Because she's the only one who is young enough and idealistic enough and man enough for the job.
What a disappointment.
Get ready for four years of Obama.
We are SO screwed.
Posted by: Carl H at October 7, 2008 8:45 PM"We are SO screwed."
I see liberal pograms...
modo with a pitchfork chasing cheney...
nancy pelosi building a scaffold for hanging cheney...
reagan's corpse being dug up and burned...
while george soros and bill ayers are sitting in the wh, chuckling.
Posted by: mark l. at October 7, 2008 8:56 PMWell, good! So let's elect her to be a heartbeat away! It will be terrific training.
Posted by: Carol at October 7, 2008 9:03 PMHere's a silver lining to these horrible stock market problems: There will be too little money for liberal programs.
Posted by: AnnaS at October 7, 2008 9:04 PMI totally agree!
I rose from bed this morning with the realization that McCain is resigned not to win, that he will not win this thing no matter what we do. But we MUST vote for him nonetheless. Why? Because we need to make a stand against Marxism - what Obama truly represents.
Sarah, being of my generation - she's at least eight years older than me -, is probably the de-facto leader of the GOP right now. I also believe that the GOP must be completely drained from all the old influences and re-launched under the leadership of a new, stronger, smarter, and totally world-minded generation. The first realization should be that "Politics ain't church." The second one is that "Politics is war. It is street-gang fights. It is not your grandfather's game anymore."
The third one is "We don't want political martyrs. We want Winners!" McCain is fast becoming the newest political martyr. We didn't vote in our primaries for this!
Posted by: newton at October 7, 2008 9:07 PMAh, it's so good to know we're in a permanent minority again. Now I can relax as the new Socialism eats my liberties and savings alive, devoured as fodder for the glorious project of The Chocolate Donut.
Posted by: George Orwell at October 7, 2008 9:12 PMFrom Jimmy Carter's ashes came Reagan. From Obama's ashes will come Sarah.
Posted by: Pavel at October 7, 2008 9:12 PMLoL
Palin is the real president
we wont have a marxisty or hairplug whor in the white house, I dont care if we have meltdown
a smart man can learn, American Taliban CANNOT! i am going back into my well now because my mother told me i cannot take sunlight
Posted by: nick at October 7, 2008 9:20 PMThe empty suit from the Chicago mob.
Lord have mercy on us poor sinners.
Posted by: Fat Man at October 7, 2008 9:21 PMI'm with Pavel. If Obama wins, he will leave an even bigger crater than that traiterous cockroach Jimmuh. Whether it's Palin, Jindal, or Petraeus, we will win in '12, with a mandate to drain the swamp.
Posted by: Mike at October 7, 2008 9:24 PMTo imply it takes a Carter to get a Reagan is to demean the merits of liberty altogether. Whatever we have, the principles of a Reagan can make even better. It doesn't take living 4 or 8 years eating turd sandwiches before Reagan's arguments are correct. The virtue of defeat is getting real old, real fast.
Posted by: Morgan at October 7, 2008 9:24 PMThe thing is, if the Democrats sweep the White House and Congress, they will make damn certain that no conservative can ever again be elected on the national level. Think Fairness Doctrine, votes for felons and illegal aliens, abolition of the Electoral College, federal funding for ACORN, etc., as well as liberal judges who will uphold all of the above.
Posted by: rickl at October 7, 2008 9:30 PMNow I know what felt like to be a dem and watch John Kerry flush it away 4 years ago. How sad.
Posted by: Jefe at October 7, 2008 9:40 PMrickl- what part of the constitution bans a felon from voting once their sentence is served?
Some states take that position, but nothing requires them to and most do not. It sure seems as though conservatives like to deny voting rights to as many as possible, guess they still aren't used to the 14th amendment.
reagan only won becasue Carter was such a goof
country is moderate not american taliban mental midgets like such as myself.
A merciful God will put McCain in the White House, frag him the first week on the job, and elevate Palin to POTUS. Has a nice ring to it, Palin for POTUS.
