September 9, 2008

It Really Is Just This Simple: #2


[Personal Note: A shout-out to my Harley-dude brother Tom and his sidekick Kim in Grass Valley -- and his pals at the secret Peets' coffee shop. Guys, for all you do, this Harley Babe's for you!]


HT: Media Blog

Posted by Vanderleun at September 9, 2008 9:49 AM
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Coming this fall on UPN, the hilarious new sitcom Urkel and the Outlaw.

Posted by: Gagdad Bob at September 9, 2008 11:10 AM

It's not just the two different worldviews that gets me. Where the hell did 0-bama get that cheap-ass bike? Will we have to get our kids' Christmas presents at the Goodwill if he gets elected?

Posted by: Mike Anderson at September 9, 2008 11:48 AM

And what you can't see:
He's riding a really cheap bike. That's a low-end Trek hybrid from a couple of years ago. The sort that's bought for 4-500$ and forgotten in the garage.
He doesn't ride it in any sort of weather. The rear fender on that bike is....ineffectual, to say the least. As well, anyone who rides in weather has something on the front. The ONE:nothing.
The rear tire is low. Really Low. Low enough that he'll trash a wheel with a little bad luck. Low enough that he's got either a slow leak or doesn't ride all that much.

Dark Horse

Posted by: Dark Horse at September 9, 2008 11:50 AM

Give Obama a break, he is simply showcasing the vehicle of choice were his energy plan to be enacted.

Posted by: Gravitational Gravitas at September 9, 2008 2:15 PM

Life makes him nervous. He's hesitant. He's unsure. He rides the bike tentatively, unable to get his arms and legs working together in concert.

She embraces life, affirms it. She exudes vitality. She's sure of herself and her heart. That's magnetic.

Posted by: Lucy at September 9, 2008 2:40 PM

i think you are forgetting also that motorcycles are like the most fuel efficienct motor vehicles there are. but i also agree with lucy's analysis:
"Life makes him nervous. He's hesitant. He's unsure. He rides the bike tentatively, unable to get his arms and legs working together in concert.

She embraces life, affirms it. She exudes vitality. She's sure of herself and her heart. That's magnetic."

that being said, i'm not a supporter of either barack or mccain.

Bob Barr '08

Posted by: axf at September 9, 2008 4:34 PM

Motorcycles may get more miles to the gallon, but they can pollute the environment even more than automobiles. Regulations on motorcycles are much less strict than automobiles. Motorcycles do not have catalytic converters because of their size. This means that they can emit up to 90 times more hydrocarbons than cars. Hydrocarbons are responsible for smog and ozone, two very harmful pollutants, but I don't think Palin is too concerned about that.

Posted by: at September 9, 2008 4:55 PM

A lot of people consider $500 a lot of dough to pay for a bike that to them is little different from hundred buck Walmart junk. I'm not one of those people but most I know are. Obama may look a little goofy riding that hybrid Trek but so what? He could look like Lance Armstrong without being any more electorally appealing. The Feminator (just made that up) would look pretty goofy, and more than a little salacious, wearing that skirt and riding that big honkin' Harley. Funny thing. That motorcyle probably gets better mileage than most cars so in spite of its size it's a heck of a lot "greener" than most SUVs. Bit of advice for both of them. Don't take any M1 Abrams rides while wearing tanker's hats.

Posted by: MBM at September 9, 2008 4:58 PM

I wan't thinking "unsure and hesitant"...
I was thinking "self-conscious, self-involved, and incompetent".

Dark Horse

Posted by: Dark Horse at September 9, 2008 5:15 PM

I got sent here by StumbleUpon, saw the picture, and assumed I was at a pro-Obama website.


Posted by: Universe Man at September 9, 2008 5:42 PM

Commenter is wrong about motorcycle pollution by many orders of magnitude.

In reference to that article published by Susan Carpenter, here's what the current facts are from the EPA Emissions Certification test results at Looking at 2007 certification result reports for all vehicles versus on highway motorcycles ( which also includes scooters ), the average certified emissions level for 12,327 vehicles tested was 0.734. The average "Nox+Co End-Of-Useful-Life-Emissions" for 3,863 motorcycles tested was 0.8531, for a difference of about 16%, not the 10X factor that the author claims. So, there is still a little way to go for motorcycle emissions, but no where near the amount that this reporter is claiming. Likewise, if one looks at how many of the 2007 motorcycles tested were also catalytic equipped, 54% of them, 2,092, were equipped with a catalytic converter.

Posted by: vanderleun at September 9, 2008 5:43 PM

The Feminator (just made that up) would look pretty goofy, and more than a little salacious, wearing that skirt and riding that big honkin' Harley....

Well,MBM, I've been around and on a lot of Harleys and a lot of Harley and big motorcycle rides and I can assure you that non-of the women wear skirts when they ride.

They may change into them, but they don't ride in them.

Posted by: vanderleun at September 9, 2008 5:48 PM

Was that bicycle Barack the Unready's company car when he was teh community organizer?

Posted by: pete at September 10, 2008 10:01 AM

Well, BO is clearly not serious about getting anywhere on that thing. The outfit alone screams "I don't know what I'm doing and I'm a traffic hazard!"

Maybe Michelle coulda spent the $600 rebate check on a new bike for hubby instead of a pair of earrings.

Posted by: Barbara at September 12, 2008 1:21 PM

Wait- the irony of the flat tire is killing me. Didn't he tell us all that underinflated tires were the cause of all of our ills?

Posted by: Barbara at September 13, 2008 5:47 AM

I noticed the low tire as well. He's really going to trash those rims, especially the rear one. Another way he's wasting energy: his seat is at least a couple of inches too low. His knee shouldn't be so bent to reach the pedal at its lowest point. If it were, he'd be able to take advantage of the full power of his stride. Toe clips would also save a huge amount of energy, since he'd be able to use other muscles besides his quads. Just saying, is all.

Posted by: sierra at September 14, 2008 9:46 AM