The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon,
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not.--Great God! I'd rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.
-- Wordsworth
Sooner or later, one or more insane Muslim jihadists are going to figure out how to defeat an airport security system at one or more of the hundreds of airports sending flights into the country or inside the country itself.
Once they get on board one or more planes, they will succeed in blowing them out of the sky causing hundreds of innocent deaths. If they are really lucky they will manage to detonate their bombs over a city causing hundreds of more deaths on the ground below.
The gelded child who styles himself as a president will make mewling noises on and off for a week or so, and then will go on a stress induced golfing vacation. The congress will be predictably outraged. There will be funerals and a lot of TV, newspaper, and magazine coverage of the "missing."
Flights will be stopped for a week or so in order to give the appearance that Homeland "Security" actually knows it's ass from its elbow if only because its ass is so gargantuan from the head of the agency down.
Flights will then resume at an even more glacial inspection pace except for those in first class, government class, or with private jets. The rest of us will then be told that in order to board the plane we must strip naked and don bright orange government approved flight sacks complete with relief tubes and Depens.
All except for Muslim men and women and children whose religion will not allow them to participate in such a demeaning measure.
Jim Treacher @ The Daily Caller has a collection of What they’re saying about the 8/28 rally in a selection of newspapers and web sites. It reads like a cheat sheet from Journolist: "predominantly white," "predominantly white," "predominantly white," and, just for a change, "overwhelmingly white," "overwhelmingly white," "overwhelmingly white."
Well, golly gee, Aunt Em, was it? And if it was, what does it mean?
A glance at the actual demographic facts might lead one to conclude that it was close to a cross-section, a true core-sample, of America:
White Americans (non-Hispanic/Latino and Hispanic/Latino) are the racial majority, with an 80% share of the U.S. population, per official estimates from the Population Estimates Program (PEP), or 75% per the American Community Survey (ACS). Hispanic and Latino Americans compose 15% of the population. Black Americans are the largest racial minority, composing nearly 13% of the population. The White, not-Hispanic or Latino population comprises 66% of the nation's total. -- Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSeems to me that no matter how you compose it, any random selection of Americans is bound to be anywhere from "predominantly" (66%) to "overwhelmingly" (80%) white.
I wasn't aware that there was some unspecified percentage of a crowd that was required to be non-white in order for a crowd to "look like America." And if there is such a requirement, could the possessors of this secret percentage please inform the majority of what it might be? Only fair. Goes to character.
I'd ask Al Sharpton about that since he certainly carries on like he knows, but I don't think I'd trust his answer. As someone remarked today, "If Sharpton was white he'd be in the KKK."
"Tens" ? Click it and see what you think.
If you count tens in fifties you can say that I suppose. Times reporters are doing their best on the spinner with Glenn Beck Leads Religious Rally at Lincoln Memorial -
WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of people rallied at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday, summoned by Glenn Beck, a conservative broadcaster who called for a religious rebirth in America at the site where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech 47 years ago to the day.Meanwhile... (same article)
Across town, several hundred people packed a football field at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School to stage a rally commemorating Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.With a football field containing some 5,000 square yards hundreds of people have to feel very crowded, doncha know?
Listen, it don't really matter to me
Baby, you believe what you wanna believe.
You see, you don't have to live like a refugee.
-- Tom Petty
Central to the 'progressives' suicidal rush to condemn the Cross and celebrate the Mosque is their decades long and continuing attempt to equate "tolerance" with "approval." These two states are not the same thing which is why the English language provides two distinctly different words.
Why does the First Amendment enshrine both speech and religion as things the state shall not legislate against or establish an approved version thereof? To formalize "tolerance" without requiring "approval."
In this wise, it is possible to form a society of individuals with vastly different ideas and religions in which the liberty of all is respected by all. In essence we agree that I tolerate your worship of a moon god and you tolerate my worship of a tree. It's "live and let live" at the most basic level. If, on the other hand, you decide that I have to make continuous noises of "approval" of the moon god in order for you to grant me the right to worship the tree god in peace, we are headed towards an argument that ends in guns.
Stated bluntly the American tradition is that I don't require approval of my beliefs from you and you don't insist on my approval of your beliefs. Regardless of what we may do, we tacitly agree not to do things which exacerbate a state of mutual disrespect. We mutually agree not to get in each others faces about these issues with acts like, oh I don't know, building a temple to the moon god so that it casts a shadow across my cemetery. Doing so starts a process of disrespect that also tends, if history is any guide, to end in guns and fire.