Posted by: bc at October 7, 2008 9:50've said American Taliban twice now.
Ok...hee hee yer funny.
Now please go back to your comic books, the grownups are talking.
Posted by: Mumblix Grumph at October 7, 2008 10:03 PMAll this talk of Reagan and his so called revolution makes me puke.
Reagan bailed on stumping for Ford so he would not have to run against him in the 1980 primarys. He did so because he knew if Ford was elected President in 1976 he (Reagan) would not be able to defeat him.
Gerald Ford was the last decent man from either party to inhabit the Oval Office. He got the US out of Vietnam with a modicum of dignity. His handling of the Maya Guez incident showed that he had the balls to deal with foreign policy.
The finsl word on Ford is he was absolutely hated by the Eastern elite media, who trashed him at every opportunity. If you want to see his credentials look him up at
Screw Reagan and both Bushes long live "Jerry" Ford!!!
Posted by: canuck49 at October 7, 2008 10:03 PMa merciful God would make Palin Cervical cancer
and keep mccain healthy
I say this because I am deeply and forever mentally ill. My mom tells me so every time she lets some food down into my well on the rope.
Posted by: nick at October 7, 2008 10:04 PMRick: Reagan would have beaten any imaginable Democratic candidate, and any honest politico of any party will tell you so. Checking on the requirements for "mental midgetry" we find that being a governor of an American state pretty much disqualifies you, but continuing to post grammatically incorrect and misspelled tripe boots you to the top of that class.
Morgan is so right about the vanishing virtues of defeat. This debate could have gone better, but we haven't lost yet. McCain is listening to advice and Palin is rocking the rafters. There may be time yet to turn this around.
And we'd damn well better try. The damage an Obama administration/Democratic Congress could inflict on our financial security and civil rights is not the worst of what we must consider. Obama's reckless and naive cluelessness about Jihadi terror will leave us open to attacks; and I doubt the suicide bombers would oblige us by limiting their damages to the offices of the New York Times and CNN.
Posted by: askmom at October 7, 2008 10:13 PMi typed taliban and Taliban
two different meanings,but i'm not sure of meanings. life is so confusing to me here in the dark.
your AH attack aside
Palin the Creationist is the best politician and the finest American ever. The election is for her and she rules.
my job is in the local mcdonalds becaus they have mercy, you can weep now
Posted by: nick at October 7, 2008 10:30 PMThe only we reason we have such an abnormal fascination with the quadrennial POTUS circus is because we have suffered a drastic loss of citizen influence at the state level, especially since the Civil War. If we got back a fraction of that power we would not be slaves to this contest of personalities and vapid politics. Is there any national figure who would grasp and vocalize such an idea?
Same with "flat tax", strict immigration control, phasing out Federal funding for K-12 and welfare, abolish the Federal Reserve, get us back on the Gold Standard, etc. We are ceding control to the state every day. When will it stop, with statues erected to honor Karl Marx? The "national dialogue" is devoid of any real competition of ideas-- where one side prevails instead of ending in emasculated compromise.
It's McCain-Palin in '08 and Palin-Jindal in '12. Palin-Jindal will finish the swamp draining.
Posted by: SilentWatcher at October 7, 2008 10:38 PM"a merciful God would give Palin Cervical cancer
and keep mccain healthy
Posted by: nick at October 7, 2008 10:04 PM "
You're a jerk, and it shows. Careful with wishing things like that. They only boomerang on you.
Posted by: newton at October 7, 2008 10:46 PMI would give a lot to see her as president. She's got bigger cojones than most of our congresscritters (and undoubtedly bigger guns!). Even Bill & Hillary admire her.
Posted by: Peg C. at October 7, 2008 10:54 PMThe more I think about this, thanks to the other commentors here, the more I have come to like and admire Palin.
I'm going to work for her.
Posted by: nick at October 7, 2008 11:08 PMIn Lebanon, I stood up to President Reagan, my hero, and said, if we send Marines in there, how can we possibly beneficially affect this situation? And said we shouldn't. Unfortunately, almost 300 brave young Marines were killed," McCain said at the debate
so is Mccain or Reagan the hero?
correct on debate! dilute! dilute!
