Morgan at the House of Eratosthenes writes
Ever notice?
Things to do if you buy the conservative narrative:
1. Work hard 2. Find ways to enhance your skill set, so you can make more money 3. Spend time with your family, let your kids see what responsible adults do 4. DON’T turn in your weapons 5. Pay your taxes, but get angry when they’re wasted 6. Hold politicians accountable for wasting money on useless social programs 7. Invest 8. Give to charity 9. CHOOSE your own charities! 10. Start a business, if you’re really sure the time is right
Things to do if you buy the liberal narrative:
1. Support Obama’s latest plan to do X 2. Don’t resist 3. Go on Facebook and help us argue with people 4. Sign Joe Biden’s birthday card!! 5. Did we mention, don’t resist? 6. Do less something, do more nothing, emit less carbon 7. Get angry at businesses for…you know, being in business 8. Wait until WE tell you to work hard! — Keep waiting… 9. Send in extra money after you’ve paid your taxes! Nah, just kidding… 10. Just, like, you know, whatever liberal politicians say from one day to the next…just do that, whatever it is…Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 24, 2015 9:54 AM