"Toleration does not require approval." It really is the simplest of social compacts and like all great and simple ideas bringing in nuance and qualifiers doesn't strengthen our common bonds as a society. On the contrary, it only weakens them. This is well known to those that seek to create a climate of continual upheaval in the mistaken belief that, in the end, the fire will not consume them. They should reflect that civil war consumes all. Then again, perhaps they know and knowing do not care.
It is well to reflect that every single move in the past few decades that has resulted in a loss of individual liberty has begun in a plea for tolerance and ended with non-negotiable demands for approval. Those familiar with the decades of the 1840s and the 1850s, the last time the fires in the minds of men grew this hot, will recognize our current conundrum as mirrored in the various issues that led up to and away from the Missouri Compromise. Many were ready, up until the very last moment, to tolerate slavery. But most were not prepared to step over that line into outright approval. Yet those who began in asking for tolerance for slavery ended in demanding approval. As always, it ended in guns and the sweeping away of an old and corrupt institution.
In the spirit of America, I am prepared to tolerate a vast and unfettered range of religions, beliefs, lifestyles, and other things that my fellow citizens may wish to don in order to decorate their lives and souls. But if they come to me and seek my unfettered approval for this or that hobby-horse they have chosen to ride I shall reserve my approval according to my judgment. Should they then, like piqued children, insist on my approval of this or my disapproval of that as a requirement in custom or in law for my continued full citizenship in this nation, we will find ourselves at daggers drawn.
I show you the American contract enshrined in the Declaration and codified in the Constitution. Like Lincoln, I show you a land "conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are equal." Like Whitman, I give you "the sign of democracy."
From these founding principles, forged and tested in fire, we have built a land in which we -- difficult as it may be -- agree to "tolerate" each other. I do not require, nor do I seek to compel, your "approval." Beware if you seek to compel mine.
HEY! You! No guffaws. No chortling. These beclowned designers are serious: Dowling Duncan redesigns the US bank notes
The depressing thing here is that the braindead firm of Dowling Duncan actually thinks this adds value.
Continued...Jerry Stiller of 'Seinfeld' visits the house in Astoria, Queens which was used for exterior shots of the Costanza residence.
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, I was a book editor (200 titles), a magazine editor (1,000 + articles) and, briefly, a literary agent. During that time I saw proposals and manuscripts without number. Most failed to even engage my attention because they failed to tell me what I, as an editor, really needed to know.
When I became an agent I developed the following document for my clients who were having trouble writing a simple proposal. Typically, they'd get bogged down in creating a long, drawn out monster that was too turgid and too worked over to be of use.
A writer new to the game of publishing (and it is a game and a clumsy and ugly one) would always spend far too much time getting to yes or no. My writers would have a lot to say about their subjects and they seemed to feel that by saying a lot in the proposal they were improving their odds. Wrong. Less is more in this game, trust me.
And besides, a proposal is just that. A proposal. There's no sense in investing a huge amount of time in something that isn't going to be published and for which a writer is not going to be paid.
Contract first. Book second. Hear me now or hear me later after you've wasted a year or more of your life.
At any rate, I had an email exchange today with a writer who is struggling with the proposal. I sent that writer this document I dredged up from the depths of my back-up hard drive. It struck me that it might be of use to other suffering writers. And so, here it is.
Some may scoff and say that "books are over," but don't you believe it. The plain fact is that even now, in the ever so advanced 21st century, if the human race really values knowledge, books are where we put it.
The 330 Word Book Proposal Schematic in 5 Parts
1) What the Book is About (1 -2 Pages)
Start with the title and subtitle. Make these two elements as attention grabbing as possible. They will be the "handle" the editor uses for pitching the book to the acquisition committee.
Single-spaced, this section sets out the condensed form of the book. Think of it as expanded jacket copy.
What's it about? What's its point of view. What is the arc and shape of the book? What patterns will it reveal? How will it educate, illuminate, amuse or inspire? Why is the book important now?
Function: This section gives the acquiring editor reasons for recommending the book for publication.
2) Chapter by Chapter Outline of the Book
Each chapter is given a title and then one or two paragraphs that set out what will be covered in the chapter when written.
Function: The allows the editor understand the structure of the book.
3) Sample Chapter
Pick one chapter from the outline and write it start to finish.
Function: This allows the editor to know how the author will write the book and, indeed, if the author can in fact write.
4) Core Market for the Book (1 Page)
Who is going to buy the book?
Who are the people who will be interested in the book?
Be fairly specific here. It's not a "There are 300 million people in the United States and they all eat, therefore my cook book...." argument. Editors want to have some idea of the "hard-core" market of buyers' the people who have to have it.