Posted by: nick at October 7, 2008 11:13 PMcab
correct on debate! toot toot!!
Posted by: nick at October 7, 2008 11:14 PMaskmom: I think you meant to address nick in your last comment. (At least I hope so!) :)
Anyway, I haven't given up. For the first time I'm actually getting involved with the campaign. I live in a critically important state. The polls look pretty dire now but I'm doing everything I can to turn it around. I've got bumper stickers and yard signs, and I've been volunteering at the local campaign headquarters assembling literature for the door-to-door canvassers. I still haven't quite gotten up the courage to make phone calls, though.
As for the polls, I found a very interesting blog over the weekend: Stolen Thunder. The author analyzes polling data, and reaches some interesting conclusions. I've been linking to that site everywhere I go.
Posted by: rickl at October 7, 2008 11:18 PM"Young enough and idealistic enough"? We don't need anyone that's mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stuck in the 19th century leading our country in the 21st. Lord make a the exit.
Posted by: bub at October 8, 2008 12:29 AMThe real truth is that any of the candidates would disgrace the once-honourable office of President of the USA. For POTUS candidates there are a geriatric zealot and an empty suit; for Vice there are a leftist crooked lawyer and a creationist, book-burning theocrat. Palin is the best of the bunch, but not by much.
That's what you get when the Electoral College has been rendered meaningless by state laws mandating that their electors follow the popular vote, and when there are no limits to the amounts of money that can be spent on propaganda.
What America, and the world, needs in that office is a Josiah Bartlett or a Jack Ryan. There isn't one available; all the people like that won't enter the swamp because they can't stand the smell.
By the way, the USA is not the only country with that problem although it is the most important. In the UK, the choice is between a Stalinist and a bleeding-heart liberal. We need another Margaret Thatcher; there isn't one of those available either, and for the same reason.
Posted by: Fletcher Christian at October 8, 2008 3:16 AManyone who would endorse Palin is blinded by the republican's inevitable defeat come Nov 4.
She wouldn't seem so good if McCain wasn't about to throw it all away.
Posted by: sm at October 8, 2008 3:46 AMHasn't nick exceeded the stupidity limit? If not, there is no limit.
Posted by: Dave7 at October 8, 2008 4:30 AMHasn't nick exceeded the stupidity limit? If not, there is no limit.
Posted by: Dave7 at October 8, 2008 4:31 AMAny actual feminists in the Democratic Party would have by now remarked upon how viciously Sarah Palin, an attractive newcomer with modest executive experience, was greeted by the mainstream media compared to John Edwards, another atrractive newcomer with exactly none. The difference is pretty striking, and pretty damning.
I tried to make this point to an Obamabotte who was ragging on Palin, and she retorted “But Edwards was so eloquent, and Palin is a tongue-tied dolt.”
I responded that they are both quite well-spoken… it’s just that the eloquence of one was lovingly enhanced and displayed for you through the magic of professional editing, while the others’ is on the cutting-room floor through the magic of media malpractice.
Any actual feminists in the Democratic Party would have by now remarked upon how viciously Sarah Palin, an attractive newcomer with modest executive experience, was greeted by the mainstream media compared to John Edwards, another atrractive newcomer with exactly none. The difference is pretty striking, and pretty damning.
I tried to make this point to an Obamabotte who was ragging on Palin, and she retorted “But Edwards was so eloquent, and Palin is a tongue-tied dolt.”
I responded that they are both quite well-spoken… it’s just that the eloquence of one was lovingly enhanced and displayed for you through the magic of professional editing, while the others’ is on the cutting-room floor through the magic of media malpractice.
"reagan only won becasue Carter was such a goof
country is moderate not american taliban mental midgets like Palin."
If you want to meet a real-life 'american taliban mental midget' up close, just look into the nearest mirror.
