral Degeneracy of Cindy Sheehan
Demo-Demento-Depression : Just Say "Medicate!"
Yes, Down My Pants. Oh, Like You Haven't?
They Hate the Church More Than They Hate Life Itself
The Degeneration of the Democratic Party
Posted by Vanderleun at January 27, 2005 11:01 AM