Indicate other similar and/or complimentary books and influential magazine / web articles on the subject.
Function: Helps the editor identify and quantify the possible market for the book.
5) Why the Author is Qualified to Write This Book. (1 Page)
Why you? What are the author's particular qualifications for writing this book? Include degrees, writing experience, web credentials, background.
Function: Allows the editor to know that the author has the expertise to write the book.
Time to be great again.
Not yet.
Photographer, David Duncan The Soldier and Wanted: Dead of Alive @ the September 11, 2001, Documentary Project | Library of Congress
I wish I'd been this quick-witted when this happened to me. Wait for it.
The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Martini.”
The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “168.” The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology. The guy leaves, but he is curious…
So he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Martini.”
Again, the robot makes a great martini gives it to the man and says, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “100.” The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser and John Deere tractors.
The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar.
The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Martini,” and the robot brings him another great martini. The robot then says, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “Uh, about 50.”
The robot leans in real close and says,
Continued...Bill Whittle talks about how policies of appeasement encouraged our enemies in the years leading up to World War II. Are modern policies of appeasement encouraging Islamic extremists? Will we pay the price for Obama's cowardice? Find out as Bill Whittle gets fired up on this edition of Afterburner.
If our greatest President, Abraham Lincoln, who brought us united through our first great trial as a nation, could speak on our present discord today, this is perhaps what he might say:
Fellow Citizens of the United States of America.
If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.
We are now far into the second year, since a policy was initiated to reduce Americans to tax servitude and penury, with the avowed object, and confident promise, of installing the principles of Liberty with the base conditions of Socialism.
Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only, not ceased, but has constantly augmented.
In my opinion, it will not cease, until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half socialist and half free.
I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
It will become all one thing or all the other.
Either the opponents of socialism will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new -- North as well as South, East as well as West.
Continued...Here's a particularly apt description of the current inhabitants of the American left from American Digest commenter, Western Chauvinist:
I've been calling those on the left "vampires" because when you hold a mirror up to them, they don't begin to see themselves. I've been trying to gently explain that they're not arguing the issues, only demonizing their opponents, and they just can't/won't see it. I couldn't possibly be talking about them this way. They are the virtuous ones.
I think this is due to either narcissism (which would be unsurprising given the self-esteem movement of the last several decades) or extreme cognitive dissonance. Either way it supports the idea that liberalism (which is really leftism now) is a mental disorder. My evangelical friend says it is a spiritual disorder, which may get more to the point of the "vampire" label.
.... and it isn't Jahweh, Jesus, or Allah.
Growing Number of Americans Say Obama is a Muslim
But, as noted at Spengler | A First Things Blog
"All that is beside the point. That Obama has a deep personal sympathy for Islam is beyond doubt. The President takes every opportunity to emphasize it. But he is not a Muslim, only the thrice-abandoned child and step-child of Muslims and an anthropologist mother who deeply sympathized with the struggle of Muslims to resist globalization. He has a deep antipathy to the American view of things, insisting that "American exceptinalism" is no different than "Greek exceptionalism." He belongs neither to the United States, nor to the Muslim world; he is a gifted outsider with a talent for persuasion who profiled Americans the way anthropologist profile primitive tribes, and in a variant of the old adventure-movie script, made himself our king.
RIGHTNETWORK Yes, RightNetwork. "All that's right with the world."
Editor-in Chief? Gerard Van der Leun
This is what victory felt like. A victory that made our whole lives since that day possible. A victory made possible by all those in this long lost film and all those that did not survive to be in the film.
Mike Evans, a welder, at the rip tracks at Proviso yard of the Chicago and Northwest Railway Company. Chicago, Illinois, April 1943. Reproduction from color slide. Photo by Jack Delano.
Imagine coming home to this: George W. Bush makes surprise visit to U.S. troops
UPDATE: Snookered. And I don't care. Good job, Chive:
The Quitting Tale That Suckered the Whole Internet
Girl quits job on dry erase board. Exposes Farmville boss called her a "HOPA."
We received the following photos last night from a person who works with this girl. Her name is Jenny (not confirmed) - we're working our contact for Jenny's last name. Yesterday morning, Jenny quit her job with a (flash)bang by emailing these photos to the entire office, about 20 employees we're told. Awesome doesn't begin to describe this office heroine.
See all the photos in sequence (It gets better and better!) at THIS LINK ON THE CHIVE. (Thanks to Toni)
Update: The commenters are Ace-o-Spades are all over this HOPA and should be ashamed of themselves.