Sarah Palin and the other guy on the ticket will be who I am voting for. She is the only one that seems to have a clue about real people. She would get America back on track in a way we haven't seen in the last 20 years. Most of us love our country and want a person that can relate to their lives.
Palin Power!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Mickey in Seattle at October 8, 2008 7:37 AM"taliban" only applied to moronic religous adherant like myself and to me who can neither spell nor punktuate
Posted by: nick at October 8, 2008 7:43 AMMcCain is a good guy, but not really a conservative. Bottom line, he has run a terrible campaign.
McCain does look a little unsteady, like a rookie at times. Obama is handling himself & running his campaign with a lot more competence.
Posted by: aj at October 8, 2008 7:55 AMcanuck49, your ignorance is showing. Gerald Ford could not have run in 1980 had he won in 1976. There is a little thing called the 22nd Amendment which would have made Ford inelible to run in 1980 if he won against Carter in 1976.
"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."
Ford assumed the Presidency August 9, 1974. Do the math. So go back to your little sandbox, little boy, and let the adults discuss matters.
PS Given the underhanded way the Ford campaign won the nomination Reagan was within his rights to give him his tepid support and make Ford sink or swim on his own. Just like Hillary and Bill are doing to Obambi right now.
Posted by: RHFrei at October 8, 2008 8:11 AMWell Gerard, it aint lookin' good for you and your dinosaurs. I believe you told me not to cry in November, when the Republicans demolish the Dems, or something like that.
Don't worry though Gramps. I won't rub it in too much. After all, you knew Hunter S Thompson! Wowie wow.
You just go take a nap, us "little young ones" as you so fondly called me, will clean up your shit stained mess.
And hey! Johnny Mac won't be doing too much either! Maybe you can go live in one of his 13 houses. Oh wait, he selling one, right? What a man of the people.
And Nick. Take no shit from these fuckers. Palin is a book burning nut job. Use the term Taliban all you want.
Two things have long been clear to me:
1. In the final analysis, Barack Obama will lose in a 47-state landslide; the only question has always been whether it would happen in 2008 or in 2012; and
2. Whether she comes off a successful McCain term, or whether she cleans a failed Obama's clock, Sarah Palin will be elected president in 2012.
Posted by: Jim at October 8, 2008 8:40 AMmy job is done - A Creationist is going to be elected President. which is fyne with mee.
Now ID, perhaps, even Obama pollows, but to say Dinosours walked 6102 years ago with homosexuals is my idea of a good time.
Posted by: nick at October 8, 2008 9:14 AMSV must have a real inferiority complex, no doubt because his blog, if he's focused enough to have one, has one-hundredth the readership Gerard does.
But don't worry, SV, the moderates and conservatives in your age brackett will have children who can clean up your entitlement-fueled meltdown. Go back to ranting at Kos or wherever and spending your time with others who believe in abortion. It's better for the human race if you and your buddies don't breed anyway.
Posted by: askmom at October 8, 2008 9:18 AMthe public and INSTAPUNDIT caucus said
Mccain is lost
But what do they know. My vote is going to McCain and Palin and I and millions like me are going to turn it around!
Posted by: nick at October 8, 2008 9:18 AMnick
What's the matter did your blow-up dolly-boy burst on you after you were rejected when you tried to get some at your local neighborhood park during the midnight hour?
Posted by: syn at October 8, 2008 10:03 AMSV
Child, you have a lot to learn about life.
Do tell, give me one good reason why I should not extort all the entitlement goodies I can, after all, I won't be paying for it, you will.
If you like your ass to be painful I certainly have enough life experience to make your ass as painful possible if I so choose.
Now give me a good reason why I shouldn't become your biggest pain your young ass as yet to experience?
Posted by: syn at October 8, 2008 10:13 AMOne of the larger problems we are facing is how utterly corrupt the leftist MSM is. Obama never should have made it this far. Imagine if McCain hung out with abortion clinic bombers? Conservatives would not stand for it. I know I wouldn't. And the fact that he wasted millions and millions at the idiotic Annenberg Challenge should have been challenged in itself.