Neoneocon found this commenter’s cri du Coeur deep inside the Washington Post’s long stream of comments castigating the Journolist quislings it still keeps on the payroll. I've corrected the spelling and punctuation and added paragraphing for pacing. Otherwise I have changed "Syoung809132001" words not one whit.
These words are long, strong, worth reading and absorbing. This is Whitman’s “barbaric yawp sounded over the roofs of the world.” This is an American Citizen speaking, and it is the sound and sign of Democracy awakened. It is the voice of the people betrayed:
I urge the new Republicans who are now running to reach out to the unions. We are weary. We know we are a big part of the problem and we are ready to compromise and work together.
Hell, I used to buy all of the spin. I am guilty of doing too little research and just toeing the party line because I was too busy. I’ve got plenty of time now. I’ve got plenty of will now. To say I regret all of the above doesn’t do it justice.
However, as a penance for the error of my ways, I am willing to take any kind of pay cut, benefit cut, furlough, whatever just to be able to feed my family and not have to worry about the bills and the roof over our heads. I am willing to cut whatever corners are necessary, learn whatever new skill is required to just get people working again.
If I never have to hear the words GREEN JOBS from my governor’s mouth again I would fall on my knees in gratitude. Fancy ideas, cotton candy spun dreams do not materialize into real paying jobs.
Our entire state of Michigan was sacrificed to the green job pie in the sky promise. Michigan now resembles a third world country. Whatever it takes, with whatever party candidate who has a realistic, adult answer will get our union votes.
Trust me. You will be glad you spent these few minutes with Mary Carillo's Badminton Rant.
Continued...Most honest birthday card from hard-core Obama supporters:
In a very real sense, that's the point of the whole Obama Experiment, isn't it?
In the meantime, on this day more than any other day, the bamboozlin' continues:
Continued...Once again my vision for a new green America takes a giant step thanks to the current government of "really smart people:" Cash for Clunkers May Cost Up to $45,354 Per Vehicle. Sooner of later, the Obama Administration is going to have to implement my fiendish plan from 2005:
Hybrid government issue hybrid cars for all Americans, Free! (Well, almost)
I know saturation pollution first hand. I was born in Los Angeles in the smog of the late 40s. Electric cars were either long forgotten or not yet envisioned.LA was Smogville for Angeleans at that time. I can remember walking to school in smog so thick it seemed that my father would march in front of us with a machete. Black flakes of soot settled on the white enamel of my mother's stove as she cursed the black streaks in the collars of my father's starched white Hathaway shirts. The air, on the clear days, was best described as "ocher."
Now a haze still lingers over Los Angeles, but you need distance and elevation to make it out. There are days when the wind and weather collaborate that shine crisp and clear. Even though the automobile population of Los Angeles has quintupled since my childhood, a great deal of progress has been made in smog control and reduction. Compared to my childhood, the air of Los Angeles is now pure and pristine.
Alas, to Progressives, this progress is no progress; any improvement shy of perfection is no improvement at all. Automobiles remain. Pollution remains. Los Angeles remains. Curses, foiled again!
Worse still, the middle class remains. It grows larger, more affluent and greedy for the good life than ever. None of this is "A Good Thing." To Progressives, seeing Utopia forever just out of reach, and locked in the immortal dystopia of the now, only perfection persuades. Anything less is just not good enough. Ever.
Cash for Clunkers? Not. Good. Enough. Ever. For the Priests of Perpetual Perfection, it never will be. For the carping Friends of the Sierra Club's Earth and the jet-owning Hollywood Hypocrites, the situation remains drastic. Petroleum-Armageddon is always just one tank of gas away from destroying Earth. Every tank of gas bought and burned threatens life as we know it on every mile of every road, urban, suburban, and rural, in these states. The Four Horseman are on cruise control. They are driving used Hummers.
A savior is at hand, however, in the new hybrid vehicles popping up like dubious
Continued...Best post written in the month of July:
Here is what I am trying to tell you: the country is not ready for conservatism. It flirts with it, as it did with the Bush'es and Reagan, but doesn't fight for it. It sits in a stupor while some goofball from Chicago openly and consciously kills the constitution. No, ladies and gentlemen, you are not the men and women your grandparents hoped you would be. Your old man "didn't get his seed back", as my Dad used to say. -- What to Do? - Washington Rebel
File under: All. Read it.
The political wedding of the decade is over. Elsewhere there's a low rumble of ranting about "the cost," "the timing," the "elitism," and -- as usual -- "the hypocrisy [!]" of it all.