Why didn't McCain bring that up in the debate. It would have been a great segway into the Ayers relationship.
Posted by: JD at October 8, 2008 10:27 AMIs this an election or a plebiscite?
This is the shouting generation of 1968's last attempt to grasp the levers of government. I don't like what that generation stands for and Obama is their hand-picked, hand-groomed man. Even so, I'm tired of republicans that cannot articulate the facts in a clear and dynamic way.
As far as the debate goes, what a disappointment. I'm amazed that McCain can't "own" the questions put to him; they are questions he has heard a million times and questions he has rehearsed. Amazed that he doesn't have prepared, thoughtful, witty responses that show his expertise. And I have a lot of patience with clodhopping republicans. But maybe the rest of the ccountry doesn't and we'll have to wait another election cycle to get a new generation "charsimatic" Palins and Jindals on the national stage.
Meantime hang on to your shorts peoples: A Soros guided world? It's going to be a wild ride...
We are SO screwed."
Carl and Carol: You are so right. Yes, Soros and Ayers in the WH and anyone who is vaguely conservative witch-hunted down. the whole vision is utterly frightening. Imagine those idiots at the Democrat Underground, or whatever it's called, saying Palln is racist last night because she was wearing white. It's all so frightening....
Posted by: Alexandra at October 8, 2008 1:41 PMPalin is HUGE. I have been active in the local Colorado GOP grassroots since 1976 (Yeah, I am old), and I have never seen the level of enthusiasm that currently exist for Sarah Palin. Never. That includes Reagan in '80 and '84. There is no doubt in my mind she will coast to the GOP nomination in 2012 if McCain loses. She may not want it, but right now she would win 90+% of the primary vote here in Colorado.
Posted by: Carol at October 8, 2008 2:52 PMI have to admit I'm half in love with Sarah Palin. With good reason.
Posted by: bub at October 8, 2008 4:39 PMThe thing about criticisms of Palin (see above), is that they can typically be applied to any other politician with at least ten times greater justification.
Palin is a breath of fresh air, and judging by the huge Palin rallies around the country, will drag the old coot over the line in November.
That's what has got the lefties so upset.
Posted by: Brett_McS at October 8, 2008 5:12 PMI think that .... well..... I think that I can't read the rules properly and that... oh look a kitten...
Posted by: nick at October 8, 2008 6:27 PMDear Nick,
Let's review. Look up. Above the posting box. See that type in bold face? Good.
Get it?
Go now, my son, and sin no more.
Posted by: vanderleun at October 8, 2008 7:43 PMNick and SV: when you compare Palin to the Taliban you do not make any kind of a point; instead you reveal your essential childishness while telling us that you have never had any real contact with the Taliban.
There are American boys who really do deal with the Taliban, that is, confronting them and killing them; that kind of courage overshadows your right to go onto comment sites, smearing fetor as you go, chattering like howler monkeys and believing yourselves wise.
Posted by: doug at October 8, 2008 8:07 PMYoung, idealistic and man enough, yes...but, mainly, pisses off liberals even more than Bush! Imagine the head-explodey Olbermann 'Special Comments' to come when she's President...mmmmm, can't wait!
Posted by: Voton at October 10, 2008 3:57 PMYoung, idealistic and man enough, yes...but, mainly, pisses off liberals even more than Bush! Imagine the head-explodey Olbermann 'Special Comments' to come when she's President...mmmmm, can't wait!
Posted by: Voton at October 10, 2008 3:57 PMYou retards are just as stupid as the drooling liberals. The ruling elite has both sides squabbling and hating each other. Divide and conquer while they enrich themselves more. No matter who wins, we lose.
Posted by: WatchingtheShow at October 14, 2008 8:51 AMPandering to the right wing crazies has destroyed the Republican party and alienated the middle as effectively as the drooling liberals. You may get the government you deserve, it's just a shame that the rest of us have to go along for the ride.
I can't tell which is worse, the Nazi right or the Marxist left; they both stink.
Posted by: Alaskan Mushroom at October 17, 2008 4:24 PM